View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results - 22nd May, 2013

05-23-2013, 02:22 AM
We are in Omaha, Nebraska and your announcers are Michael ‘Warren Buffett’ Cole and Miz.
Match Number One: Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) versus Big E Langston (with AJ Lee)

They lock up and Langston pushes Del Rio away. They lock up and Langston is sent into the corner and Del Rio with punches to Langston. Del Rio with a step up enzuigiri followed by a suplex attempt but Langston blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Langston with a hard Irish whip.

Langston chokes Del Rio in the ropes. Langston with another hard Irish whip to Del Rio and Del Rio is down in the corner. Del Rio kicks Langston but he drops down when Langston charges at him and Big E goes over the top rope to the floor. Del Rio with a suicide dive onto Langston and then he kicks Langston on the floor.

Langston is sent back into the ring but AJ distracts Del Rio long enough to allow Langston to recover and he knocks Del Rio off the apron with a shoulder tackle and knee. We go to commercial.

We are back and Langston with a rear chin lock. We see footage of Del Rio being sent into the apron as Langston continued to work over Del Rio. Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles and Langston catches Del Rio and he gives him three back breakers without releasing and Langston gets a near fall. Langston chokes Del Rio again.

Del Rio punches Langston and the referee pulls him out of the corner. Langston with a body block and he gets a near fall. Langston with a forearm to the back and a rear chin lock. Del Rio gets back to his feet and he punches Langston but Langston with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down.

Langston returns to the rear chin lock. Del Rio with a jawbreaker and it staggers Langston. Del Rio tries for a sunset flip but Langston pulls him up and hits a clothesline and Del Rio is down again. Del Rio with punches and head butts, but Langston runs Del Rio into the corner and he connects with a series of shoulders. Langston runs into a boot from Del Rio and Del Rio with a tornado DDT and both men are down.

Del Rio tries for a few clotheslines but Langston does not move. Del Rio with another clothesline and Langston goes down. Del Rio avoids a clothesline from Langston and he hits a lungblower. Langston recovers and connects with a body block and he gets a near fall. Langston charges into the corner but Del Rio moves and Langston goes shoulder first into the ring post.

Langston is put in the ropes and Del Rio with forearms to the kidneys but Langston with an elbow to avoid the lungblower. Del Rio with a super kick and he gets a near fall. Del Rio gestures for the cross arm breaker and Langston counters with a belly-to-belly suplex but Langston can only get a near fall.

The straps come down for Langston but Del Rio applies the cross arm breaker but he does not get it fully locked in and Langston is able to roll over and he picks up Del Rio for a power bomb and he gets a near fall. Langston tries for the Big Ending but Del Rio with an enzuigiri and rollup for the three count.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what Ryback did at the start of Raw two nights ago and then what he did to Zack Ryder.

Michael Cole gives us a medical update for John Cena and John will be back on Monday night in Calgary.

Match Number Two: Jimmy and Jey Uso versus Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre (with Heath Slater)

Jimmy and Jinder start things off and Jinder with an arm drag and he celebrates. They lock up and Jimmy with a side head lock take down and shoulder tackle. Jinder with a kick and he sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles and he connects with an uppercut and chop. Jey tags in and Jimmy with a punch before he sends Jinder towards Jey who connects with a flying clothesline.

Jey with a slam followed by a boot to the head. Jey with a punch but Jinder runs him into the corner and Drew tags in and he punches and kicks Jey. Drew with a forearm to the back and he sends Jey into the turnbuckles. Drew with knees into the corner followed by an Irish whip but Jey with a European uppercut and chops.

Jey sends Drew into the corner and Jimmy tags in and they hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop for a near fall. Jimmy with a chop but Drew with an Irish whip. Jimmy floats over in the corner but Drew sees it coming and he kicks Jimmy in the chest. Jinder tags back in and they hit a double side Russian leg sweep and Jinder gets a near fall. Jinder with a kick to the head and punches to the back.

Slater with a punch while the referee was distracted by Jinder and Jinder gets a near fall. Jinder sends Jimmy to the mat and he tags Drew back in and Drew kicks Jimmy. Jimmy with a punch and chop but Drew with a double thrust to the throat and he kicks Jimmy. Jinder tags back in and he kicks Jimmy and connects with a forearm and a knee drop.

Jinder gets a near fall and then he goes for a rear chin lock. Jimmy with elbows and punches followed by chops. Jimmy with a dragon whip to Jinder and Jey tags in. Jey with forearms and a savate kick to the midsection followed by an uppercut. Jey goes up top but Drew tries to stop him. Jey kicks Drew off the apron but it was enough to allow Drew to crotch Jey and he falls to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Drew with an arm bar on Jey and we see footage during the commercial (on the APP?) when Jey was hot shot onto the apron by Jinder. Drew maintains the arm bar. Jey with a punch but Jey with a kick. Drew with a running boot to the head and Drew can only get a two count. Jinder with a punch to the midsection followed by a kick by Drew.

Jinder with knee drops using the ropes for extra leverage. Jinder with a neck breaker for a near fall. Jey with elbows but Jinder with a knee and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Jey lands on his feet. Jinder pulls Jey down by the hair and he gets a near fall. Jinder with a reverse chin lock but Jey with punches to try to escape.

Jinder goes for a sleeper but Jey with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Jimmy and Drew tag in and Jimmy with a flying forearm and savate kick followed by a Samoan drop and Jimmy sets for the running butt splash into the corner and he connects. Jimmy gets a near fall and the ambulance pulls into the arena again.

Ryback emerges and he makes his way to the ring. Slater hides behind the ringside barrier while nothing goes on in the match.

Ryback surveys the situation and he sees Heath Slater. Slater tries to punch Ryback but Ryback sends him face first into the mats surrounding the ring. Ryback drags Slater up the ramp and Mahal comes out to check on his bandmate but Jinder stops. Ryback picks up Slater and throws him into the ambulance and they drive away.

Jimmy with a savate kick to Drew and then one that knocks Jinder off the apron. Jey tags in and he hits the superfly splash for the three count.

Winners: Jimmy and Jey Uso

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound and a look at the debut of Curtis Axel and what happened to Triple H when they had their match.

We go to credits.