View Full Version : This Day in History - 20th July, 2013

07-20-2013, 03:31 PM
July 20th

On this day in history in ....

1963 - Verne Gagne defeats The Crusher in Minneapolis, Minnesota to win the AWA World Heavyweight Title for the fourth time. Gagne also won the Omaha version of the World Title, which Crusher had won from Fritz Von Erich five months earlier.

1973 - Jack Brisco defeats Harley Race in Houston, Texas to win the NWA World Heavyweight Title, ending Race's first reign after less than four months. It would be over three years before Race would be champion again. This is the first of two runs with the title for Brisco.

1992 - Eddie Gilbert defeats Ricky Morton in Memphis, Tennessee to win the USWA Unified Heavyweight Title for the second time. On the same card, Brian Christopher defeats Tom Prichard for the USWA Southern Heavyweight Title, ending Prichard's fifth reign as champion and starting his own third run with the belt.

1992 - The Natural Disasters (Earthquake & Typhoon) defeat Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase & IRS) to win the WWF World Tag Team Title in Worcester, Massachusetts.

1998 - The Monday Night Wars between WWF's Raw and WCW's Nitro raged on, with WWF barely getting a win with a 5.0 rating to WCW's 4.7 rating.

Raw featured Kane & Mankind defeated Steve Austin by DQ in the main event, Intercontinental Champion The Rock defeating X-Pac by DQ, and D'Lo Brown defeating Triple H for the WWF European Title. There was also a Brawl For All match, as Steve Williams (a favorite to win the competition) defeated Quebecer Pierre.

WCW countered with Scott Hall & The Giant defeating Sting & Lex Luger for the WCW World Tag Team Championship, Curt Hennig defeating Lex Luger, and Bret Hart defeating Diamond Dallas Page for the vacant United States Championship (the title was vacated by Goldberg when he won the World Title). There was also a strong International presence on the show, as Masahiro Chono & The Great Muta defeated Disco Inferno & Alex Wright, Yuji Nagata defeated Perry Saturn and Ultimo Dragon defeated Tokyo Magnum.

1999 - The Suicide Blondes (Rip Rogers & Jason Lee) defeat Flash Flannagan & Trailer Park Trash to win the OVW Southern Tag Team Title in Louisville, Kentucky.

2000 - Tatsuhito Takaiwa defeats Jushin Liger in Sapporo, Japan to win the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship. This ended Liger's eleventh (and to date, last) reign as champion. The closest to Liger's record is Koji Kanemoto, with four reigns.

2003 - At a WWE House show in San Jose, California at the HP Pavilion Triple H and Goldberg met in one-on-one action for the first time, with Triple H winning via pinfall after a low blow in a match that saw both Ric Flair and Randy Orton interfere.

2007 - Memphis Wrestling ran Tunica, MS. Brian Tramel filed the following report:


----Just before intermission at the show, Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock came out to ringside and had party hats and noise makers. He said it was a “bon voyage” party for Jerry Lawler. They called out Lawler as Blaylock said he had a big surprise for him. A "police officer" came out to serve papers to Lawler. Lawler took the papers and put them in his tights and then gave the officer a piledriver. I was told it was a good skit. Lawler continues to work the whole Sal Corrente incident as an angle.


----"The Genocide Agents" [Maxx Corbin/Albino Rhino] beat "Naughty By Nature" [Rude/Pokerface] with help from Kevin White…"Too Cool 2" [Tim Grind/Flex] retained the Southern Tag Team Titles beating Tatt2/Dustin Starr. The finish involved Tatt2 getting pinned…Kevin White beat Spellbinder…TLC Match: Derrick King retained the JR Title Match by beating Johnny Dotson…Spellbinder won the battle royal eliminating Mr. Hughes leaving him in the ring with Corbin/Albino. They ran at him and he ducked sending them over the top rope…Sid Vicious beat Jerry Lawler with from Ron Rage. Lawler was making his comeback, when Johnny Rotten ran out. Lawler goes to hit Rotten and Rage comes thru the crowd and gives Sid brass knuckles to hit Lawler for the win. Vicious/Rage/Rotten beat Lawler down after the match with NBN trying to make the save and getting beat down also.


----280 people in the crowd with a gate close to $5,600…Security was real tight with scanning of tickets and hand stamp. Everyone HAD TO HAVE A TICKET to get in the building. The guys that gave Sal Corrente so much hell and Sal got into it with were there in their same seats…The finish of the White/Spell match had Spell with a in the scorpion death lock on White and after a ref bump and one of the Agents used a taser gun on him. Before the match, Spell did some magic while White and Agents were holding the Skull pole. Spell's magic made him taken over the pole while they held it. Shango Sting???...Not much of a TLC match as no table was broken, but DK used a chair to win…Lawler has the balls to actually do this angle with him piledriving the “officer”…

2008 - WWE broadcasting the Great American Bash PPV. Richard Trionfo filed the following PPV report:

We begin the pay per view with a look back at the greatest moment for Vickie Guerrero and Edge, only to be ruined by Triple H’s special footage of Edge with the wedding planner. Wedded bliss is not the only thing that has been destroyed. The JBLimo was ruined by Cryme Tyme and John Cena. Then Bradshaw tried to destroy John Cena only to see Cena escape. CM Punk cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase, but he will have to deal with the man who helped him win the title tonight, Batista.

Your announcers are Jim Ross and Mick Foley from the Smackdown brand; Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler for the Raw brand; and The Tazz and Mike Adamle for the ECW brand.

Match Number One: John Morrison and The Miz versus Finlay and Hornswoggle versus Jesse and Festus versus Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder in a Fatal Four Way for the WWE Tag Team Titles

The bell rings and Festus goes after anyone in the ring but Jesse calms him down and everyone else is on the floor. Miz and Morrison throw Hornswoggle into the ring. Hornswoggle rolls up his sleeves and wants a piece of Festus. Miz and Morrison hit Festus from behind and then Hornswoggle with a tope onto Miz and Morrison. Miz is sent into the ring and Festus with a leg drop to Miz followed by a head butt to the back. Festus throws Miz into the corner and he punches Miz until the referee pulls him away. Jesse tags in and he hits a monkey flip followed by a neckbreaker. Jesse tags Festus back in and he Irish whips Miz into a punch from Festus. Festus with a boot to Miz and then one to Finlay who made a blind tag. Morrison tags in and he chokes Finlay. Morrison kicks Finlay and has him in a front face lock followed by a European uppercut. Miz and Morrison double team Finlay and Miz with elbows to Finlay followed by an arm bar and cross face combination. Miz with knees to Finlay followed by a side Russian leg sweep for a two count. Morrison tags in and Morrison with a forearm and slingshot elbow while Finlay is on Miz’s knees.

Morrison with a side head lock on Finlay. Finlay gets to his feet but Morrison with a swinging neck breaker and he tags in Miz. Finlay punches Miz but Miz with a knee. Morrison is tagged back in and Finlay with a double leg take down. Finlay with a forearm to Morrison’s head and both men go down. Ryder tags in and he goes after Finlay. Ryder with a suplex to Finlay for a near fall and then he works on the neck. Hawkins tags in and he connects with a knee and punch in the corner but Finlay fights off Hawkins and Ryder and he takes Hawkins down but Hawkins regains control and punches Finlay. Hawkins with an arm bar and cross face and then he sends Finlay into Ryder’s knee Ryder tags in and he Irish whips Finlay. Finlay with a rolling fireman’s carry slam. Hornswoggle hits Ryder with the shillelagh but he cannot get the three count. Hornswoggle makes the save for Finlay when Ryder had a rollup.

Hawkins tags back in and he has Finlay in a reverse chin lock. Finlay with a kick to Hawkins and Hornswoggle tags in and he hits a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Jesse makes the blind tag and he hits a clothesline and Lou Thesz Press. Jesse with a snap suplex for a near fall. Hawkins knocks Hornswoggle off the apron. Festus is tagged in and he punches Hawkins followed by a flap jack. Festus knocks Ryder off the apron and hits a flying shoulder tackle followed by a splash onto Hawkins. Festus throws Miz and Morrison out of the ring and Festus is tripped by Ryder as he sets for a Rocket Launcher. Hawkins pulls Jesse off the turnbuckle and gets the three count.

Winners: Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder

Match Number Two: Matt Hardy versus Shelton Benjamin for the United States Title
Benjamin with a waist lock and he gets a near fall. Benjamin with a front face lock into a side head lock. Benjamin with a shoulder tackle. Hardy with an inside cradle for a near fall. Benjamin with a side head lock that takes Hardy to his knees. Hardy with a hip toss and an arm drag into an arm bar. Benjamin backs Hardy into the corner and after a brief break, he kicks Hardy. Benjamin floats over on an Irish whip. Hardy with a forearm to the head. Hardy with a back elbow and he connects with a forearm. Benjamin throws Hardy over the top rope and Hardy tries to skin the cat, but Benjamin with a drop kick that sends Hardy to the floor. Hardy with a shoulder to Benjamin but Benjamin with a boot and then he sends Hardy into the ring post. Benjamin goes out after Hardy and he rolls him back into the ring to get a near fall.

Benjamin with a belly-to-back suplex for a two count. Benjamin with a back breaker and then he applies pressure to Hardy’s neck. Benjamin with a key lock and he works on Hardy’s neck some more. Benjamin with another back breaker. Benjamin with a seated abdominal stretch but Hardy gets to his feet and he hits a version of a Samoan drop. Hardy with a punch to Benjamin’s head and then he charges into a boot. Hardy tries for a Side Effect but Benjamin take Hardy down for a near fall. Benjamin continues to work on the back and neck as he has Hardy in an inverted suplex position. Benjamin with the dragon whip that sends Hardy into the corner. Benjamin with a Stinger Splash into the corner but he tries again and he leaps into Hardy’s boots. Hardy with forearms and a clothesline to Benjamin. Hardy with an Irish whip followed by a running clothesline and bulldog for a near fall. Hardy with a slam and then he goes to the turnbuckles for the screaming leg drop that connects but Hardy can only get a two count. Hardy returns to the turnbuckles for an elbow but Benjamin catches him and throws Hardy into the turnbuckles and Hardy goes down hard.

Benjamin tries for a power bomb but Hardy rolls through into a sunset flip. Benjamin with another near fall. Hardy with a Side Effect for a two count. Hardy sets for the Twist of Fate and Benjamin sends Hardy into the turnbuckles. Benjamin with a forearm to the kidneys and then he puts Hardy on the turnbuckles. Hardy with an elbow to knock Benjamin off. Hardy with a moonsault but it appears that Hardy overshot Benjamin. Benjamin hits Paydirt for the three count.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Michael Cole wonders if CM Punk will lose his title in the same way that Matt Hardy just did.

We go to comments from CM Punk after Raw last week in a WWE Mobile Exclusive. Todd Grisham asked Punk about the people who don’t think that he will win the title. Punk talks about how Batista came to help him against Kane. Batista thinks that he will win. People did not think that he was supposed to make it into the WWE but he made it and won the ECW Title. People said he would never make it to the flagship show, but he made it there and he won the title. He tells Batista that you don’t have to be six foot six and be chiseled to win the title. He is not a fluke. Punk says that he is in the business of proving everybody wrong. He plans to be the champion next week. He says that he is not Batista, John Cena, Shawn Michaels, or Bret Hart. He is CM Punk, the World Champion.

Mick Foley says that he has seen Punk too many times to doubt him.

We take a look back at Smackdown from Friday night when Triple H unveiled the video that led to Vickie Guerrero attacking her husband Edge. The WWE Mobile poll asks who do you sympathize with more.

Match Number Three: Tommy Dreamer with Colin Delaney versus Mark Henry with Tony Atlas for the ECW Title

Henry has some words for Dreamer before the bell rings and he pushes Dreamer. They lock up and Henry tosses Dreamer to the mat. Dreamer tries to take Henry down by going for the leg but Henry tosses Dreamer away again. Dreamer with punches but Henry with a body block that knocks Dreamer down. Henry with a kick to the ribs and then he steps on Dreamer’s head. Henry chokes Dreamer in the ropes. Henry with a head butt to Dreamer and then he works on Dreamer’s neck. Dreamer tries to escape the hold but Henry sends Dreamer back to the mat. Henry with a wrist lock on Dreamer and he tries to break the wrist. Dreamer punches Henry but Henry with another body block. Atlas talks trash to Dreamer while he is down. Henry returns to the wrist and then he sends Dreamer to the mat again by the hair. Henry misses a splash but Dreamer hits a drop kick. Dreamer punches Henry and then Henry charges into an elbow. Dreamer tries to take Henry down but he cannot get it done. Henry misses a charge into the corner and Dreamer hits a neck breaker for a two count.

Dreamer with a DDT but Atlas gets on the apron to distract him. Dreamer goes to the turnbuckle and Delaney gets on the apron and instead of helping Dreamer, he pulls Dreamer into the ropes and Dreamer catches Henry and hits a power slam for the three count.

Winner: Mark Henry

Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler talk about the feud between Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels. We go to the video package.

Match Number Four: Chris Jericho versus Shawn Michaels

Michaels and Jericho stare each other down before the bell rings. The bell rings and they stay a few inches apart for a few seconds before they lock up and Jericho with knees followed by punches. Jericho with more knees to Michaels. Michaels with a chop to Jericho and then he sends Jericho into the corner and punches him. Jericho with an Irish whip but Jericho charges into a boot and then he clips Jericho. Michaels tries for the figure four and he locks it in. Jericho gets to the ropes and Michaels continues to work on the leg and knee. Michaels with a punch to Jericho and then he puts the leg in the rope. Jericho holds the referee in front of him so Michaels cannot continue his assault. Jericho with an Irish whip and Michaels does the Michaels flip into the corner and he goes to the apron. Jericho with the springboard drop kick and Michaels goes to the floor, but Jericho feels it as he favors his knee. Jericho goes to the floor and hits an elbow from the apron. Jericho rolls Michaels back in and Jericho with a kick to the ribs. Jericho with a belly-to-back suplex and then he slaps Michaels. Jericho with shoulders in the corner but Michaels with a forearm. Jericho with a snap mare and he works on the back. Michaels with forearms but Jericho with an enzuigiri and Michaels goes down but Jericho can only get a two count. Jericho slams Michaels and then he goes to the turnbuckles and wants Michaels to get up. Michaels catches Jericho with a reverse atomic drop. Michaels with a chop to Jericho followed by forearms.

Michaels with a flying forearm and he kips up but he favors his ribs. Jericho with a rollup and then he puts Michaels in a Boston Crab. Michaels is able to make it to the ropes before he has to tap. Jericho wants to know if Michaels tapped. Jericho kicks Michaels in the back. Jericho kicks Michaels in the corner and then he punches him. Jericho with an Irish whip and Jericho tries for the bulldog but Michaels anticipates it and hits a clothesline for a two count. Michaels goes up top but Jericho gets to the ropes and crotches Michaels. Jericho with a forearm to the head but Michaels pushes Jericho off the turnbuckles when Jericho tries to climb up top. Jericho tries for a superplex but Michaels holds on to the top turnbuckle. Michaels punches Jericho and kicks him off. Michaels goes up top and hits the elbow drop. Michaels sets for Sweet Chin Music. Lance Cade comes out and that distracts Michaels. Michaels with a baseball slide to Cade. Jericho tries for the Codebreaker but Michaels is close enough to the ropes to counter it. Michaels with a two count. Jericho with a rollup on Michaels for a two count. Michaels with forearms and chops. Jericho charges at Michaels and Michaels hip tosses Jericho over the top rope onto Cade.

Michaels goes up top and hits a moonsault to the floor and he hits Cade and Jericho. Jericho with an elbow to Michaels and Jericho rolls into the ring. Michaels makes his way back in. Michaels gets up and his eye is busted open. Michaels punches Jericho. Jericho with a kick to the head and he punches Michaels in the injured eye. Michaels pops back up and goes into the corner. The referee checks on Michaels and he allows them to continue. Jericho with another punch to the eye. Michaels tries to fight back but Jericho is able to avoid the punches while Jericho continues to connect to the eye. Jericho with a boot to the head. Cade with a boot to the head while the referee deals with Jericho. Jericho with more punches to the head. Jericho with head butts to Michaels. Michaels puts Jericho in the Crippler Crossface but Jericho gets to his feet and he sends Michaels into the ropes. Jericho punches Michaels in the head and the referee tells Jericho to wait to allow him to check Michaels. Michaels does not want to stop and Jericho returns to the assault on the head.

Jericho is pulled off the referee one more time and is told to stay in the corner. The referee asks Michaels if he wants to stop the match and Michaels refuses. Jericho finds out that Michaels wants to continue so he kicks him in the head. Jericho returns to the head and connects with punches. Michaels tries to pull himself up while he continues to bleed from the earlier injury. Jericho with forearms to the eye as he ties up the other arm. The referee pulls Jericho off Michaels and then he stops the match.

Winner: Chris Jericho by referee stoppage

After the match, the medical staff checks on Michaels while Jericho and Cade celebrate in the ring. The medical staff helps Michaels out of the ring. Michaels is helped to the back.

Jim Ross comments on Shawn Michaels and hopes that he is okay. Mick talks about the comeback match that Shawn had and hopes that he is okay.

Edge is in the locker room and Jim Ross asks him how he feels. Edge asks Jim to think how he feels. Triple H crossed lines and boundaries and he did it because he can. What kind of pervert puts a camera in another man’s hotel room. Triple H took away his personal life. He still has his professional life and Triple H has made him desperate. When he is desperate, he is dangerous. Edge says that he knows how to ruin Hunter’s life and that is by taking the WWE Championship.

Match Number Five: Michelle McCool versus Natalya Neidhart for the Divas Title

They lock up and Michelle with a waist lock take down. Natalya with a standing switch. Michelle with a drop kick for a near fall and then she works on the arm. Michelle with a series of European uppercuts. Michelle with a kick to Natalya. Michelle tries for a wheelbarrow move but Natalya turns it into a hot shot. Natalya with a near fall and then she slams Michelle’s head into the mat. Natalya works on the knee and then she tries for a surfboard move. Michelle powers out of the move and turns it into a heel hook but Natalya gets to the ropes and apron. Natalya wraps Michelle around the ring post. Natalya with a kick to the head and then she starts to work on the hamstring before getting another near fall.

Natalya with forearms and then she sets for the Sharpshooter and she locks it in. Michelle makes it to the ropes to get Natalya to release the hold. Natalya slams Michelle’s head into the mat. Natalya tries for the Sharpshooter again, but Michelle with the heel hook again. Natalya rolls to the ropes but she cannot reach them and she taps out.

Winner: Michelle McCool

After the match, Cherry and Eve celebrate with Michelle.

Chris Jericho comes out and he tells everyone to save their ticket stubs because they are from the night that Shawn Michaels had his last match. Jericho says that Michaels has a detached retina and Shawn’s career is over. This shows that some times the good guys win and the wicked are punished. Shawn can take comfort in one thing, the worst has finally come.

We see CM Punk and Batista getting ready for their match and it is time for the video package.

Match Number Six: CM Punk versus Batista for the World Title

They lock up and Batista backs Punk into the corner but gives a clean break. They lock up again and Punk with a side head lock but Batista gets Punk into the ropes for another break. Punk with a hammer lock but Batista with an elbow to the jaw. Punk with kicks to the legs and midsection followed by forearm. Punk gets out of a power slam attempt but Batista with a back elbow when Punk misses a rollup. Batista with a snap mare and boot to the head for a near fall. Batista with an Irish whip but he misses a charge. Punk tries for a rollup but Batista blocks it. Punk with an enzuigiri that sends Batista out of the ring to the floor. Punk with a baseball slide that sends Batista into the ringside barrier. Punk sets for a tope and he hits it.

They return to the ring and Punk gets a number of near falls. Punk with a kick to the back followed by one to the midsection. Batista with a hard Irish whip. Batista with another hard Irish whip followed by a suplex for a two count. Batista tries to humble Punk with a camel clutch. Batista works on Punk’s back to impact on the Go To Sleep. Batista with a forearm to the back and then he does it again. Batista tries it a third time and Punk turns around and hits a clothesline. Punk with a leg lariat that sends Batista out of the ring. Batista tries to get back into the ring and Punk kicks Batista and the challenger falls back into the ring. Punk with kicks to the leg but Batista with a knee. Punk with a boot to a charging Batista. Punk with a cross body for a two count. Punk with a kick to Batista but Punk tries for the knee in the corner but Punk is caught by Batista and he tries for the Batista Bomb. Punk runs into a spinebuster and Punk tries for the Batista Bomb but Punk grabs the ropes. Punk with a kick from the apron and then he comes back in and he hits the knee into the corner and he gets pushed out of the corner on the bulldog attempt. Punk with a round house kick to the head and Punk with a two count.

Punk tries for the Go To Sleep but Batista gets out of the hold and he hits Punk in the back. Batista with a running clothesline into the corner. Batista with an Irish whip and another running clothesline. Batista puts Punk on the top turnbuckle but Punk has Batista in a cross arm breaker in the ropes. Punk with the springboard clothesline for a two count. Punk works on the arm but Batista rolls Punk over to get a near fall. Batista grabs the leg but Punk with a series of slaps. Batista responds with a clothesline that takes Punk down. Batista runs Punk into the corner and hits a series of shoulders. The referee gets in the way and Punk moves when Batista charges again and Batista runs his shoulder into the ring post. Punk tries for a move from the apron but Batista catches him and hits a spinebuster on the floor.

Batista rolls Punk into the ring and while the referee is not looking Kane comes down and attacks Batista. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: No Contest Double Disqualification

After the match, Kane choke slams Punk and then he leaves the ring with his bag of magic beans. Kane asks if he is dead and then he turns around and gives a camera man a big boot. I hope he wasn’t asking about the camera man because I think we know the answer to that question.

Punk holds the title belt up and Batista kicks Punk and hits the Batista Bomb. Batista leaves the ring and walks to the back.

Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler talk about the past between John Cena and Bradshaw. Time for the video package for the parking lot brawl.

Match Number Seven: John Bradshaw Layfield versus John Cena in a New York Parking Lot Brawl

We see the garage where they will wrestle and the JBLimo pulls up and Bradshaw emerges in his suit and with a crowbar. He wonders where Cena is and the referee says that he hasn’t seen anyone. Bradshaw calls for Cena and he tries to see if he is in one of the cars. Bradshaw gets on the hood of one of the cars and we see Cena across the way and he hits the car and then he grabs some jumper cables and punches and chokes Bradshaw. Cena slams Bradshaw’s head into the hood of one of the cars and then he closes the hood on Bradshaw. Cena puts the jumper cables on Bradshaw’s groin and then he gives him some juice. Cena sends Bradshaw onto one of the cars and then he gets a keg and he throws it at Bradshaw but he moves out of the way. Bradshaw gets into one of the cars and Cena slams Bradshaw’s head into the steering wheel.

Cena and Bradshaw with punches and Bradshaw tries to slam Cena’s head into one of the windows. Cena punches Bradshaw and then he tries to Irish whip Bradshaw into the door but Bradshaw reverses it and the door comes off the hinges. Bradshaw punches Cena and slams his head into the door. Bradshaw punches Cena some more and he slams his head onto another car hood. Bradshaw gets on the hood and he connects with forearms to the back. Bradshaw with a swinging neck breaker onto the hood and he gets a two count. Bradshaw with a kick to the head. Bradshaw throws Cena into the window of one of the cars and the glass shatters.

Bradshaw with a DDT on the roof of the car and he covers Cena but only gets a two count. Bradshaw gets the tire iron and he swings and misses. Cena with punches but Bradshaw with a kick to the midsection. Cena gets sent into the side window and on the second attempt, Cena goes through the window. The referee asks if he wants to continue. Cena is placed in the back seat of one of the cars.

Bradshaw leaves the circle of cars and goes into the JBLimo for a container of gasoline. The JBLimo leaves and the referee tries to convince Bradshaw not to do this. Bradshaw pours the gasoline on the car and then he pulls out a lighter as the referee tries to stop him. Bradshaw lights the car and they quickly put it out. Cena gets out of the car and Bradshaw gets down from the fork lift. Cena throws Bradshaw into one of the cars and he bounces off the window. The third time is not the charm as he bounces off the door. Cena puts Bradshaw in one of the cars and it is time for the fork lift to come into play.

Cena drives the fork lift into the car that Bradshaw is in and then he lifts up the car and he brings it into the arena. Bradshaw gets out of the car and Cena punches him. They fight onto the ramp and Bradshaw punches back. Cena and Bradshaw with punches and Cena hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena gives Bradshaw the Five Knuckle Shuffle on the stage. Cena waits for Bradshaw to get up and he gets Bradshaw up for the FU. Instead of hitting it on the stage, he things about doing it onto the car, but Bradshaw recovers and Bradshaw sends Cena off the stage into the windshield of the car and Bradshaw gets the three count.

Winner: John Bradshaw Layfield

After the match, the referee checks on Bradshaw who is still down on the ground. Cena gets up from the windshield of the car. Bradshaw is helped to the back, but Cena refuses assistance to the back.

Jim Ross and Mick Foley talk about the parking lot brawl. It is time to see the results of the poll and 55 percent of the people sympathize with Edge while only 45 percent sympathize with Vickie. Time for the video package to set up the main event.

Triple H is walking and he is stopped by Eve to find out if he has any regrets for what he did to Edge and Vickie. Hunter asks if he looks like someone who has any regrets.

Match Number Eight: Edge versus Triple H for the WWE Title

Edge with a forearm as the bell rings and he punches Hunter in the corner as the referee has to pull him out of the corner. Edge with punches to Hunter but Hunter tosses Edge over the top rope. Hunter knocks Edge off the apron as he tries to get back into the ring. Hunter Irish whips Edge into the ringside barrier. Hunter rolls Edge back into the ring and then he drops him on the top rope. Hunter drops Edge’s neck on the top rope as he works on Edge’s ‘trapezoid’. Hunter with knees to the head followed by a punch. Hunter with an Irish whip followed by a Northern Lariat. Hunter sends Edge into the ring post and Edge goes to the floor again.

Edge hot shots Hunter onto the ringside barrier. Both men crawl their way back into the ring. Edge with a kick to the hamstring followed by a punch. Edge with a running shoulder into the corner and Hunter goes down hard. Edge with a kick to the midsection. Hunter punches Edge but Edge with a knee and punch to Hunter. Edge with a hard Irish whip. Edge with a forearm to the chest as Hunter lays on the apron. Edge with an Irish whip that sends Hunter into the ring steps. Edge runs Hunter’s back into the ring apron and then he hot shots Hunter on the announce table.

Edge with a body scissors to Triple H as he works on Hunter’s ribs. Hunter with punches to Edge to get out of the hold. Edge with a drop kick to Hunter but he can only get a near fall. Edge with a punch to Hunter while Hunter is on the apron. Hunter is in the ropes and Edge tries for a spear into the ropes but Hunter moves out of the way and Edge goes to the floor. Hunter rolls back into the ring. Edge returns to the ring and Hunter punches Edge. Edge with a kick to Hunter but Hunter with a clothesline and Hunter punches Edge in the corner. Hunter with the face buster and that sends Edge out of the ring. Hunter slams Edge’s head on the ring steps and then he tosses Edge into the ring post. Hunter rolls Edge into the ring and Edge kicks Hunter out of the ring. Edge misses a baseball slide but he hits the Impaler DDT on the floor and both men are down as the referee checks on them.

Edge pushes Hunter into the ring as they both beat the count. Edge gets a two count. Edge goes to the second turnbuckle but Hunter catches Edge and he catapults Edge into the turnbuckles. Hunter hits a DDT on Edge but Edge kicks out before the three count can be made. Hunter punches Edge and Hunter tries for the Pedigree but Edge escapes the hold and he hits a breakdown on Hunter and gets a two count. Edge gets back to his feet first and he sets for the spear but Hunter sends Edge into the turnbuckle. Hunter with a rollup but he can only get a two count. Edge with a boot to the head. Edge sets for the spear one more time but Hunter hits the spinebuster instead. Hunter with a kick and he tries for the Pedigree but Edge backs Hunter into the corner. Edge puts Hunter on the turnbuckles and head butts Hunter. Edge sets for an hits the superplex despite Hunter’s efforts to stop him.

The wedding planner comes out to the ring and she grabs the title belt and she gives it to Edge. Vickie Guerrero comes out and she clotheslines the wedding planner and Vickie takes the title belt. Vickie comes into the ring and she pushes the referee out of the way. We have a catfight. Edge accidentally spears Vickie and he cannot believe what just happened. Edge turns around and Hunter with a kick and Pedigree for the three count.

Winner: Triple H

After the match, Chavo Guerrero comes to check on Vickie while Hunter celebrates by the entrance and the pay per view ends.

2008 - Former WWF champion Ultimate Warrior made a signing appearance prior to the PPV at the Marriot in Uniondale, Long Island right next to the Nassau Coliseum. The signing drew in the area of 100-150 fans paying, at minimum, $55 per autograph. The timing of the signing was a really shrewd marketing move since fans who were attending the PPV could have a chance to meet Warrior prior to going to the show. WWE itself didn't feel the same. At the signing, a legal letter from the company was posted publicly. In the letter, the company was upset about the timing of the event, feeling it was trading off their scheduling, which you really can't argue. The company also was upset that Warrior was advertised as appearing with his WWF championship belt, feeling that was their intellectual property. That may be a grey area, since they don't own the rights to the "WWF" letters and if the WWF championship belt was Warrior's personal property from during his tenure with the company, it's his to do what he pleases iwith.

2008 - There were also two arrests at the PPV. Newsday reported that two men made their way backstage and attempted to make off with several WWE chairs (likely the commemorative ones that the company gives to those who purchase ringside seating at PPVs). When a WWE employee attempted to stop the theft after they reached the parking lot, he was hit over the head with a bottle and bit on the back. Keith Powell and Timothy Vandewater were charged with burglary while Vandewater was also charged with assault.

2009 - World Wrestling Entertainment filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit brought against them in April 2009 by Joe Hamilton (who wrestled as the Assassin) and his company, Deep South Wrestling in the State of Georgia, claiming that WWE had breached their contract with DSW. In their motion, WWE claimed that Hamilton and DSW "failed to state a claim upon which relief may be granted." World Wrestling Entertainment claimed in their filing that Hamilton and DSW have failed to address any alleged wrongdoing on WWE's part in regard to the end of the DSW relationship. WWE claimed in the 25 page filing that Hamilton's lawsuit was, "a misguided attempt to use litigation to lash out against WWE over disappointment with WWE's decision to terminate the parties' business relationship." Hamilton's version of events was that he and DSW were "fully compliant" with their contractual agreement with World Wrestling Entertainment. That partnership saw Hamilton personally paid a salary of $80,000 and Deep South Wrestling, the company, paid $80,000 to provide developmental training for WWE talents. They were to also provide a TV outlet, which the lawsuit claims was provided and aired in the Southeastern United States and Canada (I believe on The Fight Network) for those talents as part of a "talent exchange program". In the suit, Hamilton noted that he had set up a series of live DSW events to be performed at the Six Flags park in Georgia and had set up additional events that would have benefited The American Cancer Society and M.A.A.D.A. for the summer of 2007. In the case of the Six Flags events, Hamilton had arranged for WWE to send talents for each of those live shows. In the April filing, Hamilton claimed that WWE planned to sever their relationship with DSW all along, yet acted as if nothing was wrong by arranging talent for the Six Flags event. Several days before the first Six Flags event was to take place, WWE officials (Mike Bucci and John Laurinaitis, although they are not named in the suit) arrived on 4/18/07 to inform Hamilton that WWE's was severing its agreement with DSW. The first Six Flags date was set for 4/22/07. Hamilton's suit noted that WWE's decision prevented DSW from performing on the scheduled events that summer, causing DSW liability damages in the amount of $320,000 and Hamilton personal damages to the tune of $56,000. WWE responded to that claim in today's filing, commenting, writing "WWE is not alleged to have done anything, much less anything unlawful" in regard to any third-parties that Hamilton and DSW had gone into business with. WWE noted that the claim was, "lacking any basis for liability against WWE". Hamilton alleged that the DSW deal required WWE to provide DSW and himself with 90 days notice that the deal was ending, which did not happen. He also claims WWE "arranged through an intentional and calculated method" to time their officials' arrival at DSW's place of business without providing notice to Hamilton or DSW. Hamilton alleged WWE "made every effort" to prevent him from knowing they were coming to the premises as their "plans were to remove all personal and computer information" without anyone from DSW being present.
Hamilton's lawsuit alleged that when WWE severed their ties on, they "removed wrestling rings, seating, computer hardware, software, and information belonging to DSW." The suit noted that "shared personnel" were informed they were being transferred (to OVW and later FCW) and should have "no further dealing" with Hamilton and DSW.
WWE's response to interfering with the wrestlers and DSW is that the company couldn't have because there were no contracts between DSW and the wrestlers that WWE could have interfered with and that WWE was aware of any business relationships the wrestlers had with DSW, since WWE assigned the wrestlers there in the first place. WWE also states that Hamilton and DSW fail to present any arguments that WWE induced others not to work with and for DSW, especially since the talents were under contract to WWE to begin with. WWE did not respond to the other claims mentioned above. One of Hamilton's claims in the April filing was that he suffered from emotional distress from the situation. In April Hamilton claimed WWE's "intentional actions were intended to cause Hamilton severe emotional distress." The lawsuit requested that Hamilton personally and DSW, as a company, recover all damages arising from WWE's breach of contract and that Hamilton recover damages arising from "Defendants willful and intentional infliction of emotional distress" as well as any punitive damages ruled by a jury.
WWE tried to throw the emotional distress claims out the window in today's filing, noting that Hamilton did not file the emotional distress claim within two years, as legally required. Hamilton's April 2009 filing came two days after the cut-off. WWE also stated that in addition to the late filing, that claim, "must be dismissed as a matter of law because even accepting all factual allegations are true for purpose of this motion to dismiss, WWE's alleged actions do not rise to the level of extreme and outrageous conduct necessary" for such a claim to be filed legally. WWE closed their motion noting that Hamilton's breach of contract allegations are "fatally deficient" since they do not provide any actual allegations beyond WWE's decision to sever the DSW territory. WWE's motion claimed that Hamilton claims a breach of contract without "allegations as to any contractual obligation that WWE supposedly breached." In the end, the suit was settled out of court.

2009 - Raw is broadcast on the USA Network featuring rock legends ZZ Topp as the Guest Hosts. Richard Trionfo filed the following report:

We are live from Raleigh, North Carolina and your announcers are Jerry ‘Legs’ Lawler and Michael ‘Vintage VH1-Classic’ Cole.

We start off with the musical legend . . . John Cena and he comes to the ring. Cena says that he can already see that the word of the day is ‘excitement’. Cena says that he is always excited and he sees it in the crowd. John Cena then speaks for all of the people watching at home. Cena says that at Night of Champions, the fans will see one of the greatest matches ever. John Cena versus Randy Orton versus Triple H for the WWE Title. John says that he wants to put it in perspective. Cena reminds us that the three of them were in the main event at Wrestlemania.

Cena’s attempt to hype the match is stopped by the Viper who slithers onto the stage and comes to the ring. Orton wonders what Cena is so excited about because he reminds Cena about what happened in the match two years ago when he kicked Triple H in the skull and pinned John Cena for the victory. Orton holds up the title belt and then Orton says that history will repeat itself on Sunday.

Cena says that he wasn’t really paying attention to Orton tonight and he is caught up with the crowd and guest hosts. Cena suggests that we have some music. Cena mentions Orton’s entrance music lyrics and the reference to the ‘voices in his head’. Cena says that he hears ten thousand voices who want a preview of Sunday. Cena wants a fight but Orton wants to leave the ring.

Orton tells Cena that he might want to rethink what he is saying because Cody Rhodes (with the shirt) and Ted DiBiase come to the ring to surround Cena on three sides. Cena does not care because he wants a fight. Before Legacy can enter the ring, Triple H’s music plays and he comes out to even the odds. Legacy leaves the apron and Hunter stares at them. They head to the back but Hunter has something to say.

Hunter asks Randy and the girls if they were going to start a fight without him. Hunter says that he is at a point that he never thought he would get to. Hunter says that he does not care if he wins the WWE Title on Sunday. He does not care if Cena wins on Sunday. All he cares about is that Randy Orton does not. Hunter says that after what happened last week with Seth Green. Cena and Hunter try to figure out how tall Seth Green is and they decide on a hobbit. He says that Orton got punked out by a man the size of a hobbit.

Orton says that history will repeat itself on Sunday and now it is a three-on-two match if Cena and Hunter agree. Cena likes the way that Orton has played this situation because Orton knows that Hunter and Cena cannot co-exist. Hunter says that their egos will not allow it. Cena says that it defies logic, but they accept the challenge.

We see Billy and Dusty from ZZ Top in the office and they are happy to hear about the main event. They say that they are big fans of the WWE and they are running the show. Santino Marella enters and he says that they are his favorite band. Santino gets their names wrong and then they tell Santino that they have something special for him. We see Santino with a beard and hat. They perform Cheap Sunglasses.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Big Show destroying Evan Bourne last week.

Match Number One: Kofi Kingston, Primo, and Montel Vontavious Porter versus Big Show, Carlito, and Jack Swagger

Swagger and Kofi start things off and Swagger with a leg trip and waist lock. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall. Porter tags in and then they hit a double flapjack. Porter punches Carlito when he tries to interfere. Porter goes for the Ballin Elbow and he hits it but Swagger goes to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger with a neck vice on Kofi and then he throws Kofi to the mat. We see footage of Show hot shotting Kofi on the ringside barrier. Carlito tags in and punches Kofi and then he tags in Show who chops Kofi and the he puts Kofi in a side head lock. Show with another chop to Kofi. Carlito tags in and hits a suplex on Kofi for a near fall. Kofi with forearms but Carlito with a standing drop kick and then he tags Swagger back in. Swagger with a leg drop for a near fall. Carlito tags in and he holds on to the ropes when Kofi tries for a drop kick. Kofi is able to tag in Primo and we have a war between the brothers. Primo with punches and a head butt. Carlito with an Irish whip but Primo with a clothesline and drop kick. Primo knocks Swagger off the apron and then he hits a drop kick that knocks Show off the apron. Primo with a leg drop from the turnbuckles but Swagger breaks it up. Porter sends Swagger to the floor and then Porter with a pescado. Carlito tries for the backstabber but Primo moves and Show with a spear to Carlito. Kofi with a head scissors that sends both men over the top rope to the floor and then Primo with a springboard diving head butt for the three count.
Winners: Primo, Kofi Kingston, and Montel Vontavious Porter

After the match, Show spears Primo then hits a choke slam on Porter and Swagger. Then he brings Kofi back into the ring and he punches Kofi. We see Show standing among the carnage that he caused.

Time for some more ZZ Top and Santino. Santino talks about their tour and they talk about their work with Aerosmith.

Chris Jericho enters the room and he talks about how two entertainment icons are together. Jericho says that he is a big fan and he assumes that ZZ Top are big fans of his band. The have no idea who Fozzy is. Chris suggests that they jam later. They have an idea for Chris Jericho. They tell Jericho that he has a match with Mark Henry. Jericho asks how he can have a match against Mark Henry.

We go to commercial with La Grange.

We are back and we are reminded that ZZ Top are on tour with Aerosmith.

The Brian Kendrick is at ringside and he tells Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole that he should be Chris Jericho’s tag team partner. Kendrick reminds Lawler that he was champion for almost a year and that is one title more than Lawler.

Match Number Two: The Brian Kendrick versus The Jerry Lawler

Kendrick mocks Lawler’s age and he ahs a few words for Lawler. Lawler with a punch to Kendrick. Kendrick with a hammer lock and an enzuigiri and then he connects with crossfaces. Kendrick with a running forearm in the corner. Kendrick with a cobra clutch and Lawler tries to fight out of it and he is able to get back to his feet. Lawler with elbows and punches. Lawler with a drop kick. Kendrick with a kick to the chest and a drop kick of his own. Kendrick tries for the Kendrick but Lawler counters and Lawler with the fist drop from the turnbuckle for the three count.
Winner: Jerry Lawler

We are back and Josh Mathews is with Mickie James on the In Your House stage. Jsoh asks Mickie about her recent success with Maryse . . . until last week. Mickie talks about how it was a swimsuit match last week and Sunday is Night of Champions. Mickie says that Maryse has been acting like she owns Raw and it is time for a reality check and on Sunday . . .

We won’t get to Sunday because The Miz heard the magic words and he tells Mickie that if she wants a reality check, Maryse looks, walks, and talks like a champion. Miz says in ten years, Mickie will be working at a Waffle House. Miz says that Maryse looked better than Mickie and Mickie asks Miz if he got these jokes off the internet. Mickie points out that she has pinned Maryse while Miz has not be successful. Maryse comes out and she sprays something in Mickie’s face and then Maryse poses.

Mark Henry is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and we see what happened last week between Mark Henry and Chris Jericho.

Match Number Three: Chris Jericho versus Mark Henry

Jericho leaves the ring as soon as the bell rings. Jericho returns to the ring, but he leaves just as fast. They finally lock up and Henry sends Jericho to the mat. Jericho punches Henry but Henry presses Jericho over his head and drops Chris to the mat. Henry stands on Jericho’s chest and Jericho is not a happy camper. Henry pulls Jericho into the corner and he tries for a Vader Splash but Jericho works on the leg to stop Henry. Jericho with kicks to the head and then he hits a drop kick. Jericho continues to work on the leg and then he hits a kick to the head. Jericho with a drop kick but he cannot take Henry down. Jericho with a clip and a drop kick to the knee and he gets Henry down to the mat. Jericho with a rear chin lock but Henry gets to his feet and he backs Jericho into the corner. Henry charges into the corner and Jericho returns to the knees and Henry goes into the turnbuckles. Henry with a body block to Jericho and then he biels Jericho. Henry with a giant swing. Henry gets Jericho up but Jericho with a rake of the eyes and then he hits a bulldog. Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho but it fails and Jericho is sent to the floor. Henry goes out after Jericho and Jericho has a steel chair and he hits Henry with it. The referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Mark Henry by disqualification

After the match, Jericho continues to hit Henry with the chair but Henry blocks the chair shot and he sends Jericho over the announce table and Cole goes down and he goes down hard. They return to the ring and Jericho tries for the Codebreaker but Henry catches him and hits the World’s Strongest Slam.

After Jericho leaves the ring, Mark Henry manipulates the crowd to get up and down on command.

We go back to ZZ Top and Santino. They talk about beard conditioner. Chavo Guerrero enters the office and he says that he is disgusted the way he has been treated. He should not be wrestling leprechauns because he is a Guerrero. Billy says that Chavo deserves something better. Dusty says Chavo has a match with Hornswoggle in a ‘Sharped Dress Man Match’.

We go to commercial to Sharp Dressed Man.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: The history of the Chavo/Hornswoggle feud.

Match Number Four: Hornswoggle versus Chavo Guerrero in a Sharp Dressed Man Match

Chavo comes to the ring and the legs on his tuxedo are sewn together.

Hornswoggle chases Chavo around the ring and Chavo trips. Hornswoggle strips Chavo of his jacket. Hornswoggle with a seated splash and the tie is off. Hornswoggle with a kick and now the shirt is off. Chavo with a clothesline to Hornswoggle and then he takes off Hornswoggle’s jacket and whips him with it. Chavo takes off Hornswoggle’s shoes and throws them at him. Hornswoggle puts Chavo in the ropes and Hornswoggle is trying to take off Chavo’s pants and he succeeds.
Winner: Hornswoggle

After the match, Chavo covers up in embarrassment.

Triple H and Cena are in the locker room and Cena thanks Hunter and Hunter says that it was not necessary. Cena asks Hunter if he meant what he said about not caring who won as long as it wasn’t Randy Orton. Hunter tells Cena that he knows better and Cena says that he just wanted to make sure. Cena says the fans are ready to see him and Hunter shut up Legacy. Hunter tells Cena that they can count on each other tonight, but on Sunday it all changes. Cena says that he wouldn’t have it any other way and neither would Hunter.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that Raw has had a lot of episodes.

We are back to ZZ Top and Santino. Billy says that something has been missing and we see Kelly Kelly. We see Kelly’s legs and what a good lead in to the next song. Alicia kicks Kelly out and then Gail sends Alicia on her way. Rosa shows Gail the way and then Santino tells Rosa to leave. Billy and Dusty are sickened at the sight of Santino’s legs.

The man who beat The Brian Kendrick and the man who cowered from Mark Henry are in the ring to run through the card for Night of Champions.

Chris Jericho is walking in the back and Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase stop Chris and suggest that they could attack him but they wouldn’t know who his opponent is for Sunday. Ted says that nobody wants to team with Chris. Cody points out that Jericho is a second generation too, even though he was a benchwarmer. Jericho tells Cody that he had more titles than them and their fathers combined. Jericho says that he might be condescending but he isn’t a loser. Chris says that he has had the entire locker room knocking down his door to be his partner. Ted says that when they win the titles, maybe Randy will come down and kick Randy in the head so he could join his partner in the hospital.

Chris suggests that his tag team partner could be Randy and we go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to find out that next week’s Guest Host is Shaquille O’Neal.

Match Number Five: Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly versus Alicia Fox and Rosa Mendes in a ZZ Top Legs Match

Kelly and Rosa start things off and Rosa with a kick and arm bar. Kelly kicks Rosa into the corner and then she chokes Rosa and then hits a head scissors take down. Alicia is tagged in forcibly and Kelly pulls Alicia in from the apron. Kelly with a rollup for a two count. Kelly with a kick and then Gail is tagged in. Gail with a forearm and a rana. Gail with a running shoulder into the corner and then she kicks Rosa away when she charges. Gail tries for a cross body and Alicia with a kick to the knee for a near fall. Alicia with an Irish whip and then she hits a running shoulder into the corner. Rosa tags in and hits a snap suplex for a near fall. Alicia tags in and she gets a near fall after a snap mare. Gail charges into a boot but misses a knee drop. Kelly tags in but Alicia with a kick to the midsection. Kelly with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors and then Kelly hits a handspring back splash and a leg drop off the back but Rosa breaks up the cover. Rosa tries to throw Kelly out of the ring but Kelly skins the cat and Gail and Kelly with a double drop kick to Rosa and then Gail with a pescado. Alicia with a rollup on Kelly and despite being in the ropes, the referee makes the three count.
Winners: Alicia and Rosa Mendes

We go to commercial.

We are back and ZZ Top ride into the arena in the classic car.

Match Number Six: Legacy versus The Superfriends

Cena and Rhodes start things off and Cena with a kick and forearms. Cena with an Irish whip and bulldog. Hunter is tagged in and he punches Rhodes. Hunter with a delayed vertical suplex. Hunter with a knee drop and then he throws DiBiase out of the ring. Hunter throws Rhodes out of the ring. Orton is sent out. Rhodes and DiBiase try another sneak attack but Hunter and Cena clothesline them over the top rope to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and DiBiase punches Cena and then we have a double clothesline. Hunter tags in and hits the Vintage Harley Race Knee. Hunter follows that with a face buster and then he punches Orton and DiBiase. Rhodes stops Hutner and DiBiase is tagged in. Hunter fights his way out of the corner but they Irish whip Hunter and Hunter does the Hunter flip to the floor. Orton vipers up and sends Hunter into the ring steps. Orton tags back in and punches Hunter in the corner. Rhodes tags in and he kicks Hunter. DiBiase, Orton, and Rhodes with rapid tags as they wear down Hunter in the corner. DiBiase distracts the referee in the center of the ring and that allows Hunter to get double teamed. DiBiase with a kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Orton with a leaping knee drop to Hunter and he gets a near fall. Rhodes tags in and he hits a knee drop to the head and gets a near fall. Rhodes with a front face lock on Hunter. Hunter tries to get to the corner but Rhodes holds on to the front face lock to keep Cena from getting back into the match. Rhodes with knees and a DDT to Hunter and both men are down. Orton tags in and he kicks Hunter in the ribs. Orton does his push ups but Hunter avoids the RKO. Orotn with an elbow and Hunter with a spinebuster and both men are down. Hunter rolls to his corner and tags in Cena as Rhodes comes in. Cena with the two flying shoulder tackles followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb. Cena knocks DiBiase off the apron and it is time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle to finish off the moves of doom. Cena with the Attitude Adjustment set up but DiBiase gets in the ring. Cena puts Rhodes in the STF and DiBiase makes the save again. Hunter sends DiBiase to the floor. Orton tags in and he sets for the field goal but Orton is wide right and Cena gets the three count with a rollup.
Winners: John Cena and Triple H

Hunter and Cena shake hands in the ring as we go to credits.

2010 - WWE broadcast NXT. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV Report:

We start off tonight’s show with Matt Striker doing a test run of the Obstacle Course that will be the physical challenge for tonight since we need someone to get immunity before next week’s second elimination.

We are live on tape from Little Rock, Arkansas and your announcers are Michael ‘A Man From Hope’ Cole and Josh ‘Where is Big Rock’ Mathews. Your hosts are Matt ‘No Obstacle is too big’ Striker and Ashley Valence.

We start off with the VIP Lounge starring Percy Watson’s pro Montel Vontavious Porter. Porter says that it means that big things popping and little things stopping. Porter says that he would normally have the party starting, but he has to be serious because he has an issue to address with his guest. Porter brings out his rookie, Percy Watson and he makes his way to the ring as only Percy can.

Porter wants to cut to the chase. He tells Percy that what he attempted to do last week didn’t take courage, guts or spirit. It did take initiative. He wanted to smash Percy’s glasses, but he thought about it and he realized that they are a lot alike. The MVP that debuted on Smackdown a few years ago would have done the same thing. Porter says that he has learned a lot and he wants to know if Percy learned anything.

Percy says that he respects Porter and he has learned a lot. The go getter mentality took over and he went about things the wrong way. He says that he sincerely apologizes. Porter asks Percy if he learned a lesson and if the apology was sincere. Porter says that it is water under the bridge.

Matt Striker comes out and he has his old music back. Matt reminds us that there will be an elimination next week so he wants to know why Percy should be ranked number one. Porter says that if you want to be a superstar, you need to have a complete package. You need to have the appearance, the athleticism, the charisma. He says that Percy has all of them. Porter wants to know from the WWE Universe if they think that Percy is the next breakout star. Porter wants Watson to say why. Percy says that he is a go getter, a heavy hitter, and he is not a quitter. He says that he has worked hard every day of his life to get where he is. He knows about fighting, scratching, and clawing to get what he wants.

Striker cuts off Percy and then Cody Rhodes ‘Dashes’ out with Husky Harris. Matt asks Cody and Husky the same question about Husky. Cody says that Husky could use some grooming advice, but Husky would be a great representative for the WWE Universe. He says that Husky weighs 300 pounds, just like most of the people in the crowd. However, they can’t run a 4.9 40. He says that Husky is a tank with a Ferrari engine.

Husky says that the WWE has been full of bodybuilders and six packs, but he is not that. He says that he doesn’t sing and dance. He isn’t a miniature midget ninja. All he is is real. Porter tells Husky that he is real fat.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Lucky Cannon. Henry says that Lucky has impressed him because he is hungry and he has a good knowledge of the business. Kofi says that Lucky has a lot of potential. Layla and Michelle say that Lucky has a good look and they point out that he has the World’s Strongest Man training him. Porter says that Cannon is tall, good looking, and can move; but there are a lot of people like that. Morrison says that he doesn’t get a feel for who he is in the ring. Ryder calls him plain and doesn’t see anything special about him. Miz says that almost forgot to talk about Lucky because he is forgettable. Ryder says that you need to take advantage of every opportunity. Cody says that Lucky has the size and athletic background so you can’t count him out yet. Henry says that Lucky is willing to pay his dues. He sees that Lucky has a long way to go but he is on the right path.

Match Number One: Cody Rhodes and Husky Harris versus Montel Vontavious Porter and Percy Watson

Watson and Harris start things off and they lock up with Harris connecting with knees and then he throws Watson’s glasses away. Watson with a shoulder tackle and arm drag into an arm bar. Watson works on the arm and he puts Harris in a modified Fujiwara arm bar. Porter tags in and he punches Harris and sends him into the turnbuckles. Harris with an Irish whip but Porter floats over and hits a flying clothesline for a near fall. Watson tags in and he punches Harris. Watson with a shoulder tackle and another near fall. Watson returns to the arm but Harris with a punch and he runs Watson into the corner. Rhodes tags in and he connects with an elbow and forearm. Rhodes punches Watson in the corner. Watson with a floatover and then he connects with an arm drag into an arm bar. Harris tags back in and Harris punches Watson. Watson with a drop kick to Harris and Husky goes to the floor. They go to the floor and Harris slaps Watson but Watson with a double leg take down and they exchange punches before Porter and Rhodes break it up. Porter punches Rhodes as we go to commercial and the stand off continues.

We are back and Rhodes with forearms to Watson as the action returns to the ring. Rhodes with kicks to Watson and then he tries to punch Watson in the corner but he blocks them. Watson with a slam to Rhodes and then he runs into a forearm from Rhodes. Rhodes with kicks to the ribs and then he hits a gourdbuster on Watson and then he draws Porter in to allow for Harris to come in but the referee did not see a tag. Rhodes with an Irish whip and then Harris is tagged back in and he hits a splash into the corner and he gets a near fall. Harris with a waist lock on Watson. Watson with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Harris with a kick to the back. Harris with an elbow drop to Watson but Watson kicks him away and he tags in Porter and Rhodes is in too. Porter with a back body drop and clothesline followed by a double thrust and facebuster. Porter knocks Harris off the apron to hit the Ballin’ Elbow. Porter with a kick to Harris when he tries to interfere. Rhodes with a back elbow followed by a springboard spin kick to the head. Harris is tagged in and Rhodes tells him to finish it. Harris with the back senton for the three count.

Winners: Husky Harris and Cody Rhodes

Mathews and Cole talk about the result of the match but also mention that someone will get immunity.

It is time to see what people have to say about Michael McGillicutty. Ryder says that he has the best chance of winning. He has the look and the tools. Henry says that Michael looks like he is happy out there. Kofi says that Michael has the passion when you watch him. Porter says that Michael has the fire and spark in his eyes. Michelle and Layla says that he is as close to perfect as you can get, but he isn’t flawless. Cody says that is less than perfect is that Michael was talking about how he is bringing back ruthless aggression to WWE, but arm drags, drop kicks, and leap frogs are not ruthless aggression. Morrison says that he hasn’t seen much from Michael in terms of charisma and personality. Maybe it is because he hasn’t had the opportunity to talk. Miz says that Michael seems cocky and thinks that because daddy was a pro, that he will become a pro. Miz says that is not going to happen. Miz says that daddy was good, but you are mediocre. Cody doesn’t know if Michael will go to whatever level it will take in order to win. Porter wants to see how the it factor grows. Kofi says that Michael has a chip on his shoulder and that is a good thing.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Still Know about John Cena’s special coffee cup at 7-Eleven to benefit Make-A-Wish?

We take a look back at the match between Mark Henry and Wade Barrett from last night’s Raw.

Before the match, Matt Striker asks Lucky to say why he should be number one in the poll. Lucky says that he is not going to plead his case because it is a matter of opinion. He says that for over a month, he has had the time of his life coming out to try to entertain everyone. He says that it is like a dream and he doesn’t want it to end. Lucky thanks everyone for this opportunity.

Striker asks Miz about Alex Riley. Riley takes the mic and he says that losers whine about their best. Alex says this competition is about this company and who should run it. He says that people care about the WWE because he sees them watching in the arena and at home. He says that if you want to do the right thing, vote for Alex Riley.

Miz says that the WWE Universe has no idea what they want for voting Kaval and Percy Watson, one and two. Miz says that only he knows what they want. Miz says that they should vote for Riley because he said so>

Match Number Two: Lucky Cannon versus Alex Riley with The Miz

Riley with a kick and punches followed by an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. Cannon punches Riley but Riley tries for a back body drop but Cannon lands on his feet and hits a few clotheslines. Cannon with a big boot and he gets a near fall. Cannon goes up top but misses a cross body. Riley gets Cannon up for a TKO and gets the three count.

Winner: Alex Riley

After the match, Miz shakes Riley’s hand and then he stands over Cannon with his briefcase. Miz leaves the ring after thinking about hitting Cannon with the briefcase. Miz decides to return to the ring and he hits Cannon in the ribs with the briefcase and then he hits the Skull Crushing Finale onto the briefcase.

Morrison and Kofi have something to say to Miz as he goes to the back after the attack.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw Rebound.

Cole mentions that Nexus will have time to regroup.

Cole and Mathews talk about the next poll which starts at noon Eastern tomorrow on WWE.com.

Matt Striker is with the pros and rookies we have not heard from tonight. He wants to get comments from John Morrison and Eli Cottonwood. John says that he was flying home and he was eating a breakfast burrito and he saw the entire NXT roster. Someone asked who Eli was. They didn’t know who any of the guys were but they wanted to watch Eli. He is a long term investment.

Eli wants to know who Matt is going to vote for. Then he stands in front of Matt and intimidates Matt into saying that he will vote for Eli. Eli wants to know who is more intimidating than him.

Michelle and Layla say that Kaval should be number one because he has the passion, the heart, the skills, and the smarts. He also has them so he is almost flawless.

Kaval thanks the ladies and he says that he has the confidence to go toe to toe with any of the superstars. Kaval mentions Evan Bourne, Randy Orton, and Rey Mysterio. Kaval says that he has the ability but the fans have the vote.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the obstacle course challenge and the winner gets immunity from elimination.

Matt asks Kofi about Michael McGillicutty and Kofi says that Michael might not be the biggest or the strongest, but he is the hungriest. There is nobody as hungry as Michael. He is the son of a WWE Hall of Famer. He was born to do this. Kofi says that Michael also has the support of the WWE Universe. Kofi says that Michael’s fans are now called McGillibuddies.

Michael says that he is the most talented rookie and he has the most talented pro. He says that he has a perfect record. He tells everyone to make the perfect choice and vote for him.

Michael goes first and his time is 26.7 seconds.

Alex Riley is next and his time is 40.3 seconds because he had to redo the balance beam. Riley yells at the referee and blames him for not winning.

Eli Cottonwood is next and his time is 37.2 seconds but he was disqualified for not doing the push ups or balance beam properly.

Lucky Cannon is next and he is still showing the effects of the briefcase attack by Miz. His time is 28.2 seconds.

Kaval is next and his time is 29.1 seconds.

Percy Watson is next and his time is 31.5 seconds.

The final participant is Husky Harris. Husky knocks over the hurdle instead of going over it. Husky finishes in 50.3 seconds.

Striker reminds us that the voting starts tomorrow and Michael McGillicutty has immunity. We go to credits.