View Full Version : They have the technology? US government briefly shows iOS on a Lumia 920 (updated)

07-10-2013, 04:37 AM

In a 30-second PSA about its wireless emergency alerts, the US government has adopted a similar approach to those fictional smartphone mash-ups we've seen on the TV. The ad shows those familiar WinPho buttons housed within a white polycarbonate Lumia 920, paired with a less familiar iOS 6 lock screen. Now, as with those broody serials we love so much, we doubt there's any grounding in reality, but FEMA, somewhere, you're making a wishful Apple and Nokia fan's dreams (appear to) come true. Check it out after the break.

Update: As very many of you have spotted, that distinct bottom can only belong to a Lumia 920, rather than the 900 as we originally reported. We stand corrected!

Source and video: http://www.engadget.com/2013/07/09/they-have-the-technology-us-government-briefly-shows-ios-on-a-l/