View Full Version : Smackdown Spoilers - 30th August, 2013

08-28-2013, 07:50 AM
The Shield and Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry, The Big Show, Rob Van Dam, and Daniel Bryan is announced as the 8 man tag main event tonight, I think it's for the live crowd only, but we will see.


The Miz out for Miz TV in his wrestling trunks. I am gonna guess this will lead to a match. Miz introduces The Big Show, then Dolph Ziggler. All three off trying to talk but don't want to...

Out comes Triple H and asks Miz if he wanted to say something. Triple H says, Why aren't you wearing a suit? Miz says you never know when a fight will break out. Triple H says why does everyone want to make this personal? Crowd is chanting "You Sold Out" which I don't get - Ha. HHH says Randy Orton is the future and is what's best for business. Big "No No No" chants. Triple H says, "Trust me, if I say it's Yes, it's Yes."

Triple H says since he is a good guy he is gonna give Miz an opportunity against Randy Orton tonight. He tells Dolph Ziggler will face The Shield in a Handicap Match. Triple H taunts The Big Show and says he is giving him the night off and tells him to sit by the announce table and watch every single thing that happens in the ring tonight and to not do nothing about it and continues to get in his face.

Hot crowd, this would of been great for RAW last night.

MIz vs. Randy Orton.

The Miz backdrops Randy Orton out of the ring . Sierra! Hotel! India! Echo! Lima! Delta! Shield! They make their way down through the crowd and it took forever since the steps are so far up and they position themselves watching the ramp like the last couple weeks . Massive Big Show chants but he looks on in frustration. Randy Orton with another headlock. Pretty long match, So far Miz has occupied about 45 minutes of the show. RKO by Randy Orton. He beats The Miz clean. The Shield begins to attack The Miz and Daniel Bryan out for the save swinging a chair The Arena is going nuts!!!!!

Los Matadores video.

Video of Las Vegas strip.

Vickie Guerreo on the big screen with Daniel Bryan. She says Daniel Bryan was a bully and bullied The Shield and Randy Orton and in her world, bullies get bullied back. She makes Daniel Bryan vs. Ryback for tonight. Ryback says, 'See you out there, shrimp'.

Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Rob Van Dam and his opponent ... Damien Sandow Sandow says what happens in Vegas won't stay in Vegas. 'You're Welcome' RVD with a kick to the face ... 2 count .... RVD wins with the Five Star Frog Splash ....

Alberto Del Rio's music hits. He's out with suit and scarf. He says RVD only got a title match because of Ricardo Rodriguez and that he betrayed his people, the Latinos. ADR says when you get in bed with dogs you get fleas. He says RVD may have rolling thunder but he will make it rain.

Ziggler vs. The Sheld

The Shield out from the same steps ... long way down ..... Dolph Ziggler out but doesn't shake his butt so he must be serious and yes The Big Show is still sitting next to the announcers holding his head down in concern. Roman Reigns blind tags Seth Rollins and spears Dolph Ziggler for the win. The Shield taunt The Big Show by Triple Powerbomb on Dolph. The crowd going nuts for Big Show who just sits in his chair ....

Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel out next . Recap of RAW beatdown of CM Punk. Heyman says WWE is virtually guaranteeing if you buy Night of Champions that he will get a beat down by CM Punk and that he is scared out of his mind. He says if Punk gets his hands on him that we may never see Paul Heyman again but he and Axel will own CM Punk at Night of Champions.

Follow The Buzzards! Wyatt Family is up next.

Tons of Funk out to the ring with no disco ball. Full dance routine. "We're here". It's Harper and Rowan against Tensai and Brodus Clay with Bray Wyatt sitting in a rocking chair .... and yes Big Show still sitting next to the announcers ..... Wyatts win Rowan does a splash on Tensai .... Bray Wyatt then mails Tensai with his finisher.
Big Show now chatting it up with Michael Cole while the crew changes the ring mats.

Footage of AJ's promo on RAW.

Daniel Bryan vs. Ryback

Randy Orton makes his way to the ring mid match . Funny 'Ryback, Be A Star' sign in the front row. Daniel Bryan gets Ryback in the Yes Lock and Orton interferes for the DQ. Orton gets put in the Yes Lock ... out comes The Shield and they beat the cheap out of Daniel Bryan with The Big Show pacing and finally entering the ring to stand over Bryan .... out comes Triple H and screams at Show to leave the ring which he does to a chorus of boooossss....doesn't Big Show have a iron clad contract in which he can't get fired? I could of sworn he was boasting about that last year - ha!

The Shield and Orton proceed to beat down Daniel Bryan. Triple Powerbomb on Bryan Orton gets spray paint and sprays NO over Bryan's front. Orton holds belt over Bryan. End of Smackdown.

Big Show's music hits and this is the dark match ..... Somebody Gonna Get They Ass Kicked .... Mark Henry with RVD are out next .... Bryan is helped to the back .... looks like its 3 on 4.
Pretty good Smackdown, great crowd in Vegas, the whole upper section was tarped off.

Randy Orton takes a seat where Big Show was sitting all night during match. Daniel Bryan runs back out, flying drop kick to Rollins then the running knee .... RVD with the Five Star Frog Splash on Rollins for the pin ... Crowd goes home happy!