View Full Version : Courtney Love free to leave home

02-04-2006, 10:34 PM
Courtney Love was ordered not to leave home in November
A Los Angeles judge has released singer Courtney Love from a court home detention order because of her efforts to combat drug addiction.

Judge Rand Rubin ordered Love not to leave home in November, following her release from a drug rehab clinic.

"I feel like I'm getting my creativity back... and that I've put a very gnarly drug problem behind me," Love said at the progress hearing on Friday.

Love is on probation for drug offences and attacking a woman with a bottle.

The incident happened after Love found musician Kristin King in her boyfriend's home. The singer pleaded no contest to assault in February 2005.

Ms King, the woman she hit with a whisky bottle and a large lit candle in April 2004, is suing Love over the incident.

Judge Rubin extended Love's probation to March 2007 at Friday's progress hearing and ordered her to attend counselling.

He also told her to continue twice-weekly random drug and alcohol testing and avoid places where alcohol is the main drink on sale. A date of 12 May was set for a further progress hearing.

Efforts praised

Under house detention Love had been allowed to leave home only under certain circumstances, such as visits to the doctor or her probation officer.

Prior to being confined at home, Love had been in a live-in drug rehabilitation centre which she had been ordered to attend in September 2005 for violating her probation by using drugs.

She was allowed to leave early by Judge Rubin, having originally been ordered to stay for 180 days. The judge had again praised her efforts to beat drug and alcohol addiction.

In February 2005, Love also pleaded guilty in a case involving a forged prescription. In May 2004, she pleaded guilty to a misdemeanour charge of being under the influence of cocaine.


It is good to see that the rehab seems to be working and that Courtney is looking a lot better than i have seen her in a long while.I just wonder if reeasing her early is a good idea as with some of the dodgy friends that she may have it may be impossible to resist temptation and fall of the wagon again..

Sunshine Acid
02-05-2006, 05:15 PM
I still think she killed Kurt Cobain.