View Full Version : WWE SmackDown Spoilers - 7/19/13

07-17-2013, 08:34 AM
WWE will tape this week's WWE SmackDown from the Dunkin' Donuts Center in Providence, Rhode Island. Here are the full results.

* SmackDown kicks off with Teddy Long in the ring. He announces that Vince McMahon will be giving him a job evaluation. Booker T comes out and says he would be resuming the General Manager position. Out comes Vince McMahon. McMahon says that only one person can be in charge, and he asks what do they have to offer. Teddy announces Curtis Axel vs. Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Title. Booker announced Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton.

Brad Maddox comes out and announces the return of RVD to SmackDown. Vince then announces that Vickie Guerrero is the new SmackDown General Manager. Vickie then cuts a promo about how she hates all of us.

* Dolph Ziggler defeated Jack Swagger after hitting the Zig-Zag. Cesaro and Zeb were sent backstage after Cesaro pulled Ziggler off the apron into his uppercut. Following the match, Ziggler cut a promo about dumping AJ. He said he should have done it sooner.

AJ was watching backstage with Big E and went nuts. The two almost ended up kissing.

* Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns vs. The Usos never started because Dean Ambrose ran in. Mark Henry made the save. The Shield retreated.

* Daniel Bryan beat Wade Barrett by submission. Bryan came out to a massive pop.

* MizTV with Paul Heyman. Heyman praises Brock Lesnar and tells CM Punk to just give up. Heyman threatens another attack from Lesnar. The Miz cracks jokes to end the segment.

* Curtis Axel beat Chris Jericho. After the match, Ryback came out and nailed Jericho with the Meathook and Shellshocked.

* Damien Sandow comes out and talks about Cody Rhodes attacking him on RAW. He says they're still best friends and tag team partners, and calls Cody out. Sandow offers to forgive Cody and let him be the guardian of his Money in the Bank briefcase. Cody attacks Sandow but he escapes the ring and heads to the back.

* Rob Van Dam defeated Darren Young (w/Titus O'Neil).

* Vickie Guerrero has security escort Teddy Long out of the arena.

* Big Show will be returning to RAW on Monday it's announced.

* Randy Orton beat Alberto Del Rio in a non-title match. Orton won clean with a RKO. SmackDown ends with Orton celebrating.