View Full Version : Joss Whedon Confirms Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch to Appear in ‘Avengers 2′

05-18-2013, 06:59 AM
The two made frequent appearances in 'Avenger' storylines over the years

Joss Whedon always loves the opportunity to give the Marvel fanbase something to get excited about and it looks like he has given them two things to look forward to in the next installment of “Avengers 2.”

In an interview with IGN, Whedon confirmed the rumor that Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch, two popular characters from the Marvel Universe, will be appearing in the sequel.

In the comics, the two were siblings that first appeared in the “X-Men” comics in 1964 and have made appearances in “Avenger” story lines over the years.

Fans were already excited to see at the end of the first film that Thanos would be the main villain in the next pic and this should only get them more excited.

Whedon’s next task is who should play them and that question should be answered soon. So who do you think would make a good Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch?
