View Full Version : Vince vs. HHH Storyline, WWE-UFC Twitter Study

08-08-2013, 06:41 PM
- A Twitter study of WWE and UFC shows that per capita, based on tweets that mention the brand name, WWE's best three states are New Jersey, New Hampshire and Connecticut. UFC's are Nevada, Montana and New Mexico. Both UFC and WWE's best states are the ones they are headquartered in so it's a metric likely moved by employees. On a geographical basis, WWE's best states were Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, West Virginia, Kentucky, Wisconsin and Colorado. WWE's worst were Oregon, Utah, Kansas, Louisiana Georgia and Alabama.

- We noted before that WWE officials were wanting to do Steve Austin vs. Triple H with Austin backing Vince McMahon in a fight for control of the company for next year's WrestleMania XXX main event. That idea was proposed in creative but had never been agreed to. Word now is that it's off the books. No word yet on exactly why the idea was nixed but the idea of The Rock in Austin's role has been talked about as well.

At one point, the idea for SummerSlam was that Vince, Stephanie McMahon and Triple H would unite but later in the year they would split again with Triple H going heel.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter