View Full Version : 8/17 & 8/18 WWC Superestrellas TV results

Shootkick Man
09-01-2013, 06:27 PM
Steve Joel vs Rikochet
Rikochet hit a nice spinning ornado DDT at the start of the match. Rikochet got a near fall with a shining wizard. Joe got a near fall with a powerbomb. Rikochet got the win with an inside cradle.

Sonos of Samoa vs Chicano/Abbad
Sonos of Samoa worked over Chicano. Chicano got the hot tag and both teams ended up in the ring brawling. SOS got the win when Afa Anoi hit a frog splash from the top rope onto Abbad.

Chris Angel vs Thunder
Both guys brawled outside the ring with Angel getting the better of it. Angel did a sot where he did the Undertaker top rope walk but Thunder kicked him and he crotched himself on the top rope. Thunder made a comeback and got a near fall with a stunner. Angel got a near fall with a spear. Thunder got a near tap out when he locked in a triangle choke but the Sons of Samoa came out and distracted Thunder allowing Angel to get the win with a spear. A really good match, best on the show.

Samson Walker vs Andy Leavine
Match started in progress with Walker attacking Leavine's leg. Leavine made a superman comeback but Orlando Toledo got on the apron and held Leavine. Walker charged and nailed Toledo when Leavine moved. Leavine won with a rock bottom. Good match to start the show.

Diabolico vs Xix Xavant
Xavant got a near fall with a roll up. Diabolico took over with a clothesline. Xavant missed a kneedrop off the top rope and Diabolico pinned hinm with a sidewalk slam. Another good match.

Savio Vega vs Super Fenix vs Invader #1
This was more of a handicap match where Super Fenix & Invader #1 double teamed Vega most of the match. Not really much of a match as Vega didn't get much offense and Invader thru the ref out of the ring and both heels continued to destroy Vega. More refs came in and they got the same treatment as the first one did. AJ Castillo tried to make the save but he was kicked to the curb. Chicano & Abbad tried to help but they were disposed of as well. Finally Ray Fenix(Ray Gonzalez under the mask) made the save and cleared the ring with a baseball bat.