View Full Version : Rochester Results - 30th June, 2013

07-01-2013, 04:53 PM
Building is full on lower level. Much of the upper level is empty.

Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes is up first. Nice back and forth match with Cara getting the win after a swanton bomb from the top rope. A nice "Let's go Cody/Cody sucks" chant during the match.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio in a fan's choice match is announced for later. The choices are either 2 out of 3 falls or no DQ.

AJ vs. Kaitlin for the Divas title is up next. AJ and Big E come out and cut a promo recapping her feud with Kaitlin. AJ rolls up Kaitlin to retain after a distraction from Big E.

Damien Sandow comes out and cuts a promo on how Rochester is one stop on his MITB tour. Out comes Great Khali to a HUGE pop. Huh? Khali gets the win after dismantling Sandow pretty easily. Unfortunate.

Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton is up next. Nice match with Orton getting the win. Biggest pop of the night goes to Orton.


Zeb Colter and Antonio Cesaro come out and cut an anti-Minnesota/illegal immigrants/MITB promo. Out comes Justin Gabriel. Cesaro gets the pin with the Neutralizer after a nice back and forth match.

The Usos defeat 3MB (Slater and Mahal). The Usos do the Rikishi dance in the ring after the match.

Out comes Del Rio for the main event. Ricardo rips the crowd when they chant along with Del Rio's entrance. Out comes Ziggler to a pretty big pop. Ziggler is acting pretty full-fledged face. It is announced that the match will be no-DQ. A good 20 minute match with kendo sticks, chairs and tables. The end of the match saw Ziggler hit the Zig-Zag on Del Rio, but Ricardo attacks Ziggler with the bucket and takes Dolph down. Ricardo then pulls Del Rio onto Ziggler for the pin. After the match, Ziggler hits Ricardo with the Zig-Zag to send the crowd home happy and meet with the fans after.

Pretty solid show overall, with the biggest pops going to Orton, Ziggler and Khali.