View Full Version : Anarchy Wrestling Hostile Environment Results 2013

07-02-2013, 04:13 PM
The best thing that can be said about Anarchy Wrestling's Hostile Environment 2013 is that their fans have a lot to look forward to.

I take that back. Bobby Moore and Billy Buck proved that lightning can strike twice, and fans were treated to the surprise return of one of the top stars in the history of Cornelia wrestling.

Back to the point -- The advertised heavyweight title match never took place. Mike Posey won the right to get Anarchy owner Franklin Dove in the ring, but not until a later date. The tag titles are held up. The deciding match of a best of five series didn't decide a damn thing. Nothing was settled save the midcard feud between Washington Bullets and The Movement. Bill Behrens and company certainly aren't playing it safe with the booking.

There were only 85 fans in attendance at the Anarchy Arena, down from 100 at the regular TV taping 7 days earlier.

To the company's credit, Anarchy didn't try to con fans into paying a premium for an event that didn't look all that special on paper. The ticket price was held at the standard $10.

Miss Rachael opened with words about the deciding match between her man, Anthony Henry and Seth Delay. Some ringsiders came prepared with trash bags to wave at her. Rachael admitted that Delay exceeded her expectations by making to match #5. She said this wasn't about right from wrong, it was about separating the strong from the weak.

(1) Seth Delay and Anthony Henry (with Miss Rachael) went to a 15 minute draw (actual time 11:40) in match five of their best of five series. I had a bad feeling when Jonathan Feltner announced the time limit. That isn't the norm at Anarchy. Henry went after Delay's injured shoulder. Both were working hurt - Delay suffered a rotator cuff injury in match #1 and a foot injury last week. Henry was nursing back and shoulder problems. Henry paid the price for going away from the game plan with an aerial move. Delay went right to a piledriver for a near fall. Henry got in Dee Byers' face when Delay kicked out of a variant of the GTS. Henry tried for a back suplex off the middle rope but Delay flipped over and landed on top. They went deep into the danger zone when Delay suplexed Henry over the top rope with both spilling to the hardwood floor. Rachael splashed water on Henry to revive him. When Delay started to go up for the top rope elbow, he saw Rachael coming and wisely switched to a different corner. That bought Henry enough time to get his foot up. Henry applied a crossarmbreaker and then went to the crossface. Delay got the ankle lock. Henry reversed it with the crossface, but Delay reversed back to the ankle lock. Henry was on the verge of tapping when the bell rang a good three minutes early.

Delay wanted five more minutes. So did the fans. Henry was begging off because of his ankle. Anarchy owner Franklin Dove said the draw would stand, but there would be a another match at a later date. A fine match given that neither guy was at 100%, especially Delay. That said, I never, ever want to see a draw in the deciding match of series.

(2) Brandon Parker & Kevin Blue defeated Hot Commodity (Tommy Penirelli & CB Suave with Charlie Cash) in 9:39. Blue has the blessing or the curse of having a facial resemblance to Matt Hardy. Hot Commodity took frequent time out to lull Parker and Blue into a false sense of security before lowering the boom on Blue with a hotshot combo. Penirelli halted Blue's spirited comeback with a big backbreaker. In hindsight, that was the spot for the tag, because there wasn't time to build the crowd back to that level. Suave got decimated after the tag was made. He tried to pin Blue using the tights. Blue kicked out and hit the Air Raid Crash for the win. Not bad, but the match needed editing, and there were way too many punches thrown.

Heel commentator Andrew Pendleton III introduced John Johnson as his replacement alongside Bret Wolverton for the next match.

(3) Steven Walters defeated Mike Posey in 9:15. Per the stipulations, Posey gets Anarchy owner Franklin Dove in the ring at a later date. The "later date" part was omitted from the stipuations announced last week. Walters messed with Posey's mind by messing with his hair, then chopped him to death. Posey missed the crotchfire leg drop. A fan gave Walters a rubber chicken, but Posey threw him into the post. Dove rightly lost all impartiality. He smacked Posey with the rubber chicken and he wasn't playing. Walters used the crotchfire legdrop for a near fall. Posey worked the shoulder, not the best choice of body parts after match #1. Walters powerbombed out of a short arm scissors. Posey went for a chair but Dove took it away. Posey tried for the Alabama Jam but Walters met him at the top Angle style for a close near fall. They went back and forth with pin attempts, and Posey got three using the tights. For a blend of comedy and technical wrestling, I'd give it a B+.

Johnson brought AP III back out. They've bonded based on a shared sickness of egos. AP III announced that JJ would be available for autographs during intermission with a max of 10 autographs per person.

(4) Jagged Edge & Se7en (with Jeff G. Bailey) defeated Joey Rhymer & BJ Hancock to win the Anarchy Tag Team Championship in 3:15. A physical mismatch of epic proportions. The destruction started before the bell and it only got worse for from there A massive Se7en shoulderblock had Bailey breaking into a celebratory home run trot. A midair collision of press slams made for spectacular carnage. The fans popped in spite of themselves. Seven pinned after a leaping elbow drop that liked to have crushed his sternum.

Bailey said Anarchy finally had tag champs everyone could be proud of, and the inglorious, shabby, here today, gone later today ex-champs had been dealt with accordingly. Ouch. It was the perfect ending to a powerful segment. Let that sink in for two weeks. Instead, Bailey issued an open challenge. Leading to...

(5) Jagged Edge & Se7en (with Bailey) vs. Slim J & Azrael ended with no decisionand titles held up at 10:21. The tag titles are held up. Azrael could use some new gear, just saying. At one point, Jagged Edge slipped and took a nasty spill off the ropes. Jagged took a load of punishment before managing to grab J and tag. Se7en made mincemeat out of J, busting out a slingshot suplex with extra mustard on it. Azrael made the tag but was soon met with a belly-to-belly suplex. Jagged tried to make a tackling dummy out of Azrael, but accidentally speared Se7en. Dee Byers got bumped and Ken Wallace ran down to help. Azrael hit the Superman punch on Jagged. Se7en committed some type of atrocity on J. Byers counted Jagged's shoulders down while Wallace counted J's for the dreaded double pin.

After a pow wow with the refs, Bill Behrens announced that the legal men were not involved in same pin (true). Therefore, there was no winner and titles were held up and would be decided at...you guessed it...a future date (July 27).

(6) Bobby Moore (with Charlie Cash) defeated Billy Buck in no DQ and no count out match to retain the Anarchy TV Champion in 13:45. These guys have chemistry. Their Bunkhouse match at Hostile Environment 2012 was shockingly great, and they tore the house down here. Buck was on fire, lighting him up with the stiffest chops of the night, tossing him over the rail and ringing the bell with his head. Buck turned his attention to Cash and Moore capitalized. Moore escaped the Samoan drop but was left seated on the top rope. Buck hit superplex and it was both men down. They slugged it out midring, using fewer blows than match #2 and making every one count. Moore ducked Buck's signature superkick and speared him out of his boots for a close near fall. Cash slid a chair into the ring, but Buck applied a figure four before Moore could use it. Cash raked Buck's eyes and reminded the ref he could do whatever because it was no DQ. Moore nailed the sick kick and looked stupefied when Buck kicked out. Moore tried for the Raven chair spot. Buck blocked it and gave Moore a Samoan Drop onto the chair for a close near fall. The chair was destroyed. So was Moore, who rolled to the floor in agony. The battle moved to the top of the elevated announcer's booth. Buck connected with a superkick and Moore fell, crashing through a table below. As Buck went to cover for the sure three count, he was attacked by the other members of Cash Vault (Suave and Penirelli). Buck took them both out. One guy against two usually looks hokey. This didn't. Cash took a bump from Buck's bionic elbow, and there was Moore with the loaded forearm for the 1-2-3. An easy choice for best match of the night.

Slim J performed his "In It to Win It" rap. The fans were respectful but they weren't feeling it at all. They can't understand what he's saying and they pay to see him wrestle not rap. J proposed a Captain's Match on July 13 with the winner earning the right to name the stipulation for the July 27 Anarchy Tag Title match vs. Jagged Edge & Se7en. An enraged Billy Buck interrupted. Buck said he was asking for one more match with Moore with his career on the line, and he wanted an answer tonight. This awkward segment came to an awkward conclusion.

Behrens came out and informed ring announcer Jonathan Feltner that Cash had accepted Buck's challenge for July 13.

(7) The Movement (Najasism & Vandal) defeated Washington Bullets (Jon & Trey Williams) in a Texas Tornado Match at 11 minutes. Trey took Vandal out of the match. Jon tied Naja's hair to the ropes and the Bullets kicked the crap out of him. Bullets kept Vandal on the outside while they annihilated Naja. Vandal finally gathered himself for a one-on-two assault until Naja could recover, but Bullets destroyed Movement with combo moves. Naja and Vandal both kicked out of a double pin. Naja hit a top rope double stomp on Trey and flowed into a hurancana on Jon. Quite the spectacular spot. Vandal hit the Iconoclasm on Trey and Naja followed with a 450 for the pin. The crowd, which was fairly quiet for the body of the match, popped big for the finish. They had a tough act to follow after Buck/Moore. Although this match had scads of action, it felt very indyish by comparison.

The title match between Anarchy Heavyweight Champion Jeremy Vain and Geter never happened. Unforgivable Blackness (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis & Geter) attacked Vain before the bell. Brodie Chase came to Vain's aid and was beaten down as well. The building was pitched into darkness. The crowd popped for "O Fortuna" because that could only mean one thing. The lights came on with Mikael Judas standing in the middle of the ring. It's been done before and it's always a hell of a moment. The match morphed into a six man.

(8) Mikael Judas & Jeremy Vain & Brodie Chase defeated Unforgivable Blackness (Geter & Shadow Jackson & Nemesis) in 13:18. Vain was having his way, until Geter reached in and absolutely coldcocked him with a punch. Geter tagged in to an immediate "we want Mikael' chant. It was Geter that put Judas out of action at the conclusion of Hardcore Hell. Vain took a beating. That's always been one of his specialties. Out of the blue, Vain nailed Jackson right on the button with a superkick. Judas tagged in for the first and only time. He dispatched with Nemesis and Jackson in devastating fashion to set up the showdown with Geter, but Jackson blocked his punch. All six men started going at it. Chase and Vain whipped Geter into the post. Judas hit El Crucifijo (crucifix powerbomb) on Nemesis for the win.

Postmatch, Geter stood at ringside glaring and pointing at Judas.

NOTES: Scott and Cody Hall return to Anarchy on July 13 for a special meet and greet...Returning from ultra successful knee surgery and extensive rehab, Judas wrestled without a knee brace for the first time 9 years...Walters is headed to England for the balance of the summer where he will join fellow Carolina wrestler John Skyler...OSWA ran a show in Cornelia with $1 admission head up against Hostile Environment as they did versus Hardcore Hell...During the second tag title match, AP III said something on commentary that cracked Wolverton up so badly that he was biting his knuckle to avoid laughing into the mic...The funniest moment of the night came when flung off his robe with a dramatic flourish and it landed right on Vain's face.