View Full Version : Chikara Anniversario iPPV Results - 2nd June, 2013

06-03-2013, 04:11 AM
There was a dark match before the show with Mr. Touchdown, who has an awesome football gimmick, retaining the Young Lions Cup over the masked Saturyne.
CColony: Xtreme Force (Missile Assault Ant, Arctic Rescue Ant, and Orbit Adventure Ant) vs. Frightmare & Hallowicked & Ultramantis Black.

As I started watching, Hallowicked was being worked over the Xtreme Force. Ultramanatic tagged in and he and Hallowicked worked over Artic. Hallowicked locked on the CHIKARA Special for the submission.

Your winners, Frightmare & Hallowicked & Ultramantis Black!

I didn't see the early portions of the bout but it looked to be pretty entertaining from what I saw on with some nice Lucha flavor.

The lighting is really dark.

They pushed a streaming video tonight at www.shop.wrestlingis.com..

Delirious vs. Dasher Hatfield

Hatfield does an old timer's baseball masked personality.

They went back and forth until Delirious cut him off. Delirious tossed Hatfield to the floor, He dove off the apron towards the floor but was nailed in the mid-section . Hatfield came off the top with a double axehandle to the head. Delirious cut him off with a headbutt to the mid-section and a suplex. Delirious continued to work him over with chops. He whipped Hatfield hard into the corner but was cut off with an elbow as he charged.

Hatfield came off the top but was nailed with a leaping headbutt to the mid-section. Delirious charged but was cut off and placed on the top rope. Hatfield drilled Delirious over with a Jackhammer. Each man fought to get to their feets. Hatfield nailed a series of forearms, sending Delirious to the outside. He nailing a sliding kick to the outside on Delirious and then dove to the outside. Hatfield escaped and nailed a Whirly Bird into a neckbreaker for a two count. Nice move.

Back in the ring, Hatfield went for the Suicide Squeeze but it was turned into an abdominal stretch.

Hatfield charged Delirious but was nailed with a drop toehold in the corner. Hatfield fought back and nailed a series of chops in the corner. The referee broke them apart, allowing Kobald to hit the ring and attack Hatfield from behind. Delirious came off the top with a splash and scored the pin.

Your winner, Delirious!

Nice back and forth bout.

The Colony vs. The Devastation Corporation.

Fire Ant, Green Ant & AssailANT are masked Ants. Devastastion are a massive bruiser team who look even more physically impressive compared to the relatively smaller Colony. There was a big angle last month where the Colony was laid out to set this up. All six began brawling in the ring and on the ramp to the ring. Smashmaster and Fire Ant brawled to the back. They returned and Master tossed Ant from the stage onto everyone else brawling on the floor. Smashmaster nailed a big splash on AssailANT for a two count.

The Corporation worked over Green Ant after he was able to tag in. Ant ducked a big boot and nailed a series of kicks on his own. Ant used a bicycle kick, sending him to the outside. AssailANT nailed some offense but was caught with a Black Hole Slam after some interfere. Green Ant made the save but was caught with a big tombstone by Smashmaster. Rumblecrunch came off the top with a big shoulderblock. Fie Ant nailed a high cross bodyblock and clotheslined one of the Devastation to the outside. The other two overpowered him with a powerbomb and a back senton splash.

Fire Ant was picked up for a suplex but was caught with a neckbreaker. Everyone ended up on the outside. Green Ant went to a balcony on the second level of the building and dove off on everyone. The lighting took away from the spot but you still had an idea of how impressive the dive was. Back in the ring, The Colony nailed a triple dropkick and then hit a series of dives to the outside.

The Colony went into the corner and built an "Ant Hill", i.e. set up a double decker spot. The Devastation Corp's manager interfered, shoving Green Ant into the ring. Green Ant was worked over but turned things into a Cloverleaf attempt. The manager interfered again, distracting the referee, so Green Ant superkicked him. Green Ant powered his opponent over with a massive German suplex and locked him in a Cloverleaf for the final submission.

Your winners, The Colony!

Really fun brawl mixed with some crazy spots.

CHIKARA noted the lighting issues and said they are working with the venue to try and resolve them.

They aired a promo to push the Amasis vs. Ophidian grudge match but the audio from the live crowd overpowered it and we couldn't hear it.

Ophidian vs. Amasis: Sarcophagus Match, No Time Limit

This is the battle of the former Osirian Portal, two time traveling masked Egyptian characters. If you know CHIKARA, you get it. If you don't, you are probably asking yourself "What the....?" The loser will be the man trapped in the Sarcophagus, similar to a coffin match. This has been built up for over a year.

Amasis worked over Ophidian early on, getting revenge on the man who turned on him. They battled onto the ramp, where Ophidian used a hanging DDT. Ophidian nailed a snap suplex and followed up with a series of hard kicks to the chest. Amasis battle back with a series of rights and knee strikes. He worked Ophidian down to the mat, then whipped him into the corner with a running high knee.

They battled back and forth in the center. Ophidian nailed a leaping enziguri and went for a spinning powerbomb but Amasis pulled himself on his shoulders and nailed a series of elbows to the head. Ophidian used a discus forearm and snapped him down to the mat by yanking on his shoulder. They went to the outside where Ophidian worked him over on the ramp. Ophidian brought him back into the ring and worked over Amasis. Amasis battled back from his knees and finally used a dropkick and a leg lariat to stop his former partner.

Ophidian avoided a leaping kick and nailed Amasis in mid-air. They each went for superkicks but Ophidian drilled Amasis and snapped his leg. Ophidian had promised to break his legs, so this played into that. Ophidian mounted him and worked over Amasis' arms and legs. They battled to the outside. Ophidian continued working over Amasis, who finally fired back with a big right hand that sent him into the buckles hard. Ophidian came back and laid out Amasis.

Ophidian drilled Amasis in the corner with a double knee strike. He used the ropes for leverage and drilled him with a big stomp. Ophidian tried to suplex Amasis over the top to the outside, but Amasis landed on the apron. They battled on the outside and Amasis drilled him on the apron outside with a Death Valley Driver. Amasis nailed a 450 splash on Ophidian in the center of the ring.

Ophidian grabbed Amasis in some sort of choke submission, which would be legal since there's no DQ. Amasis gets out of the move but it obviously groggy. He was nailed with a knee strike and set up for a suplex. Amasis was drilled to the mat with a twisting suplex. Ophidian tried to roll him to the outside towards the Sarcophagus.

He pulled Amasis to the stage and tossed him into the Sarcophagus. Amasis pulled his hand to stop closing it and battled out. The crowd chanted, "You can't kill him." Amasis fought back and worked over Ophidian on the stage. He tossed him down the stairs of the entrance and towards the ring, then snapped his neck on the ropes. He ascended to the top rope and went for a flying bodypress but Ophidian ducked. Amasis came back with a face first sitdown driver.

Amasis went for a spinkick but Ophidian caught it and turned it into a version of the STF. The crowd chanted, "No submissions." He went to the Sarcophogus and pulled the lid off of it. He dragged Amasis to the stage and teased a piledriver on the lid. Amasis fought out but was nailed with a low blow. He nailed a Canadian Destroyer on the lid and Amasis just rolled down the stairs and down the ramp to the ring. Ophidian hurt his knee, so Ophidian called for interference.

Amasis was tossed back into the ring. They placed the lid back on the Sarcophagus. Ophidian held Amasis for a spear by Kobald, but Amasis moved. Kobald destroyed his own ally with it. Kobald attacked Amasis and tried to put him into the Sarcophagus. Amasis backdropped him off the stage and onto the ramp.

Back in the ring, Ophidian tried to hypnotize Amasis. Amasis seemed to fall under the spell. Ophidian ordered him to get into the Sarcophagus. The crowd chanted, "Not like this!" Amasis stepped into it and laid down. Ophidian tried to close it but Amasis came to life, kicking his way out. Ophidian seemed to be defeated at that point and screamed at Amasis to just kill him already. Amasis ripped off the Ophidian mask, revealing an identical mask for Amasis underneth. Amasis put him in and locked it.

Your winner, Amasis!

At times a little too long in the tooth, but a decent back and forth brawl with some nice moments. Longtime CHIKARA fans will likely enjoy this the most. I was a little confused by the ending.

#AnniversarioNC, which is the promotion's hashtag for Twitter, is the top trending topic currently.

Gavin Loudspeaker vs. Tim Donst: Hair vs. Hair

Loudspeaker is the company ring announcer. He had tried to stop Donst from abusing Jacob Hammermeier, which led to Donst cutting his hair (Donst had lost a hair vs. hair match last year, which started his current direction) and challenged Loudspeaker. Loudspeaker actually did the ring announcements for the match, including himself. He had been training at the CHIKARA school - I believe - is the storyline.

Loupdspeaker worked in regular tights. He shocked Donst by pulling out a rana early but was obviously worked over a great bit. Donst, who is a hell of a heel, chopped away at Loudspeaker's chest. He tied up Loudspeaker in the ropes, nailed him and snapped him off into the ring. He covered Loudspeaker in an insulting way but Gavin kicked up.

Donst shoved one of his seconds Steve The Turtle into Loudspeaker on the floor, smashing his shell into him. Gavin was covered again for a two count. Donst grabbed a pair of scissors in and cut some of the hair off Gavin, then ate it. He whipped Gavin into the corner but was nailed with a weak elbow and a kick. Loudspeaker jumped on his back and cinched in a sleeper. He scissored Donst, but was backed up hard into the buckles.

Donst whipped him into the ropes but Loudspeaker turned it into a submission. Donst was caught but finally broke free. Donst grabbed him and slammed him hard into the buckles. Donst had him beat but pulled him up at a two count. He went to the top and called Jacob into the ring. Jacob teased down something to Gavin but instead, after a lot of abuse over a lot of time, instead turned on Donst and drilled him with a big punch on the top. Donst was out and stunned on the top.

Jacob walked out the front door of the venue.

Gavin puled himself up and in a lot of pain, made his way to Donst in the corner. Loudspeaker nailed a superplex off the top. Loudspeaker draped an arm over Donst and made the cover. So, Donst just lost a hair vs. hair match a year after he first had his head shaved.

Your winner, Gavin Loudspeaker!

Steve the Turtle and Veronica both abandoned Donst after the match. Veronica slapped him on the way out. Donst shaved his own head in the middle of the ring. Loudspeaker was out completely during all this. He was dragged out of the ring and carried out by CHIKARA officials.

Derek Sabato, who refereed here, came out and said something on the mic about the "company that owns CHIKARA". He was forced out by the other officials but left some sort of envelope in the ring.

CHIKARA Tag champions 3.0 vs. Jigaw & The Shard

Jigsaw and The Shard were controlled early by 3.0. They nailed a double Russian legsweep on Shard and drilled Jigsaw with a tiltowhirl backbreaker. The Shard shocked Scott Parker with a forward roll into a pin for the first fall. The Shard then attacked his ankle to hurt him before the second fall could begin.

Shane Matthews was left alone with Parker out on the floor, allowing the challengers to work him over. He made a comeback and was able to score a pin, evening the two sides up.

The Shard nailed a double stomp off the ropes on Parker's chest but Matthews broke it up at the last second. Jigsaw was nailed onto the apron outside. Shard and Parkee battled back and forth inside the ring. 3.0 nailed the Hart Attack. Shard was lcked in a Boston Crab but Jigsaw tried to interfere. Matthews saw him coming and speared him. They battled back and forth. The Shard locked in a leg submission on a knocked out Matthews.

Your winners and new CHIKARA Tag Team champions Jigsaw & The Shard!

Really good back and forth tag match with a nice story told. My stream was really locking up on me, so I wasn't able to go as in-depth as I wanted here.

They plugged that the 2012 National Pro Wrestling Day is coming. I loved that first one.

Grand champion of CHIKARA Eddie Kingston vs. Icarus

The storyline is that Icarus had asked Marty Jannetty to be in his corner because Jannetty winning the IC title inspired him to become a wrestler. He came out wearing an outfit with a color scheme obviously inspired by Jannetty in the 1990s. I don't see Jannetty there but they said a chair was in the first row for him.

They locked up and Icarus grabbed a waistlock. Kingston slipped out and they had some nice back and forth wrestling. Kingston grabbed an anklelock but Icarus grabbed the ropes. Icarus gained control and scored several two counts. Kingston cut him off with a Uranage into an over the knee backbreaker. They ended up on the floor where Kingston grabbed a wrench but it was taken from him. Kingston nailed an inverted DDT on the apron outside.

Back in the ring, Kingston whipped Icarus hard into the buckles. Kingston locked in a Dragon Sleeper and nailed a double stomp across the back. Kingston scored several two counts. He tied up Icarus on the ropes and worked him over. He sent Icarus into the ropes but was kicked and nailed out of nowhere with a Pedigree.

Icarus unloaded with a series of chops and a rana for a two count. He nailed a German suplex with a bridge for another two count. Icarus nailed a running DVDR into the corner for a two count. Kingston came back with a powerbomb for a two count. Kingston battled Icarus and went to nail a move but ref Bryce Remsberg was nailed instead and was laid out on the floor. It was obviously accidental.

Kingston went to the floor and took the chair reversed for Marty Jannetty. He brought the chair into the ring. He slammed it over Icarus' back but Icarus absorbed the shot and tried to fire up. He was nailed again and again before finally going down to the mat, hurt. Kingston nailed a knee to the back of the head and covered him with Icarus kicked out at the last second.

Kingston nailed a Saito suplex and covered him but again Icarus kicked out at the last second. Icarus fired back and nailed a head scissors, drilling Kingston to the mat and locked on a submission. The ref began to count Kingston's arms down but Condor Security, a slew of men in black suits hit the ring and dragged everyone out and then began destroying the CHIKARA set. The idea was that Wink Vavasseur, who has control of the company ordered this done. The stream them abruptly went to black as if they were pulled off the air.

Apparently, there is no contest.

And there you have it. CHIKARA ends abruptly, Sopranos style. We'll see what the future holds.


06-03-2013, 04:11 AM
We'll have more on this once Josh Higham sends his live thoughts and report from the iPPV in Philadelphia, PA along, but once the show went off the air, fans were forced out of the building by the security force. No one was allowed to remain in the venue.
The CHIKARA merchandise stands were already down and removed by the time the angle took place.

There were some fans upset at the ending, including one fan who shoulderblocked the glass door of the venue after being told to leave, shattering the glass. I was told the fan was grabbed by security.


06-03-2013, 05:19 AM
A little context: Chikara was "sold" to Worldwide Media Development Corporation a few years ago. Shortly after the sale, a sharp-dressed gentleman would be seen at events, observing the roster and matches. We'd learned his name was Wink Vavasseur, an auditor from Worldwide Media Development Corporation. Soon, he would replace Dieter von Steigerwalt as Director of Fun. Clearly with a business background and no wrestling knowledge (he would routinely refer to wrestlers as Baseball Face or Snakeface, etc), Vavasseur oversaw a period of growth in Chikara, multiple attendance records broken and the creation of the Grand Championship under his watch.
Towards the end of 2012, Chikara fans learned that Worldwide Media Development Corporation was actually a holding of Titor Conglomerate, which also owns Condor Security, a private security company whose employees usually flanked Wink Vavasseur at shows. Those members of Condor Security were no longer seen in Chikara after King of Trios 2012 when they removed Swamp Monster from the building. We also learned that Wink got the Director of Fun job, because his father, Conrad, is an executive at Titor.

Vavasseur's approval rating within the fan base and locker room has plummeted. Vavassuer created a series of analytical formulas, dubbed Chikarabermetrics, to ensure the best athletes were being paired. This resulted in the popular Colony being rearranged, with Soldier Ant being kicked out of the group. Other unpopular decisions included placing Sugar Dunkerton in FIST, the censorship of blogs on the Chikara website, and the creation of Colony: Xtreme Force, which is purely as a marketing ploy.

At the end of "The Shoulder of Pallas," the Chikara event as part of Wrestlecon, Mike Quackenbush was handed an envelope by a gentleman wearing a hat with NPA on the front. After the event, Mike Quackenbush was removed from the roster page and hasn't been booked in Chikara since.

Yesterday, Derek Sabato sent out cryptic tweets about an "interesting phone call." Sabato came to the ring today with the envelope given to Quackenbush, tweeting its contents: a photo of the Titor executives at a ground breaking. This photo is somehow incriminating, or Wink Vavasseur wouldn't have sent the officials to kick Sabato out of the building.

During the main event, Wink Vavasseur, looking disheveled, and 20+ members of Condor Security came to ringside, causing the end of the main event. Condor Security began breaking down the set and entry way while shooing the fans out of the building. Wink sat on the stage, watching it all, eating an apple.

Bit by bit, the lights in the building went out. Zia, one of the photographers, and Billy Kumohara, host of the pre show quiz game, stood up to Condor members, but Billy was struck and Zia retreated to the locker room.

As the fans were ushered out of the building, no merchandise was up, no roster members selling their wares, nothing in the lobby.

As we went outside and the Trocadero's doors closed, a fan shoulder blocked the door, breaking the glass. Senior official Bryce Remsburg rushed out the door and through the crowd, still wearing his referee uniform, in tears. The crowd slowly dissipated, with a few fans in tears as well.

Billy Kumohara was the only other member of Chikara staff to be seen in front of the Trocadero, saying he was now out of a job.