View Full Version : Never get busted again

06-10-2013, 12:12 PM
Barry Cooper is an anti-drug-war lecturer, film maker, expert witness and law lecturer known for his DVD series, "NeverGetBusted" and his Internet reality show, KopBusters. Cooper formerly served as one of the the United State's top drug enforcement officers. He is currently a Political Refugee living in Brazil.

As a law enforcement officer, Cooper confiscated large amounts of illegal narcotics and drug money. Cooper cited that he began to notice that people who were arrested for possession of marijuana were nonviolent and cooperative in contrast to the people that were arrested for violations while intoxicated on alcohol who "would fight and scream and act crazy.” He also noted being deeply affected by the emotional trauma he witnessed while participating in home narcotic raids with other officers attired in raid gear and “more guns than we would ever need.” Cooper also stated, “We’re sending the kids to the department of human services, we’re sending the parents to jail over marijuana. Well, I knew some of these people and I knew they weren’t gangsters. I knew they were nonviolent people.” He quit law enforcement soon after.

In the following video he gives tips about hiding your stash, what dogs can and cannot smell, tricks(aka lies) officers use to get to search you without reason, what to avoid saying, and many other useful and insightful things. It's long, but once you get 15 minutes in, it gets real interesting.
