View Full Version : NXT Results - 8th May. 2013

05-09-2013, 05:41 PM
Adrian Neville and Oliver Grey were the first tag team champions in NXT, but Oliver was injured and as a result, Adrian was able to name a partner and they will defend the tag titles against the Wyatt Family.
We are in Winter Park, Florida and your announcers are Tony ‘I don’t have to say much this week’ Dawson and William ‘The Gold Standard’ Regal.

Match Number One: Damien Sandow versus Baron Corbin

They lock up and Sandow with a side head lock and hammer lock before pushing Corbin away. They lock up again and Sandow with a side head lock. Sandow with a snap mare and then he holds the ropes for Corbin so he can leave the ring. They lock up and Sandow with a side head lock and take down.

Corbin with a head scissors but Sandow escapes. Corbin with a side head lock take down and Sandow with a head scissors and Corbin escapes. Sandow with shoulders in the corner followed by a snap mare and knee drop. Sandow runs his laces across the face and he kicks Corbin in the chest.

Corbin with punches but Sandow with kicks and he bows for the fans. Sandow with a kick and head butt. Corbin with a snap mare and shoulder tackles. Sandow with a kick to the knee and then he connects with knees and he applies the side Russian leg sweep before hitting the Elbow of Disdain.

Sandow with The Silencer for the three count.

Winner: Damien Sandow

After the match, Sandow demands the mic and he demands SILENCE. He begs our indulgence for a moment. He introduces himself and he challenges Big E Langston for the NXT Championship.

Adrian Neville is in the hallway getting ready for his title defense later tonight. Bo Dallas stops by and he says that they are ready to take care of the Wyatt Family. Bo says that he is honored to defend the titles with Adrian. He says that he has tiger eyes and he will give Adrian 80%. Bo says that his 80% is like everyone else’s 110%.

Bo tells Adrian that he is kidding when Adrian isn’t sure of what Bo is saying.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Paige versus Bayley

They lock up and Bayley backs Paige into the corner and she gives a clean break but Bayley pushes Paige. Paige with a wrist lock and Bayley with a reversal. Paige with a head butt and she sends Bayley into the top rope and then to the mat. Paige sends Bayley into the ropes and pulls her back to the mat and then Paige gets a near fall.

Paige with a front face lock and a near fall. Paige with a wrist lock take down and she gets a near fall. Paige with an Irish whip but Bayley sends Paige to the apron and then Bayley pulls Paige to the apron and gets a near fall. Bayley sends Paige into the turnbuckles and then she pulls Paige out of the corner and Bayley gets a near fall.

Bayley with an arm bar and she pulls Paige to the mat by the hair. Bayley with a back elbow from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Bayley with an Exploder for a near fall. Bayley with another near fall. Paige blocks a suplex attempt and she connect with elbows and then hits a fisherman’s suplex.

Paige pulls Bayley down by the hair and follows with a shoulder tackle and then she tosses Bayley by the hair. Paige with knees from the apron. Paige stomps a mudhole in the corner and then she connects with a savate kick followed by the Paige Turner for the three count.

Winner: Paige

After the match, Summer Rae makes her way to the ring and she attacks Paige and then she saunters out of the ring.

Big E Langston is in the back and he is asked about his title reign. Langston says if you think that is impressive, you should see his yo-yo collection.

Damien Sandow stops by and he makes a formal challenge for the NXT Title.

Langston says that he will grant Damien a match if he can answer one question. He tells Damien to pick a number.

Sandow selects six.

Langston tells him to add that with the number that comes next. He tells Damien to add nine and divide by two before finally subtracting his original number.

Damien tells Langston that he has five and Langston makes him say it repeatedly and they go back and forth until Langston keeps saying five.

Sandow walks away.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Briley Pierce versus Sakamoto

They lock up and Sakamoto with a cravate but Pierce with a near fall. Pierce with a wrist lock and hammer lock take down. Pierce with a headstand and he bridges like his brother. Pierce gets a near fall. Pierce with a side head lock take down and shoulder tackle. Sakamoto with a hip toss.

Pierce with a hip toss but the lights go down.

Conor O’Brian makes his way to the ring and he attacks Sakamoto with a clothesline and the referee calls for the bell.

No Contest

O’Brian with a shoulder tackle to Pierce. Conor runs through both men with a double shoulder tackle. O’Brian with Irish whips to both men and then he hits a splash into the corner. O’Brian with a flapjack to Pierce and then he flapjacks Sakamoto from the turnbuckles onto Pierce.

Renee Young is in the back with Natalya. Renee asks Natalya about Total Divas but Summer Rae interrupts and she tells Renee why she attacked Paige. Summer says that everyone is jealous of her. She is the first lady of WWE.

Natalya says that Summer is hardly a lady. Natalya challenges Summer to a match and she says that she will put her in the Sharpshooter.

Summer says that she will expose Natalya as a total freak.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Renee Young asks Briley and Sakamoto about what Conor O’Brian just did. Briley says that Conor just made the biggest mistake of his life. Sakamoto speaks in Japanese and he does not appear happy. Briley agrees with what Sakamoto said.

Match Number Four: Kassius Ohno versus Camacho

They lock up and Ohno with a cravate. Camacho with a slam. They lock up again and Ohno with a side head lock but Camacho with a shoulder tackle. Ohno with drop kicks but Camacho stays on is feet. Ohno with a neck breaker and then he pulls Camacho off the ropes to the mat and a knee to the head. Ohno climbs the turnbuckles and he punches Camacho. Ohno runs into a boot from Camacho and then he kicks Ohno.

Camacho with a slam and a leaping leg drop for a near fall. Camacho with a punch to the head and then he chokes Ohno in the ropes. Ohno escapes a belly-to-back suplex attempt but he cannot connect with an O’Connor Roll. Camacho with a back body drop and then he gets a near fall.

Camacho with a reverse chin lock. Ohno gets back to his feet but Camacho takes him back to the mat and gets a near fall. Camacho kicks Ohno and then he punches him in the head. Camacho with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall. Camacho punches Ohno in the head and then he applies a nerve hold.

Ohno stomps on the foot to escape and then he connects with a kick to the chest and both men are down. Ohno with double thrusts and a punch to the head. Ohno with an Irish whip followed by a running forearm into the corner. Ohno waits for Camacho to get up and he hits a roaring head butt and then he applies the Kassius Clutch and Camacho taps out.

Winner: Kassius Ohno

After the match, Ohno takes the mic and he wants his music turned off. He says that he is not scheduled to be talking at this time but he has something to get off his chest. The last few months have been a blur that he does not know who he is. Ohno tells William Regal that he is sorry.

Luke Harper and Erick Rowan make their way to the ring for the main event and they walk past Ohno.

Bray Wyatt and Kassius Ohno stare each other down and then Wyatt lets Ohno go but Rowan and Harper attack Ohno from behind. Wyatt pushes Harper and Rowan off. Wyatt hits Sister Abigail on Ohno and he laughs about it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and next week, Damien Sandow will get a shot at Big E Langston and the NXT Heavyweight Title.

Match Number Five: Luke Harper and Erick Rowan (with Bray Wyatt) versus Adrian Neville and Bo Dallas for the NXT Tag Team Titles

Rowan and Dallas start things off. Dallas with a side head lock but Rowan backs him into the corner. Rowan misses a punch and Dallas with a side head lock. Dallas kicks Rowan and he connects with forearms and elbows to the back of the head. Neville tags in and he kicks Rowan in the legs and he punches him.

Dallas tags in and he applies a side head lock. Bo with forearms and Neville tags back in and he kicks Rowan in the leg and follows with an elbow to the head and forearms. Neville with a cross body for a near fall. Neville with a front face lock and Bo is tagged back in and he applies a side head lock. Rowan with forearms but Bo with a forearm and side head lock. Bo with a drop kick and he gets a near fall.

Neville tags in and they hit a double back elbow for a near fall. Rowan with a forearm and Harper tags in. Harper with a European uppercut but he runs into a boot and Neville with a rana off the turnbuckles and then he hits a running back elbow and a drop kick and a standing shooting star press for a near fall.

Dallas tags in and they hit a double suplex and get a near fall. Dallas with a cravate on Harper. Harper with a back breaker and he tags in Rowan but we go to commercial.

We are back and Rowan works on Dallas’ neck. Dallas with punches but Rowan with forearms. Rowan runs Dallas’ back into the turnbuckle and Harper tags in. Bo escapes a slam and he is able to tag in Neville. Neville with flying forearms and a drop kick. Neville knocks Rowan off the apron and then he hits a corkscrew plancha onto Rowan on the floor.

Neville with an enzuigiri and then he hits the corkscrew shooting star press but Rowan makes the save. Rowan tags in and he slams Neville while Dallas is still down on the apron. Rowan with a slam to Neville. Rowan with another slam as he works on Neville’s back and Rowan gets a near fall.

Rowan with a chin lock as he works on Neville’s back. Neville with punches and he tries for a sunset flip but Rowan picks Neville up. Neville counters with an inside cradle for a near fall. Rowan with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Rowan puts Neville on the top turnbuckles and Harper tags in and Rowan and Harper alternate forearms to the sternum. Harper with a head butt and an elbow drop for a near fall.

Harper with a reverse chin lock and he puts his body weight on Neville to affect his breathing. Neville gets back to his feet and Neville with an inside cradle for a near fall. Harper with a punch and Irish whip but Neville moves when Harper charges into the corner for a running boot.

Dallas and Rowan tag in and Bo with three running forearms followed by a punch to the midsection. Rowan with a knee but Bo with an inverted DDT for a near fall. Bo climbs the turnbuckles and he punches Rowan. Dallas tries for a sunset flip but Rowan stays on his feet. Rowan holds on to the ropes when Bo wants to go for an arm drag. Rowan with a pump handle power slam for a near fall.

Rowan tries for another pump handle power slam and Dallas with a spear but he can only get a two count. Dallas knocks Harper off the apron. Dallas and Neville collide and Neville goes off the apron to the floor. Rowan with a running boot to Dallas and then Harper tags in and he hits the discus lariat for the three count.

Winners: Luke Harper and Erick Rowan

We go to credits with the new champions celebrating in the ring.