View Full Version : House of Glory Results - 23rd June, 2013

06-24-2013, 02:06 AM
Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. The Young Bucks vs. Tru Talent: Elimination Bout

The Bucks attacked London and Kendrick early, then tossed Tru Talent out of the ring. London and Kendrick made a comeback and worked over Nick Jackson with a double suplex. Matt Jackson tried to interfere but was knocked off the top rope.

London dropkicked Nick and nailed a rana out of the ring on him. Matt tried to jump London but was tossed out as well. They all ended up on the floor. The Buck teased a dive but was taken out by Try Talent. Talent hit stereo dives on their opponents on opposite end of the ring.

Back in the ring, The Bucks took control on Talent. London and Kendrck returned to the fray. Nick backdropped Kendrick over the top. He and Matt nailed a double superkick on London, pinning him.

London and Kendrick are eliminated.

The Bucks took control on Talent, working them over. Matt worked over Sir Altitude, tagging in and out with Nick. They messed with Alex Reyes and he tried to get in the ring to interfere. The referee stopped him, giving the Bucks more of a chance to control Altitude. They kept working over Altitude. Fans chanted, "Where's the hot tag?" Yes, really.

The Bucks kept working over Altitude. He finally fought them off as they charged him in the corner. He made the hot tag to Reyes and the place popped. Reyes nailed a series of superkicks and punches. Altitude returned to the fray. Nick was backdropped out of the ring. Reyes nailed a Codebreaker on Jackson and held him down. Altitude stepped on his back and leapt off with a standing moonsault. That was cool as hell.

Nick returned to the fray. Everyone battled back and forth. The Bucks laid out Reyes with a double superkick. They nailed their powerbomb/kick combination in the corner. Reyes stopped Matt from coming off the top and Altitude rolled up Nick for the pin.

Your winners, Tru Talent!

Fun opener. Since the entire point of these shows is for the local talents and student to work with bigger names and get better, it made sense for Talent to go over. Everyone looked good.

Felix Rampage vs. Andy Lee Ray

Ray is billed as from "The Nintendo Store" and does a gamer gimmick. Rampage is billed from Brooklyn and is a heel. They are both HOG students.

Rampage attacked Ray early and worked him over in the corner with shoulderblocks. Ray made a comeback and Rampage went to the floor. Rampage stalled but Ray went to the floor. He ducked a clothesline and nailed Rampage.

Rampage was tossed back in the ring. Ray played to the crowd, allowing Rampage to kick him in the groin. Rampage cinched in a side chinlock. He whipped Ray into the ropes and nailed a spinebuster.

Ray was suplexed over by Rampage, scoring a two count. Ray missed a clothesline and was powerbombed down for a two count. Rampage argued with the referee over a slow count.

They battled back and forth. Rampage scored several two counts but was caught with a sideslam for a two count. Ray battled back but was worked over in the corner with shoulderblocks and kicks. He was placed on the top rope but battled Rampage off. He nailed a victory roll out of the corner for the pin.

Your winner, Andy Lee Ray!

Solid back and forth match between two guys who worked hard. Ray's gimmick could get over with kids.

They announced a 8/18 return featuring HOG vs. Ring of Honor. That's the day after ROH's return to the Hammerstein Ballroom and the same day as Summerslam.

Earl Cooter vs. Panda Man

Cooter is a trucker character. He's more of a personality than a worker in the ring but gets heat. He works a very 1980s style. Panda Man is a masked character. He comes out to "Everybody's Kung Fu Fighting" and is a pretty cool gimmick for kids. He's over since he's on all the shows and comes out eating a Bamboo stick.

Cooter stalled early, not wanting to lock up. When they did, he left the ring, acting like he was hurt. When he returned to the ring, Panda nailed a series of chops and whipped Cooter into the corner. Cooter kicked him down and came off with an elbow off the ropes.

Cooter stomped Panda Man and nailed a rolling snapmare. He drilled Panda Man with a kick to the face and covered him for a two count. Cooter grabbed the Bamboo Stick but that fired Panda up. Cooter cut him off and locked on a sleeper. Panda backed him into the corner to break it.

Panda whipped Cooter into the corner but was sent up and over to the apron. Cooter kicked him to the floor and came off the ropes with a flying double axehandle. Panda nailed him on the way down and worked him over on the floor.

Panda tossed him back into the ring and clotheslined Cooter who grabbed the ropes to break the count. Panda missed a charge in the corner. Cooter drilled him with a kick in the corner and a bulldog for a two count. Panda headbutt Cooter and whipped him into the corner. Cooter did the Flair Flop but landed on his feet. He thumbed Panda in the eye and came off with a shot from the top for a two count.

Panda finally scored with a leaping clothesline for the pin.

Your winner, Panda Man!

Smiley vs. Anthony Nese

Smiley is a masked wrestler. The mask is all bright yellow with a smiley on it. It's pretty cool. Fans chanted, "That guy's airbrushed" at Nese. They went back and forth and faced off early. The fans applauded.

Nese shoulderblocked Smiley down. Smiley leapfrogged over another charge and offered his hand. The crowd chanted for Nese to shake it. Nese shook it but Smiley wouldn't let go. He removed his mask to reveal another, wilder mask. The crowd popped.

Smiley went into overdrive with offense, hitting a rana and a double knee drop strike. Nese missed a charge in the corner. Smiley came off the top with a moonsault for a two count. Nese ended up on the apron. Smiley snapped the ropes into his mid-section and Nese went to the floor holding his groin. He teased walking out but eventually returned.

Smiley nailed a sliding dropkick to the outside on Nese. Nese returned to the ring as he rebounded for a dive, clotheslining him. Nese peppered Smiley with punches and kicks. Smiley made a comeback with chops and kicks. Nese slammed him and legdropped Smiley for a two count.

Nese stepped on Smiley and stranged him with a boot to the throat, then cinched in a rear chinlock. Nese was caught with a stunner and a flying clothesline off the ropes for a two count. He went to the floor. Smiley followed by Nese slipped out of the way. He went to the apron, cartwheeled out of a strike attempt and landed on the floor. Unfortunately, Smiley nailed him and then hit a tope to the floor.

Smiley drilled Nese with a DDT, bounced up and nailed it again for a two count. That was a cool spot. Smiley nailed a series of kicks to the chest but Nese grabbed him and nailed a Dragon Screw Legwhip. Nese placed Smiley on the top for a move but Smiley battled him off several times. Smiley nailed a swanton for a two count.

Smiley and Nese battled back and forth. Smiley rolled him up for a two count. Nese used a rolling pin combination for a two count, then powered Smiley up and powerbombed him in the corner. Nese drilled him with a Facewash and nailed a Kryptonite Krunch for the pin.

Your winner, Tony Nese!

Real good match. I had never seen Smiley's work or gimmick before and it was pretty cool. Nese is a hell of an athlete and I won't be shocked to see him as the next big breakout guy. Three awesome performances in three nights.

After the intermission, Danny Demanto came out and began ripping on one of the ring crew/students, Nick, a student who is legitimately mute. He ripped on the fans and said it Amazing Red has a problem with what he's saying, some to the ring. Red came out from the crowd. Demanto said he's tired of coming here and beating students when he should be in the main event. He said he doesn't care about Red or his "retard."

Red said that he doesn't have a match tonight, so if Demanto wants to be in the main event, all he has to do is say Red's name. He asked Demanto what he thinks. Demanto took the mic and said, "Red, you should expect the unexpected, you dirty little sp** b**ch." Red kicked him as he left the ring. Red said Demanto's comments were uncalled for but he promises that tonight, he is going to give Demanto a lesson he will never forget. The crowd popped for that.

Sami Callihan vs. Brian XL

As XL came out, a little kid slipped through the guard rail and hugged XL. Callihan took the mic and said that if the kid did that to him, he'd have kicked him in the face. He said XL is a "flippy guy" and that when he was done with XL, his kid was going to watch his dad be carried out. He took the House of Glory flag, which XL carries to the ring, and slammed it down. XL wasn't happy with that.

The crowd chanted "Brooklyn" to get behind XL. Callihan did some comedy where he tried to get on the ropes to yell at the crowd but "slipped" and was so angry about it, he kicked the buckles and "hurt himself."

They locked up and Callihan was backed into the corner. The referee broke them up. XL offered his hand. Callihan shoved him by the face. Callihan backed him in the corner and ripped at XL. He then offered his hand but XL took it, whioped Callihan to the ropes and dropkicked him.

Callihan quickly cut him off and nailed a Facewash into the corner. He went for another but XL dove at him with a kick, taking him out. Callihan was sent to the outside and XL went for a dive. Callihan leapt up on the apron and said, "No dives!" XL dropkicked him off, then hit a hell of a tope.

Callihan drilled XL on the floor and argued with some kids at ringside. He even leaned in and dared one to punch him in the fae. He then told the kid "this one is for you" and tried to chop XL, who ducked and Callihan nailed the ringpost. XL was caught and nailed with a backdrop on the apron. Callihan demanded the referee count him out. XL returned in time but Callihan cut him off and tossed him back out. He drilled XL with a kick off the apron and demanded the kid he was arguing with get in the ring and fight him.

XL rolled back in the ring at the last second and Callihan mocked him, then tossed him over the top again. XL's foot hit the guard rail on the way out. Callihan returned to the floor and worked over XL. XL sent him into the railing. They both painfully returned to the ring before the ten count.

Callihan charged but was kicked off by XL and nailed with a reverse elbow. XL went to the top. Callihan charged him but was kicked. XL nailed a springboard into a flying bodypress for a two count. XL missed a dropkicked into the corner. Callihan nailed a big powerbomb and covered him for a two, then turned him into the stretch muffler. XL reversed it into a pinfall combination for a two count.

XL came off the ropes with a springboard tornado DDT and pinned Callihan.

Your winner, Brian XL!

A really, really great back and forth match. Callihan's comedy really showed a different side of him without taking away from his ferocity as a wrestler. XL is one of the most underrated guys right now. I think a lot of people remember him as the kid from 2002 not the man he is in 2013.

XL thanked Jesus and asked Callihan, who returned to the back, to return. XL said that when he first Callihan, he knew he was going to be a star and make it. He said that he doesn't want to waste everyone's time, but wants everyone to know he's going to be a Superstar. Callihan thanked him and then kicked XL in the groin and walked off.
As XL was recovering, Anthony Gangone came out and complained he wasn't booked. He pointed out all the other students who were booked but he wasn't, when Eddie Kingston said he was the best student. He told XL he was the one who was going to carry this company for the next five years. He told XL, who is deeply religious, that as far as XL is concerned, Anthony is Jesus Christ.

XL slapped him and they went back and forth. Gangone cut him off with a high knee and began stomping him. Tommy Dreamer's music hit and he hit the ring, attacking Gangone. They rang the bell.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Anthony Gangone.

Dreamer and Gangone brawled around ringside. Dreamer brought him to the outside and whipped him into a wall. He held Gangone for a kid to nail with a Singapore Cane. Dreamer sells them at intermission. That was funny!

Dreamer brought Gangone back into the ringside area, where he nailed him with the ring bell of doom. They battled back into the ring, where Gangone sidestepped a charge and Dreamer nailed a shot into the ringpost. Gangone kicked away at Dreamer and locked in a side chinlock.

The fans chanted for Dreamer, who made a comeback. Gangone kicked him off during a charge and covered him for a two count. Gangone kept working over Dreamer and locked on a sleeper. Dreamer fought back but was sent into a corner. He escaped a Gangone charge into it and Gangone crashed hard to the floor.

Dreamer unloaded with some clubbering when Gangone returned to the ring. He peppered him with punches in the corner. He then took a bite out of his face and kicked Gangone down as he charged. Dreamer sent him into the buckles and nailed a neckbreaker for a two count.

Dreamer brought a chair into the ring. He set it up but as always, he ended up eating it thanks to a drop toehold. Gangone went to the ropes, mocked Dreamer by yelling "ECW" and came off with the chair but Dreamer kicked it into his face. Dreamer went for the Spicoli Driver but Gangone slipped out and nailed a superkick for a two count.

Gangone grabbed Dreamer's Singapore Cane and went to hit Dreamer but was nailed. The Cane went flying into the audience. Dreamer nailed the DDT for the pin.

Your winner, Tommy Dreamer!

Gangone walked off through the crowd, kicking chairs.

The crowd chanted "ECW" and "Thank you Tommy."

Good Dreamer brawl. Gangone shows promised.

Danny Demanto vs. Amazing Red

Red charged the ring and attacked Demanto. He used a twisting head scissors to send him to the floor and then nailed a twisting dive to the outside.

Red sent Demanto into the guard rails and then hit a running dropkick into them and Demanto. Red drilled him with a right hand and tossed Demanto into the ring. Red perched himself on the top and drilled Demanto with a missile dropkick. He went back to the ropes but Demanto yanked him off to the mat.

Demanto took off his t-shirt and choked Red against the ropes. Demanto drilled Red with a punch to the face and snapmared him over. He rebounded off the ropes and then dropped down to a side chinlock, mocking the crowd.

Red fought back and out with a series of elbows but was cut off with a big clothesline just as he was trying to build momentum. They battled to the outside, where Demanto worked over Red and whipped him into the guard rail.

Demanto brought Red back into the ring and worked him over. Red made a comeback with a rana and a twisting DDT. Red came off the rope with a flying bodypress but was caught and slammed down. Red came back with a series of superkicks and powered him up for a Death Valley Driver for another two count.

Red drilled Demanto with a kick to the face and went for the Code Red but Demanto, who was very large, held on and sat down for a pinfall attempt. Red kicked up at two. Demanto grabbed a chair but Red's student Nick grabbed. Demanto dared him to use it. He teased it but instead the student dropped the chair and nailed a stunner. Red dove on Demanto for a two count.

Red charged him in the corner but was kicked down,. Demanto went to the top but Red drilled him with a kick. Red went for a top rope powerbomb but Demanto slipped out from underneath, snapping Red facefirst on the buckles. He then nailed a sitdown powerbomb on Red for a two count.

Nick the student got in the ring and shoved Demanto. Demanto shoved back. The student drilled him. Demanto turned into a Red kick. Red powerbombed Demanto, a feat to see, and drilled him, then scored the pin.

Your winner, Amazing Red!

Good back and forth good vs. evil match.

Red and his student embraced after the match.

After the match, Demanto thanked Queens and Red. He offered his hand. Red was wary. Demanto said that he swore on Red's children that he wouldn't nail Red. He said that they are in Queens and they will do this with respect. Red finally shook his hand and they raised each other's arms. Nick the student raised both their arms.

Red went to the rope to celebrate. Behind him, Demanto drilled the student and powerbombed the living hell out him. Red and just about every moment of the HOG staff, and some of the fans too, all attacked Demanto who rushed out of the venue through the crowd. They had the Commission doctor checking on Nick and they rushed fans out of the venue to sell the angle. Really strong finish,.