View Full Version : 12 SURPRISINGLY DANGEROUS Animals!!

06-30-2013, 06:11 PM
#12 Cassowary
This birds speed and jumping ability will make it hard for you to outrun it. Furthermore, their claws will do some serious damage to you.


#11 Blue-Ringed Octopus
Although, they are very small, their poison has NO antivenin! Meaning, that one bite may result in an instant death.


#10 Putterfish
Considered the second most poisonous vertebrate on earth! To suffer from his toxins all it takes is one touch and your diaphragm will be paralyzed causing you to suffocate.


#9 Cone Snail
Another animal that has no cure for their venom


#8 Swans
Believe it or not if you threaten a swan and have the unfortunate luck of being in the water, they might try to drown you!


#7 Lionfish
When swimming their majestic spines float beautifully, however, they are coated with dangerous venom. You won't die, but you will experience the following; extreme pain, vomiting and difficulty breathing.


#6 Southern Short-Tailed Shrew
When these adorable little buggers bite you it might cause the usual pain, burning sensation, and swelling.


#5 Giant Ant Eater
Giant Ant Eaters have 4 inch claws that can kill a human with one swipe.


#4 Bottle Nose Dolphins
The widely popular creatures have been known to commit horrible acts within their own species such as murder, infanticide , and beat Porpoises to death


#3 Ikrukandji (The one on the right in the little bottle)
These jellyfish are only 1cm in size which means they are pretty much the size of your fingertip! The intial sting isn't too painful, but after about 2-5 hours you might start to experience the following; excruciating muscle cramps in the arms and legs, severe pain in the back and kidneys, a burning sensation of the skin and face, headaches, nausea, restlessness, sweating, vomiting, high heart rate and blood pressure, and the feeling of impending death. But be thankful because you will not die.


#2 Cats
I know you're shocked! Our best friends carry the dangerous Toxoplasmosis


07-01-2013, 01:40 AM
awww but the putterfish is so famn cute. how dangerous can he be smiling like that? :heart: