View Full Version : Paul Heyman Talks TNA - WWE Crossover, CM Punk Vs. Jericho At Payback

06-13-2013, 08:34 PM
Source: Digital Spy

Ahead of the pay-per-view, Digital Spy caught up with Paul and talked Punk, Attitude, TNA, and why Genghis Khan would be an ultimate Paul Heyman Guy.

WWE Payback sees the return of CM Punk, up against Chris Jericho - what can we expect from him?
"You can expect to see CM Punk do what CM Punk does on a daily basis in his career, which is demonstrate to the WWE Universe that he is worthy of the distinction of being the best in the world."

When Punk stepped into the ring with The Undertaker at WrestleMania 29, did you think he could end The Phenom's streak? How did you feel about what went down?
"I think CM Punk came closer to snapping The Undertaker's streak than any other Superstar in WWE history. I think CM Punk's match against The Undertaker once again demonstrated the fact that CM Punk is the best in the world.

"Just because The Undertaker lucked through a victory. Just because the heavens were on the Deadman's side, it doesn't mean that CM Punk wasn't the most impressive performer at WrestleMania."

He was champion for well over a year - is he the best Superstar you've ever worked with?
"Well, that's a very interesting question. CM Punk is the best in the world and he is the longest-reigning WWE Champion of the past 25 years. His goals are to be recognized as the best in the world, so on that basis, yes. Brock Lesnar has different goals from CM Punk, and Brock Lesnar achieves his goals with me, together, as a unit.

"So I could not honestly state that CM Punk's success is any greater than Brock Lesnar's success. Nor could I state that Brock Lesnar's success supersedes CM Punk's. These are individuals with dramatically different goals and they both achieve them."

John Cena takes on Ryback through Three Stages of Hell - like Axel he's a guy who some feel has gone far in a short space of time. What do you think about Ryback and his chances?
"I look at the John Cena/Ryback match as both the champion and the number one contender putting themselves through hell literally and therefore making them more vulnerable for an attack on the title by a Paul Heyman Guy."

Curtis Axel is taking on The Miz and Wade Barrett for the Intercontinental Championship - what do you say to those who think it's too much too soon for Axel - that he's jumping the queue?
"Anybody who suggests that it's too much too soon for Curtis Axel is not taking into consideration the fact that Curtis Axel was born to be a WWE Superstar. That his grandfather [Larry 'The Axe' Hennig] is a bona fide legend. That his father ['Mr Perfect' Curt Hennig] was a first-ballot WWE Hall of Famer.

"Even my enemies would acknowledge that I'm a great judge of talent, and this statement will be proven true time and time again. Curtis Axel has more talent than his grandfather and his father."

We love Wade here, he's said that we should have had an English champion by now. Given our love for the company, do you agree?
"It doesn't matter to me whether it's an American or a Brit or an Australian or a Frenchman or an Israeli or a Russian holding the WWE Championship because when either Brock Lesnar or CM Punk sets their goals on that title it's coming back home to the Paul Heyman Guys."

One of my colleagues spoke to Dixie Carter last month, and she said the fans would love a WWE/TNA crossover event - what do you think about that?
"I'm sure that Dixie Carter would love to do a WWE versus TNA pay-per-view. Why wouldn't she? A friend of mine who has way too much time on his hands just started a new beverage company here in the United States. It's called Shmuley's Soda Company and he's now distributed in three stores in the Bronx and two in Brooklyn.

"He would like to do a global promotion with Coca-Cola. I don't suggest that Coca-Cola would be profitable having to do a global co-promotion with Shmuley's Soda Company. In the same way it would make no sense for WWE with 95% global share to do an event with TNA with its 5% global market share!"

Is there anyone in history, Superstar or otherwise - you'd love to stand up and say 'This is a Paul Heyman Guy'?
"Genghis Khan."

Why Genghis?
"Why not Genghis Khan?! I mean, here's a man that was clearly successful, here's a man that was at the top of his field, here's a man that pursued his goals with passion and intensity that could not be matched by his rivals.

"I always look for those who rise to the top of their field, you're looking for someone in history, why not Genghis Khan? Plus, if you asked question of 100 people in the sports entertainment business, I bet you I'm the only one that would come up with Genghis Khan. Why not have my answer stand up above all others?"

Next year is the big one - WrestleMania 30 - what do you want to see happen there?
"I have a very standard answer for that because it's the most genuine answer I can give someone. I think the main event for WrestleMania 30 should be a battle for the WWE Championship against the World Heavyweight Championship, to unify the titles.

"And that match should feature Brock Lesnar versus CM Punk, with Paul Heyman advising both men and therefore getting a percentage of the profits of both sides of the main event at WrestleMania."

Is it harder or easier for Superstars than the Attitude Era? Is it harder for the guys to stand out if they can't go as far?
"We live in an ever-changing global pop culture community. Is it any harder for Lady GaGa to become a mainstream superstar than it was for Madonna? Is it in any harder today for Justin Timberlake to get the attention of the global community than it was for the Rolling Stones or for The Beatles?

"We live in a society that has ever-changing values and ever-changing standards and ever-changing criteria to determine who is a Superstar or not. If you want to be a Superstar, if you want to main event, if you want to profit in the entertainment business, you have to go with those trends and spearhead new trends."

There's been so many changes at the company - what's next for the WWE?
"I think WWE has a magnificent future because there are many Paul Heyman Guys waiting in the wings to take over."