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View Full Version : ROH TV Report 8/24/13

Shootkick Man
08-25-2013, 03:20 PM
By Richard Trionfo on 2013-08-24 17:18:36
We begin this week’s show with a voiceover by Nigel McGuinness. He tells us that the War with SCUM is over and Honor has won. However, there were some casualties from the war and one of them was the ROH World Champion, Jay Briscoe. Nigel says that he feels bad that he has to strip his friend of the World Title. We hear some comments from Jay where he tells Nigel not to do it.
Nigel says that we will see which one of the sixteen men will win the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion. The tournament starts tonight and will conclude at Death Before Dishonor in Philadelphia.

We are in Providence, Rhode Island and your announcer is Kevin Kelly.

Match Number One: Vinny Marseglia versus Todd Hanson versus Brian Fury versus Kongo in a Four Corner Survival Proving Ground Match for a shot at the Television Title

Marseglia and Fury start things off and they lock up with Vinny with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Vinny with a rollup for a near fall. Vinny escapes a slam attempt and he tries for an O’Connor Roll but Fury holds on to the ropes.

Truth Martini and Television Champion Matt Taven join Kevin at the announce table.

Fury with a punch but Vinny with an arm drag and drop kick. Vinny with another arm drag but Hanson made a blind tag and he knocks Vinny down with a shoulder tackle. Hanson with forearms to VInny. Hanson with an Irish whip and Vinny floats over and he sends Hanson into the turnbuckles with a head scissors.

Hanson with a spinning power bomb for a near fall. Kongo tags in and he stares at Hanson. Kongo bites Vinny and connects with a head butt. Fury makes a blind tag and Kongo charges at Vinny but Vinny drops down and Kongo goes to the floor. Hanson enters the ring and he accidentally hits the referee before hitting a suicide dive onto Kongo.

Fury with a plancha onto Kongo and Hanson. Vinny goes up top and hits a swanton onto everyone else. Vinny rolls Hanson into the ring and Hanson blocks a shoulder and then he goes for a Gibson Driver but Vinny escapes and lands on his feet. Hanson and VInny exchange forearms. Hanson with a cartwheel to avoid Vinny followd by a clothesline.

Kongo with a cross body to Hanson and then Fury goes after Kongo. Kongo backs Fury into the corner and Vinny tries for a cross body but Kongo catches him and puts Vinny on his shoulders and he hits a leaping Samoan drop but he cannot cover Vinny.

Kongo with a running butt splash to Vinny. The straps are down but Fury with a super kick to Kongo and Hanson with a spinning heel kick to Kongo. Fury with forearms to Hanson. Hanson sends Fury into the turnbuckles and he connects with a clothesline and elbows. Hanson misses a bronco buster in the corner. Fury with an Irish whip and neck breaker to Hanson. Vinny with a forearm to Fury but Fury with knees. Vinny with an Irish whip and a running forearm into the corner.

Vinny with a side Russian leg sweep to Fury followed by a DDT and he gets a near fall. Taven berates Kevin Kelly while stuff goes on in the ring. Fury with a bow and arrow side slam for the three count.

Winner: Brian Fury

After the match, Truth asks Taven for this thoughts on Brian Fury and Taven says that he is an afterthought.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Zizou Middoux and Mike Sydal versus Cedric Alexander and Caprice Coleman

Sydal and Coleman start things off and they lock up. Coleman with a fireman’s carry into an arm bar. Coleman with a wrist lock and Sydal tries for a kip up but Coleman lets go of the wrist lock and Sydal lands on the mat. Sydal holds on to the ropes when Coleman tries for a drop kick and Coleman lands on the mat.

Sydal misses a boot and Coleman with a drop kick for a near fall. Alexander tags in and Coleman with a suplex and Alexander with a slingshot senton from the apron for a near fall. Sydal with a jawbreaker and Middoux tags in. Middoux tries to land on his feet on a back drop but he lands face first on the mat. Alexander with a kick to Middoux.

Alexander gets a near fall. Alexander with a forearm and Sydal with a kick to Alexander’s back. Sydal drops Alexander on the top rope. Middoux with a drop kick and Alexander falls over the top rope. Sydal with kicks to Alexander and Middoux gets a near fall.

Sydal tags in and they hit a double hip toss followed by a double drop kick. Sydal gets a near fall. Sydal with a cravate and a snap mare. Sydal with a kick to the chest for a near fall. Middoux tags back in and he kicks Alexander. Alexander with forearms to get out of the corner but Middoux stops him. Middoux with a snap mare and knee to Alexander for a near fall.

Middoux dances around and misses a flip leg drop when Alexander moves. Sydal knocks Coleman off the apron. Alexander with an enzuigiri to Sydal followed by a mule kick to Middoux. Coleman tags in and he hits a clothesline on Sydal when Middoux moves. Coleman with an STO followed by elbows to Middoux. Coleman with punches and three rolling Northern Lights suplexes for a near fall. Coleman misses a splash into the corner.

Sydal with a clothesline into the corner followed by an enzuigiri from Middoux for a near fall. Alexander sends Sydal to the floor and then Middoux is sent over the top rope to the floor. Sydal with a kick to stop Alexander from the dive to the floor.

Sydal tries for a springboard move to the floor but Alexander and Coleman pull Sydal to the apron and he does a split. Coleman with a drop kick that sends Sydal off the apron and to the floor. Alexander with a flip dive onto Sydal and Middoux.

Middoux is rolled back into the ring and Coleman runs Middoux into the corner and Alexander with a running drop kick. Coleman puts Middoux on top and they hit Overtime for the three count.

Winners: Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander

We go to commercial.

We are back with Inside Ring of Honor.

Kevin is interrupted by Steve Corino and Kevin tells Steve that he is no longer part of the company. Kevin tells Steve that he needs to talk to Nigel. Steve says that Nigel is not answering his calls and texts.

We see the announcement that led to Jay Briscoe being stripped of the title and the brackets for the World Title Tournament.

Who will be the man who stands tall at the end of the tournament? The first match is moments away but the tournament will end at Death Before Dishonor on September 20th.

Kevin reminds us that Nigel is putting a focus on the tag team division. Kevin says that Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander want one more shot at the titles.

Caprice says that they like the emphasis being put on the tag division, but he tells Nigel not to forget about them. They want one chance to show why they are the number one tag team in the company.

Cedric says that with SCUM gone, they can have a clean shot at the title.

Caprice says that if Nigel wants purity, honor, and real champions in the Tag Division, give them one more chance without distractions or interference. They want to show that they can be the best tag team champions.

We see footage of The American Wolves winning the tag titles at All Star Extravaganza. But not so fast, because the Wolves have already lost the titles.

Kevin is with Adam Cole. Kevin asks Adam about some criticism for his recent actions against Roderick Strong. Adam says that wins and losses have never meant more. When he faced Roderick Strong at Best in the World and Roderick fell off the apron through a table, was he supposed to bring him back into the ring? When he faced Roderick most recently on television and he turned his back on Roderick and he saw Roderick with a chain in his hand. Adam says that he did what he had to do.

Kevin says that it was Steve Corino who threw the chain in the ring. Kevin asks Adam if Steve Corino is advising him. Adam says that they are friends outside the ring, but he has no allegiance to Steve Corino. If a veteran gives you advice, you use it. His mind is set on the World Title Tournament. He says that his goal is to become the World Champion.

We go to commercial.

Nigel McGuinness is in the ring and he is with Cary Silkin and Joe Koff before starting the Ring of Honor World Championship Title Tournament.

Nigel asks Cary how important the Ring of Honor World Champion is to the company. He says that it is the most important championship in the company and in the entire wrestling world.

Nigel asks Joe how important the Ring of Honor title is to this company. Joe says that the tournament is for the fans and he wants to get it started.

Match Number Three: Jay Lethal versus Sonjay Dutt in a First Round Match in the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Title Tournament

Dutt with a rollup and Lethal escapes. Lethal with a rollup for a near fall. Dutt with a take down and he hits a head scissors take down and Lethal goes to the floor. Dutt with a baseball slide and then he hits a head scissors off the apron that keeps Lethal on the floor. Dutt sends Lethal back into the ring and he hits a slingshot leg drop for a near fall.

Dutt with an octopus and abdominal stretch combination but Lethal escapes the hold. Dutt with a side head lock but Lethal escapes. Dutt with a knee. Lethal with a hip toss and cartwheel into a drop kick for a near fall. Lethal sends Dutt into the turnbuckles and he punches Sonjay. Dutt with a forearm and chops to Lethal. Dutt with an Irish whip but he misses a charge and Lethal with a clothesline for a near fall.

Lethal with a waist lock on Dutt but Dutt with elbows. Dutt with a forearm but Lethal with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Lethal with a slam and a snap elbow drop or two and he gets a near fall. Lethal sends Dutt into the turnbuckles and he chops Dutt.

Lethal with another chop as they move around the ring. Dutt gets away from Lethal and Lethal with a punch. Lethal with an Irish whip but Dutt gets his feet up and Dutt is sent to the apron and lethal hits a springboard drop kick and Dutt is sent to the floor. Lethal with a suicide dive onto Dutt. We go to commercial.

We are back and Dutt with a rana from the turnbuckles and Lethal goes to he floor. Lethal with a shoulder to stop a plancha. Lethal chops Dutt and he gives Dutt an Irish whip but Dutt with a kick when Lethal charges into the corner. Lethal tries for a front driver out of a tombstone but Dutt escapes and he hits a DDT and both men are down.

Dutt with a forearm but Lethal with a punch. They go back and forth. Dutt with the advantage and he Irish whips Lethal and hits a running Yakuza kick. Dutt with a super rana but Lethal rolls through. Dutt with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Lethal with a rollup for a near fall.

Dutt with a clothesline that flips Lethal and Dutt goes up tip for the moonsault double stomp but Lethal moves. Dutt blocks a super kick and he connects with one of his own. Lethal tries for a super kick one more time and Dutt blocks it again. Dutt with a super kick. Lethal hits the Lethal Combination but can only get a two count.

Lethal sets for the Lethal Injection while Dutt takes his time getting back to his feet. Lethal with a chop and then he hits a front driver for a near fall. Lethal tries to pick Dutt up but Dutt falls to the mat. Lethal with a slam and he goes to the turnbuckles for the elbow drop.

Dutt gets up and Lethal leaps over him. Dutt with a pendulum kick followed by a slingshot guillotine leg drop to Lethal. Lethal gets his knees up for a springboard splash and Lethal goes for the Lethal Injection but Dutt with a drop kick to the face as Lethal goes off the ropes. Lethal falls to the floor.

Dutt with an Asai Moonsault from the ring post on the floor. Dutt sends Lethal back into the ring and Dutt hits the springboard splash for a near fall. Dutt goes for the Asai DDT but Lethal counters. Dutt with a victory roll for a near fall.

Dutt has a super kick blocked. Lethal has a clothesline blocked. Lethal with a super kick to the back of the head followed by Lethal Injection for the three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal (Advances to face winner of Adam Cole versus Mark Briscoe)
