View Full Version : Theaters Could Ban Google Glass, Says NATO Spokesman

05-15-2013, 04:20 PM
Almost as fast as people have begun making fun of dorky-looking Google Glass wearers, speculation has begun about how the augmentable-reality video headset that begins recording with a simple voice command could be affected by laws targeting piracy and privacy.

NATO VP Patrick Corcoran told Fast Company that he expects the theater owners org to begin working with its members to develop new policies that address how guests can use Glass. Most movie theaters already forbid customers from bringing in audio or video recording devices, but the more subtle Google Glass could add another wrinkle to those policies.

“I can certainly see theaters developing a policy where you’d have to either put them away or check them at the Guest Services desk and get them afterwards,” Corcoran told Fast Company.

Corcoran also said that Google Glass is likely to soon become a talking point during the seminars that NATO conducts with the MPAA for theater employees, revolving around piracy concerns and camcording.

Though Google Glass won’t be widely available until the end of the year (price is expected to be under $1,500), 2,000 pairs have already started rolling out to early recipients.

Meanwhile, lawmakers in West Virginia have attempted to make it illegal to drive wearing the connected eyewear, while casinos that normally prohibit recording devices are also likely to enact rules for wearing the glasses in sensitive gaming areas.


05-15-2013, 06:11 PM
Eh. Because we all know they won't find any other way to pirate movies.

05-16-2013, 07:39 PM
i think we should ban google glass completely