View Full Version : *Spoilers* Smackdown - 7th June, 2013

06-05-2013, 08:03 PM
Partial Source: Rafi Stern & PWInsider

WWE SmackDown (Airing Friday):

Lilian Garcia comes to the ring for SmackDown.

SmackDown opened with Miz TV featuring Daniel Bryan and Kane. They argued over whether Bryan was the weakest link or not and Kane finally stormed off. Miz asks “Really?” and speculates whether we’ve seen the breakup of Team Hell No.

Teddy Long comes out and says it’ll be Daniel Bryan & Orton vs. The Shield (Rollins/Reigns).

Curtis Axel pinned Chris Jericho with a rollup after CM Punk’s music played and Jericho was distracted. Holy sh** did the Coliseum pop for the music. Jericho nailed Axel with the Codebreaker after the bell.

Confirmed for the main event is The Shield (Rollins/Reigns) vs. Randy Orton & Daniel Bryan.

A Bray Wyatt Family promo airs. The same one that aired on RAW.

Backstage, Tons of Funk commented on how weird the Wyatt Family seem.

Kane confronted Ryback backstage, setting up a match for later.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Heath Slater never began as 3MB attacked Del Rio. He and Ricardo ran them off. Dolph Ziggler appeared on the Titantron and said he was cleared to return and would at RAW this Monday.

Kane defeated Ryback via DQ after being put through a table.

Damien Sandow did an intellectual challenge with Sheamus. They had a computer that seemed like a throwback to the Anonymous General Manager. Sheamus kicks the computer but gets laid out by Sandow.

Fandango pinned Zack Ryder. Ryder was over like it was two years ago in MSG.

In a vignette backstage, they announce Kaitlyn’s admirer will reveal himself on RAW. Where has Santino Marella been?!

A video package looking back on Ryback’s path of destruction airs.

Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton defeated The Shield (Rollins/Reigns) by DQ. Bryan accidentally nailed Orton during the match so Orton nailed him with an RKO after. The Shield gets DQ’d when Ambrose ran down and interfered.

After SmackDown ends, The Shield is beating down Bryan until Kane and Sheamus run down for the save.