View Full Version : Will 'The Wolverine' have a post-credits scene? [Spoiler Warning]

05-10-2013, 09:46 PM
Will 'The Wolverine' have a post-credits scene? [Spoiler Warning]
Will the Hugh Jackman movie feature something after the credits?

Post-credit scenes are nothing new to moviegoers, particularly with comic book-based movies. Will "The Wolverine" being going that route?

We will be entering SPOILER ALERT territory down below. You have been warned.

JoBlo is reporting that a reshoot has indeed occurred for the Hugh Jackman film, potentially, the theory goes, as a post-credits moment. The film, which is being produced by FOX and directed by James Mangold, features everyone's favorite Adamantium-clawed mutant in Japan at some point following the events of "X-Men: The Last Stand."

Of course, this new tale of Logan's isn't the only "X-Men" story in the works as Bryan Singer is currently in production on a follow-up to "X-Men: First Class," "X-Men: Days of Future Past." So, does this new scene tie in to Singer's 2014 release?

Well, according to the story, the scene features none other than Logan and Professor X. Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart (Professor X in the first three "X-Men" films) are both a part of "Days of Future Past," so this reshoot could, potentially tie the two films together. We say Patrick Stewart when we talk of Professor X appearing, but it perhaps could, hypothetically, mean James McAvoy as well (he is credited as being Charles Xavier in "First Class" and apparently in "Days of Future Past" as well, but Charles Xavier is/becomes Professor X).

"The Wolverine" arrives in theaters on July 26, so we should get our answer then.


the madscotsman
05-11-2013, 02:21 PM
Where is Deadpool?