View Full Version : Widow fights to block Ol' Dirty Bastard's hologram

05-19-2013, 12:39 AM
Ol' Dirty Bastard's widow has filed a motion to prevent organizers of the upcoming Rock the Bells Festival from bringing the late rapper back to life in the form of a hologram.

Promoters are planning to raise the tragic Wu-Tang Clan member from the grave to "perform" at the 2013 touring hip-hop festival, which kicks off in September , but now his wife Icelene Jones has taken legal measures to ensure ODB won't be included in the digital performance, also expected to feature late N.W.A. rapper Eazy-E in hologram form.

Jones, who is in control of the late legend's estate, which owns the rights to his lyrics, performances and likeness, has issued a cease and desist order to event planners and she says, "I am disappointed that Rock the Bells would not contact me directly about the use of my husband's image. I am looking forward to talking to Wu-Tang about this matter and coming up with a positive solution."

ODB's mother, Cherry Jones, who has been influential in maintaining her son's legacy, has not yet spoken out about the pending litigation, but earlier this week she attended the press conference where the news was announced to show her support for the gig.

She said, "It was so wonderful to stand by him again... I think it's (hologram) amazing. I want to sing with it."

The 35-year-old, real name Russell Jones, died in 2004.