View Full Version : New York Wrestling Connection Results - 15th June, 2013

06-16-2013, 07:39 AM
We are live at New York Wrestling Connection's return to the NYWC Sportatorium in Deer Park, Long Island.

Reckless & Wasted vs. J-Redd & Jolly Roger

Believe it or not, Roger is NOT a pirate!

Reckless and Wasted controlled J-Redd early. Bryce tagged in and fought back and forth with Roger, but was snapmared over and drilled with a kick to the back. Redd tagged in and dropkicked Bryce in the face for a two count, then drilled him with a leaping legdrop across his back for another two count.

Bryce came back with a great running clothesline that sent Redd inside out. JT Kasin tagged in and cleaned house with power spots. They battled to the outside to set up a nice dive spot. Redd nailed an overhead belly to belly suplex.

Reckess and Wasted came back wiith a double team hiptoss into a powerbomb but Roger broke up the pin. Roger and Redd double teamed Kasmir and pinned him with a Lionsault.

Your winners, J-Redd & Jolly Roger!

Flawless Blake Morris vs. Braydon Knight

They started out hot going back and forth as they have been feuding here. Knight went for a tope but Morris nailed him from the floor. Morris nailed him with a powerbomb into the corner and peppered him with punches.

He worked over Knight and cinched in a side chinlock. He worked him over for some time but Knight mounted a comeback and backdropped Morris over the top to the floor. Knight followed up with a slingshot plancha.

When they returned to the ring, they battled back and forth, slugging it out. Knight nailed a belly to back suplex and drilled Morris with a clothesline. He sent him into the corner and caught him with an overhead belly to belly suplex.

Knight went to the top for a move but waited too long and was caught with a superkick as he came down. He barely kicked out. Morris went for a piledriver but was backdropped over. Knight nailed him with a neckbreaker for a two count.

Morris came back with a knee to the back of Knight's neck for a two count. He charged Knight but was sidestepped and hit the corner hard. Knight hit the Big Finsh on Morris, who rolled to the floor and walked out.

Your winner, by countout, Braydon Knight!

For more on NYWC, visit www.NYWCWrestling.com.

s his back for another two count.
Bryce came back with a great running clothesline that sent Redd inside out. JT Kasin tagged in and cleaned house with power spots. They battled to the outside to set up a nice dive spot. Redd nailed an overhead belly to belly suplex.

Reckess and Wasted came back wiith a double team hiptoss into a powerbomb but Roger broke up the pin. Roger and Redd double teamed Kasmir and pinned him with a Lionsault.

Your winners, J-Redd & Jolly Roger!
Good back and forth opening tag. Roger and Redd worked hard. Reckless and Wasted do a nice frat boy drunken gimmick that the crowd was into.

Flawless Blake Morris vs. Braydon Knight

They started out hot going back and forth as they have been feuding here. Knight went for a tope but Morris nailed him from the floor. Morris nailed him with a powerbomb into the corner and peppered him with punches.

He worked over Knight and cinched in a side chinlock. He worked him over for some time but Knight mounted a comeback and backdropped Morris over the top to the floor. Knight followed up with a slingshot plancha.

When they returned to the ring, they battled back and forth, slugging it out. Knight nailed a belly to back suplex and drilled Morris with a clothesline. He sent him into the corner and caught him with an overhead belly to belly suplex.

Knight went to the top for a move but waited too long and was caught with a superkick as he came down. He barely kicked out. Morris went for a piledriver but was backdropped over. Knight nailed him with a neckbreaker for a two count.

Morris came back with a knee to the back of Knight's neck for a two count. He charged Knight but was sidestepped and hit the corner hard. Knight hit the Big Finsh on Morris, who rolled to the floor and walked out.

Your winner, by countout, Braydon Knight!

Morris has a good heel aura to him and looked like the part. Knight does an All American gimmick and the crowd was behind him. They had some nice intensity.

DJ Hyde & Ryan "Adrenaline" Rush vs. David Star & Alvin Alvarez

Hyde and Star started out. Hyde used his power. They locked up in a est of strength. Star rebounded off the ropes with shoulderblocks to no effect. He finally smashed Hyde back into the ropes. Hyde rebounded and drilled Star down with a shoulderblock.

Alvarez and Rush tagged in and faced off. Rush gained control and tagged in Hyde, who drilled Alvarez with a hard running knee. He dropped an elbow for a two count. Rush and Hyde tagged in and out working over Alvarez as the crowd tried to rally him.

Star finally tagged in and worked over Hyde to no effect. He chopped Hyde hard in the corner. Hyde dared him to do it again and he did. Hyde grabbed him and chopped him. Star went to the floor, where Hyde sent him into the guard rail, the ringpost and chopped the hell out of him. Hyde slammed him on the floor.

Rush tagged in and drilled Star with a nice looking dropkick. He and Hyde tagged back and forth. Star tried to battle his way out but was trapped. Star tried to superkick Hyde but Hyde caught his foot. Hyde suplexed him rudely on his head.

Alvarez tagged in and speared Rush off the ropes. He went back and forth battling with Hyde. He slammed Hyde and tagged Star back in. Star went to the top but was crotched when Alvarez was shoved into the ropes by Rush. He crashed into the ring.

Rush and Hyde doubleteamed Starr, pinning him with a lariat.

Your winners, DJ Hyde and Ryan Rush.

Good tag match that told a story of power vs. finesse. Rush and Starr both have nice looks and work well. Hyde has really improved his game and looked like a monster at times. He works a really rough, strong style. Alvarez showed some nice charisma and worked hard.

Mike Mondo vs. Dickie Rodz

Mondo started here, so he got a big reaction coming out. They announced this as his NYWC return. The crowd chanted his name and "Ring of Mondo." Rodz has been working indies in this area for about a decade or so and plays a solid heel. He was stalling and walking around the ring early to stall Mondo's momentum. The crowd chanted "Little Dickie" at him. That was sophomoric but I laughed.

When they returned to the ring, Mondo controlled him on the mat. He shoulderblocked Rodz down and sent him into the corner. Mondo used several pinfall attempts. Rodz went to the floor, then returned to the ring full of piss and vinegar shoving at Mondo. Mondo chased him into the corner and Rodz cowered.

They went to the outside battling, where Mondo nailed Rodz, who landed hard on the apron. Mondo brought him back into the ring for a two count. Mondo was caught with a knee to the face as he rebounded off the ropes but fought back and slammed Rodz into the buckles as he was on the apron. Mondo went on the apron to get at Rodz but was kicked into the ringpost and crashed to the floor.

Rodz worked over Mondo on the floor, sending him into the guard rail. He worked over Mondo, sending him into the buckles and locking in a rear chinlock. Mondo battled back but was cut off with a series of knees to the mid-section. Rodz stomped him and dropped a leg for a two count.

Rodz went to the top but was cut off by Mondo. Mondo nailed several headbutts and nailed a superplex into the ring. Mondo made a comeback and drilled him with two knees in the corner. He nailed a sideslam for a two count.

They battled back and forth over several pinfall combinations. Rodz reversed a move and nailed a Samoan Drop. He came off the top with a flying elbow for a two count. They battled back and forth, slugging it out.

Rodz rebounded off the ropes byut was nailed with a high knee. Mondo hit a ton of offense and drilled him with a big clothesline for a two count. He came off the ropes with a splash for a two count. Rodz scored a two count with a backslide. He went for a Sharpshooter but Mondo rolled him up for the pin. Great finish.

Your winner, Mike Mondo!

Good match. Mondo looked really crisp. Rodz did a good job as well.

Milk Choclate - Brandon Watts and Randy Summers - came out. They do a boy band sort of gimmick. Summers came out singing. Watts cut a promo announcing their name. Watts, who is African-American said he was milk and Summers, who is Caucasian, is chocolate. They complained they are held back. The Beaver Boys came to the ring to stop their rant.

John Silver & Alex Reynolds - The Beaver Boys vs. Milk Chocolate.

Silver and Summers started out going back and forth wrestling. Silver unloaded with a series of stiff chops. The two teams battled back and forth.

Summers was tied to the tree of woe. Reynolds and Silver nailed a double dropkick to his face. They then ran Watts into him and they landed on each other in a sexually suggestive manner. The Boys then hit stereo dives to the outside on opposite dives of the ring.

Summers snapped Reynolds' neck on the ropes, allowing Watts to drill him with a kick. They tagged in and out working over Reynolds. They used armwringers on Reynolds and kissed his cheeks to infuriate him. Watts scored several two counts and drilled Reynolds with a running clothesline.

Milk Chocolate continued beating down Reynolds He fought to make a tag out but just as he almost reached Silver, he was nailed with a back suplex. Silver finally made the hot tag and nailed several clotheslines. He pressed and dropped Watts. He nailed him with a hard forearm smash and drilled him with a back suplex with a bridge for a two count.

Silver drilled Summers with a running kick in the corner, then whipped him hard into Watts. He dragged Watts into the ring. He and Reynolds went for a double team move but Summers speared Reynolds. Watts rolled up Silver for a two count. He and Summers drilled him with a series of double team moves for a two count.

The Beaver Boys came back with a double enziguiri on Summers. They wiped out Watts and drilled him with their finisher for the win.

Your winners, The Beaver Boys!

Really good work from all involved. Milk Chocolate are really young in their careers but you can see they are workhorses already, Silver and Reynolds keep getting better.

They all shook hands and showed respect but the second they turned, Milk Chocolate attacked the Beavers from behind and laid them out. They are obviously going to do a program between the two.

We are now at intermission.

After intermission, they introduced NYWC co-owner John Cursie. He was on crutches. He said in 1999, he was new in the business and there was one guy who always helped him out and got him bookings. He said they they are good friends and probably better enemies. He said that they were supposed to fight but he hurt his ankle.

He called out his opponent Frankie Starz. He said they always had fun teaming together and battling in the ring. He said that if Cursie can't go tonight, he can accept that. He said that he thanks everyone for having him. He told Cursie he loves him, then said he didn't come here not to wrestle. He drilled Cursie and began beating him with his crutch.

Mega hit the ring and ran him off. He told Starz that if he wanted to wrestle, he could fight him. They rang the bell.

Mega vs. Frankie Starz

Mega controlled him early, beating him from pillar to post. Starz tried to come back with an eziguiri but missed. He nailed several clotheslines to no effect. Mega nailed a chokeslam and pinned him.

Your winner, Mega!

Too short to be anything of consequence but it put Mega over as a monster.

Mega helped Cursie to the back.

Rick Cataldo vs. NYWC Starlet Marti Belle with Nikki Adams as the guest referee - Bra & Panties Match

Cataldo is a guy who does an effeminate gimmick, so he works with the women. He's great in the role. He attacked Belle before the bell. He ripped off her boots. She responded by ripping his shirt off of him and whipped him hard with a belt before choking him with it against the ropes.

Bella choked Cataldo in the corner. Nikki Adams reprimanded her and got into it with her. She shoved Belle down. Cataldo ripped her pants off and spanked her hard. Cataldo and Adams began arguing. That allowed Belle to pull the last piece of clothing of him.

Your winner, Marti Belle!

The others chased her under the ring and disrobed her, leaving her trapped. They celebrated in the ring. Matt Justice, her boyfriend, hit the ring and ran them off. He gave her a tshirt.

NYWC Fusion champ Francis Kipland Stevens & DJ Phat Pat vs. Matt Justice & Jesse Vaine.

Pat, a heavy performer, used his girth to his advantage early. He and Kipland, a nerd character controlled the match early. Justice, who has the type of body and look WWE covets, tagged in but was unable to get a handle on Stevens, who tricked him and Vaine into colliding.

Vaine was set up in the ropes, where Stevens nailed him with a cross body and Pat splashed him. Justice tried to nail Pat but was sent into the rail, Marti Belle tried to interfere but Pat grabbed her. That allowed Vaine to dropkick him from behind. Justice tagged in and worked over Pat. He set up Pat in the corner for a Vaine charge.

Pat battled back but missed a ledrop. Vaine worked him over but couldn't score the pin Justice and Vaine worked over Pat in the corner. They wore him dow but were unable to get a three count. Pat finally fought his way out of the corner and made the hot tag to Stevens.

Stevens came off the top with a bodypress on both and nailed them with elbows and pounches. He nailed running headbutts on each, then bulldogged Justice as he clotheslined Vaine. Stevens hit a rana on Vaine but was caught by Justice with a hard shot. He reversed a Vaine move and covered him but Justice drilled him and broke up the pin. Everyone battled to the floor, where Pat hit a tope, which is quite the sight, I assure you.

Back in the ring, they worked over Justice but were unable to beat him. Stevens chased Belle back into the locker room. He went to the top for a double team move with Pat but was shoved off by Justice. Vaine and Justice destroyed Pat and scored the pin.

Your winners, Matt Justice & Jessie Vaine!

NYWC Commissioner Brian Vitko came out and cut a heel promo as he was told to come out and apologize for cursing on the mic last time they were here. He said he would kick all the owners' asses. He said he has friends in high places and anyone who crosses him will pay "the extreme price." That was a tease of ECW guys working here down the line.

NYWC champ Big O vs. Dan Eckos

Eckos tried to nail O to no effect. O grabbed him and charged him into the turnbuckles. He charged for a move but was kicked away. Eckos grabbed a headlock but was sent into the ropes and shoulderblocked down. O drilled him down again.

O worked over Eckos. He pressed Eckos and teased tossing him to the floor but Eckos punched him. O whipped him hard into the buckles and Eckos went over the top to the floor, hard. O went to the floor and sent him into the entranceway (the old ECW brick entrance) and brought him back into the ring. O worked him over on the floor.

Eckos made a comeback, dropkicking O through the ropes. He brought O into the ring and nailed dropkicks and scored several two counts. He stomped away at O. O made a super human comeback and backdropped Eckos. He nailed an over the shoulder powerslam for a two count.

Eckos tried to kick O but had his foot caught. He nailed a kick with the other to take down the champ. O was caught with a kick and several chps in the corner. He reversed a whip but was nailed with a leg lariat. O fought back but was caught with a superkick for a two count. O came back with a big chokeslam for the pin.

Your winner and still NYWC champion, The Big O!

After the match, O cut a promo on the "suspended" Tony Nese, challenging him to e a man and face him instead of disrespecting the company.

NYWC Tag Team champions Bill Carr & Smith James vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Stockade.

Whipwrec went nuts looking under the ring for all sorts of weapons. The champs didn't want to put the collars on. When they did the challengers crossed the streams and caused Carr to fall over. Carr and Stockade brawled on the floor as Mikey and James battled in the ring.

Stockade used a Christmas wreath on Carr. The crowd chanted "Merry Christmas." In the ring, James choked Whipwreck with the chain. Carr whipped Stockade into the railing.

Whipwreck and James battled to the outside when Whipwreck pulled him to the guard rail and choked him by pulling the chain. Stockade grabbed the ring bell and beat Carr's groin with it by ringing the hammer. Stockade went for a barbed wire bat but Carr nailed him and had security take it to the back.

Whipwreck clotheslined James on the floor. He put the wreath on James who staggered around with it. Carr and Stockade continued to battle on the floor. Jame choked Mikey with the wreath. Carr drilled Stockade with a chair.

Stockade was laid out on the floor allowing the champs to work over Mikey. They chained Mikey to both chains and then locked them to the ringposts, trapping him with nowhere to run. They drilled him with a chair to the gut. Whipwreck tried to free himself but was beaten across the back with a chair. Carr went to the floor and nailed Stockade with another chair.

They each tied themselves to their chain and went to hit Mikey with a chair. He ducked and they nailed each other. Stockade splashed the chair and they collided. Mikey hit stunners on each of them. Stockade nailed them with chairs. He placed a chair low between James' legs and dropkicked it. No babies tonight.

Stockade wedged a chair in the ring and whipped James into it. James reversed the whip and Stockade hit the corner hard. Carr and Mikey battled on the outside. Carr gor the better of him and brought a table into the ring. James set it up, then kicked off Stockade as he tried to return to the ring.

Carr and James set Mikey up on the table. He blew mist in Carr's face. He placed him on the table and pulled Smith off the ropes onto his partner, puttigng through the table. They scored the pin.

Your winners and new NYWC Tag Team champions Mikey Whipwreck & Stockade!

After the match, the entire locker room came to ringside to pay tribute to Smith James and Dan Eckos as they have signed WWE developmental deals. It was a really classy moment. We'll have more on that later.
