View Full Version : This Day in History - 8th September, 2013

09-09-2013, 09:12 AM
September 8th

On this day in history in ....

1950 - Verne Gagne defeats Miguel Guzman in Houston, Texas for the NWA Texas Heavyweight Title, ending Guzman's fifth title reign, and beginning his second run with the belt.

1967 - El Mongol defeats Mr. Wrestling for the NWA Georgia Heavyweight Title in Atlanta, starting his fourth run with the belt.

1979 - Intercontinental Champion Pat Patterson defeats WWF World Champion Bob Backlund via countout in a rare champion vs. champion match in Springfield, Massachusetts.

1983 - Stan Hansen defeats Giant Baba for the Pacific Wrestling Federation World Heavyweight Title (now part of the All Japan Triple Crown) in Chiba, Japan, ending Baba's third title reign.

1990 - Kim Duk (aka Tiger Chung Lee) defeats Invader #1 for the WWC Caribbean Heavyweight Title in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, ending Invader's fifth title reign.

1991 - The National Wrestling Alliance officially strips Ric Flair of the NWA World Heavyweight Title, only two days before Flair makes his WWF in-ring debut. World Championship Wrestling had stripped Flair of "their title" back in July, when Flair could not come to terms with WCW for a new contract. This would cause the splintering of the WCW and NWA title lineage.

1999 - Brian Hildebrand, better known to fans as referee Mark Curtis, passes away at the age of 37 after a battle with cancer. Hildebrand was one of the backbones of Smoky Mountain Wrestling, and went on to work for WCW after SMW had closed. Hildebrand, who worked with Mick Foley and Shane Douglas early in their career at Dominic Denucci's gym, was considered one of the classiest people in the business.

2003 - During an edition of Raw in Huntsville, Alabama, Kane defeats Rob Van Dam in a steel cage match. At the start of the match, Kane repeatedly throws Van Dam into the cage, to the point that the cage "breaks" and swings open and Van Dam falls to the floor. He is declared the winner, but Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff orders that the match continue, since the rules stated that you had to win by pinfall, escaping the cage through the door, or by going over the top of the cage. Kane would go on to win with a top rope chokeslam.

2008 - Fox Searchlight Pictures purchased rights to "The Wrestler" for $4 million, beating out Lionsgate, Overture, The Weinstein Co. and Sony Pictures.

2008 - The 10/12 screening of"The Wrestler", closing out the New York International Film Festival, sold out immediately, although additional tickets were released the weekend of the showing.

2008 - WTVD-TV in North Carolina reported that Ashley Fliehr, daughter of Ric Flair, has been arrested in conjunction with an incident that left the Hall Of Famer "bloodied and bruised".

According to the story, police in Chapel Hill were called to a commotion outside an apartment complex involving Flair, Ashley and an unidentified 22-year old man. The three were apparently involved in a fight, but Ric Flair declined to file charges. However, Ashley has been accused of kicking a police officer, leading to a taser gun being used on her.

Ashley, 22, is being charged with assault on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest and will appear in court on October 6th.

There were no further details on why the fight occurred, or how badly hurt Ric Flair was. There were no mentions of injuries to Ashley or the unidentified man.

UPDATE: When the channel attempted to contact Ashley Fliehr, her boyfriend said "the incident was a family matter that is now resolved".

2008 - WWE broadcast Raw on the USA Network. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

After last night’s ScrambleMania pay per view, otherwise known as Unforgiven, do we get to see a new champion for the Raw brand or did CM Punk get to retain his title. In case you missed the pay per view, CM Punk did not even get a chance to defend his title because of what Randy Orton did to him. Punk was beaten up so bad that he could not even wrestle. However, one man who got beaten to the point where he could not defend himself was able to take Punk’s place and he is your new World Champion. Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho, but Jericho was able to accept General Manager Adamle’s offer to join the Raw Scramble match. We also saw Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes retain the tag titles against Cryme Tyme. We got to see a new member of the Raw roster when Manu made his debut to help Rhodes and DiBiase. What is next for Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix after what Randy Orton said to them last week? Will Kofi Kingston get any revenge on Rhodes, Orton, DiBiase, or Manu for their attack on him when Kingston came to Punk’s aid? What fun things will The Adamle come up with tonight? What will the new champion say? What will the four men who could not win the title do on tonight’s show. Will Bradshaw claim that he is the champion because the Jets and Giants won this weekend?

We are live from Fort Wayne, Indiana and your announcers are Jerry ‘I have a suggestion for the second generation team’ Lawler and Michael ‘I picked the Colts to win last night’ Cole.

Lillian Garcia is in the ring and she introduces the new World Champion Chris Jericho. Chris tells everyone who he is and he points out that he is the new World Champion in case you missed Lillian Garcia’s announcement. Jericho is going to give everyone who did not see the pay per view an update on what happened. Last night, he faced the wrath of a self righteous hypocrite, Shawn Michaels. Shawn talks about turning the other cheek and being a good person; but Chris wants to show us what Shawn did last night. Chris takes off his jacket, shirt, and tie and he reveals the marks on his back. The crowd applauds the bruises while Chris talks about them. He asks what kind of man would do this to another human being. What kind of person would disfigure another man? That man is Shawn Michaels and he is a hypocrite. Shawn whipped him like a dog. The tip of his belt discolored his back and the fans savored every minute of it. When all of the bravado goes down, what did Shawn Michaels win? He won nothing. Shawn might have won his match. Now he is home celebrating with his family. Chris says that the match was unsanctioned and never existed so Shawn accomplished nothing. Chris points out that he has the title belt.

Chris says that six months ago, he said that good things happen to good people. Chris says that he is a good person. He is a righteous man and a good man. He does what he says and now he is the champion. After he received the brutal beating that he did not deserve last night, he was told by Mike Adamle that Randy Orton kicked CM Punk in the head and was out of the Scramble. That is how he is the new champion. Not only did he beat Steve Austin and The Rock to become the first Undisputed Champion. Last night, he beat Kane, Rey Mysterio, Batista, and Bradshaw to win the title. Chris points out that Batista came close to winning. Now everyone must respect how good Chris Jericho is. Chris says that he is not Shawn Michaels. He is better because he is the new World Champion.

Mike Adamle comes out and he congratulates Chris for his victory. Adamle says that CM Punk suffered a concussion last night and was not medically cleared to wrestle last night. Mike says that he was looking for a championship caliber replacement and Chris filled in that role. Adamle reminds everyone that Punk lost without being pinned. Punk is not here tonight. Next week he will get a chance to regain his title. Punk will Jericho for the title. The match will be in a steel cage.

Jericho says that he is not worried because he beat Punk in his home town, so he can beat him next week. Chris says that he is sick of dealing with the hypocrites so he is going to get out of here. Adamle says that he is not done. He needs a main event tonight. After last night, why not have Chris Jericho face Batista.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Candice Michelle comes to the ring to watch our first match.

Match Number One: Beth Phoenix versus Mickie James for the WWE Women’s Title and more importantly, a chance to wrestle Candice Michelle at No Mercy
Mickie with a waist lock and Beth tries for a fireman’s carry but she picks up Mickie and drops her on the top rope. Mickie goes to the floor and Beth with a kick and then she sends Mickie into the ring post. Beth rolls Mickie back into the ring and gets a near fall. Beth with an arm bar and she punches Mickie and works on the arm. We see Candice’s back enjoy the match as Beth lifts Mickie in the air by her arm. Mickie gets to the ropes and she kicks Beth in the back. Beth with an arm wringer from the turnbuckles. Beth with a slingshot suplex attempt but Mickie floats over and hits a neck breaker. Mickie with forearms but Beth with a punch.

Beth runs Mickie into the corner and then she charges into a boot. Mickie with a punch and then she hits a head scissors take down and flying clothesline. Mickie with a Thesz Press and she punches Beth. Beth stops an Irish whip attempt and then she returns to the arm. Beth with a forearm to the midsection and then she sends Mickie to the apron. Mickie with a forearm and then Mickie tries for a head scissors but Beth with a wheelbarrow slam for the three count.
Winner: Beth Phoenix

After the match, Beth stares at Candice and Candice stands up very slowly and stands in front of her chair.

Jamie Noble and Layla are in the back and Jamie says that Layla is his lucky charm. Jamie wants Layla out there for their tiebreaker match. Layla says that she was surprised by Noble’s win. Noble says that he has a surprise for Layla and from out of nowhere, Jillian scares pets with her rendition of Layla. Noble says that wasn’t the song he was thinking of and mentions a Layla with a feather in her hair. Noble says that when he wins tonight, they are going to celebrate at Olive Garden. We go to commercial.

We are back with WWE Rewind: Jamie Noble beating William Regal last week on Raw.

Match Number Two: Jamie Noble versus William Regal
Regal backs Noble into the corner and he hits a series of knees and then he biels Noble out of the corner. Noble with a kick and then he puts Regal in a side head lock. Noble with a shoulder tackle and Regal does not go down. Noble with a head scissors take down. Regal with an exploder suplex. Regal works over Noble apparently while we watch Layla at ringside. Regal with an arm bar and cross face. Noble punches Regal and tries for a sunset flip but Regal with a knee to the head and then he puts Noble in a side head lock. Noble tries to get to his feet and he finally does but Regal makes him pay with a knee to the midsection. Regal with an Irish whip but Noble with a series of kicks. Noble with a drop kick from the second turnbuckle for a near fall. Noble with an enzuigiri and then he hits a cannonball, but Regal gets his knees up and Regal with a running knee to the head for the three count.
Winner: William Regal

After the match, Regal gets a mic and he stands by Noble and asks him what he expected because happy endings only happen in fairy tales. Regal leaves the ring and approaches Layla. Layla leaves with Regal and Layla has a scared look on her face as she leaves with William.

We go to commercial.

We are back with random WWE Raw longevity factoid.

Match Number Three: John Bradshaw Layfield with JBLimo versus Charles Haas Layfield from the trunk of the JBLimo
Haas makes Layfield proud by mentioning Mamajuana a few hundred times. Bradshaw does the JBL dance before Bradshaw takes the mic. Charles holds up some Mamajuana for Bradshaw and smiles. Bradshaw asks Haas if he is mocking him. Bradshaw says that Haas has to be kidding him. He asks him if this is funny. Bradshaw asks if he is an over the top caricature. Bradshaw calls him a disrespectful punk. He says that he deserves better than this. He says that Haas will respect him. He says that he deserves it.

The bell rings and Bradshaw leaves the ring and heads to the back. The referee makes the ten count and Haas wins the toughest match of his career.
Winner: Charles Haas Layfield

We go to commercial.

We are back and Wrestlemania 25 tickets are on sale on September 20th (unless you have the pre-sale codes).

We are back and Bradshaw is walking in the back and he is not happy. We see Batista and Kelly laughing. Bradshaw wonders what they are laughing at. Kelly leaves and Batista comments on the plugs by Haas. Bradshaw says that Batista should understand how inappropriate it was for Haas to do that because they have nothing in common. Batista agrees that they have nothing in common. Batista points out that Haas won his match tonight.

Todd Grisham is with Rey Mysterio in the interview area. Todd asks Rey about the time he took off because of what Kane did. Rey says that he does not know why Kane did that. Because of his actions, Rey needed to take time off to rehab his body (and get more tattoos). Rey says that he needs to stand strong if he is going to be on Raw. Rey starts to speak in tongues and then he tells Kane that he might claim that he is Kane’s victim. Saying that Kane killed his spirit, it is not true because his spirit is still alive. Rey might always be an underdog, but he is nobody’s victim.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: John Morrison and The Miz versus Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio
Bourne and Morrison start things off and Morrison backs him into the corner and Bourne avoids a punch and hits an arm drag into a cover. Bourne holds on to the arm bar and then he tags in Rey. Rey with a seated splash onto the arm for a near fall. Morrison with a kick to Rey followed by an Irish whip. Morrison drives Rey into the mat and Miz tags in and they hit a double gutbuster. Miz with elbows and an arm bar. Miz sends Rey into the corner but Rey with a kick and then he hits a seated senton splash and he tags in Bourne. Bourne goes up top and hits a double knee drop. Bourne and Rey with a wheelbarrow slam to Miz but Morrison interferes. Bourne is sent to the floor and he hits a rana on Morrison. Bourne with a jumping back kick and then he goes up top but Morrison gets on the apron and he kicks Bourne in the back of the head while the referee was distracted by Rey.

Morrison tags back in and he connects with a forearm to Bourne and then he comes in with a slingshot elbow while Bourne was still on Miz’s knees. Morrison with a rear chin lock and he has his knee in Bourne’s back. Bourne kicks Morrison in the knee but Morrison tries for a neckbreaker but Bourne turns it into a back slide. Miz tags back in and he hits an elbow drop. Miz with a rear chin lock. Miz with forearms to the back and then Morrison is tagged in but Bourne avoids both men and he is able to tag in Rey. Rey with a springboard cross body to both men. Rey is tossed onto Miz and he hits a rana that sends Miz to the floor. Rey with a springboard seated splash followed by a kick to the head for a near fall. Rey sends Morrison into the ropes and Morrison assumes the position but Miz trips Rey on the 619 attempt. Bourne breaks up the cover by Morrison. Bourne is sent to the floor with a knee lift. Morrison kicks Miz by mistake and then Rey sends Morrison back into the ropes for the 619. Bourne tags in and he hits the shooting star press for the three count.
Winners: Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio

After the match, Kane tells Rey Rey that they will meet next week and then everyone will understand why Rey is a victim. Kane says that he chose Rey and he will not tell Rey just yet. Kane has a hint and it is a special hint. We see the old mask that Kane used to wear. Rey starts to twitch and we go to commercial.

Randy Orton is walking in the back and we go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Randy Orton kicking CM Punk last night at Unforgiven.

Randy Orton comes to the ring very deliberately. Orton has lulled the sound truck to sleep and then he says that there is no worse feeling than to be on a global stage with the title in your grasp only to have tragedy keep you from competing. Orton says that he is not talking about CM Punk. Orton says that he is talking about himself. A few months ago, he broke his collarbone against Triple H, unable to retain his title. The difference between CM Punk and himself is that he earned his championship. He won the main event at Wrestlemania. CM Punk got lucky and karma caught up. Last night, he was taken out by a one armed man. Orton says that he did it because he was threatened and he felt concerned for his safety. Punk should not be mad, but he should be happy for having his face kicked in because it kept him from being exposed.

Orton tells Jericho to feel free to thank him any time he wants because if it wasn’t for him, Jericho would not have been in the match, and he would not have been champion. Orton says that he will take back what is his when he is healthy.

Orton is interrupted by Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase and Manu who come to the ring. Rhodes asks Orton who took care of Punk last night. Rhodes tells Orton to check his facts because if the three of them didn’t do what they did, Orton would not have been able to punt Punk unconscious. Rhodes says that they took care of Kofi too. Rhodes tells Orton not to take credit for something he didn’t do. Manu says that he is not the only one who was blessed with God given talent. He isn’t the only one with a father who is a hall of famer. He says that Orton is no better than any of them. Ted says that Orton did slap Cody in the fact last week. Ted says that what they did to Punk was impressive. Orton slaps DiBiase and then Orton leaves the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a WWE linguistics factoid.

Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, and Manu are still in the ring because they are involved in the next match.

Match Number Five: Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, and Manu versus Cryme Tyme and Kofi Kingston
JTG and Rhodes start things off and JTG sends Rhodes into the corner. Rhodes runs into a punch from JTG. Rhodes with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Rhodes with a knee and forearm before tagging in DiBiase. JTG with a drop toe hold and front face lock. Kofi tags in and he hits a European uppercut. DiBiase with an Irish whip but he misses the charge and Kingston goes into the corner. Manu is sent to the apron and DiBiase sends Kingston to the floor where Manu chops Kofi. Manu tags in and he hits a head butt and slam followed by a diving head butt for a near fall. Manu slams Kofi and tags in DiBiase who hits a knee drop from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Rhodes tags back in and they double team Kofi. Rhodes with a modified abdominal stretch but Kofi gets to his feet and he punches Rhodes. Rhodes with a forearm. Kofi misses a cross body when Rhodes moves out of the way. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall and then we get a double clothesline from Rhodes and Kingston and both men are down. DiBiase and Shad tag in and Shad with a boot to Ted and then he goes after Manu. DiBiase gets another clothesline and then Shad presses Rhodes over his head. Shad sends JTG into Rhodes and both men go over the top rope to the floor. Shad with a power slam to DiBiase and then Manu tags in and he hits a belly-to-back suplex into a neck breaker for the three count.
Winners: Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, and Manu

We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE 24/7 Classics on Demand Moment: A look at November 24, 1983 when Ric Flair won the NWA World Title at Starrcade.

Cole and Lawler talk about the passing of the torch with that match. Lawler mentions that this month on WWE 24/7 Classics on Demand is devoted to Flair.

Santino comes to the ring with the Honk-A-Meter and time to point out that he is only 61 weeks behind the Honky Donkey Man. The Mountie only had the title for two days. He is 19 days better than the Mountie. Santino says that he hopes Randy Orton is impressed. He wants his opponent to come to the ring.

Match Number Six: Santino Marella with Beth Phoenix versus Gene Snitsky
Snitsky with a forearm to Santino and then Beth tries to distract him. Snitsky with a clothesline and elbow for a near fall. Snitsky sends Santino into the corner and then he misses the boot into the corner. Santino trips Snitsky and gets the rollup for the three count.
Winner: Santino Marella Mike Adamle is with Kelly Kelly in the office and he wants to know what he could have done differently. Mike says that he wanted five champions in the match. Kelly says that she feels bad for Punk. Chris Jericho enters and he says that this is not fair and he was in two matches last night. He says that he is not a machine and he should get a week to get ready for Punk in the steel cage. Adamle says that he did Jericho a favor last night and he wants reciprocity. Adamle says that the match is going to happen and it is going to happen next.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Seven: Chris Jericho with Lance Cade versus Batista
Batista runs Jericho into the corner and hits a series of shoulders followed by a biel to work on the injured back. Batista with an Irish whip and punch to the face. Batista with a boot to the head for a near fall. Batista with another Irish whip followed by a power slam and Jericho rolls out of the ring to the floor.

Mike Adamle comes out and he less than emphatically tells the referee to stop the match. Adamle apologizes and says that he is learning on the job. He wanted a great main event and he misdiagnosed Jericho’s injury. To even things up, it will be a handicap match. Batista will face Chris Jericho and John Bradshaw Layfield. The real John Bradshaw Layfield walks to the ring and we go to commercial.

We are back and the match has been joined in progress and Batista punches Bradshaw but Jericho with a knee to the back. Bradshaw with an elbow drop for a near fall. Jericho tags in and he kicks Batista in the corner and chokes him with the boot. Jericho has a punch blocked and Batista with a punch of his own. Bradshaw tags in and he punches Batista. Jericho chokes Batista while the referee is with Bradshaw. Bradshaw with a gingerly placed short arm clothesline followed by a series of elbow drops for a near fall. Bradshaw with a swinging neck breaker for a two count. Jericho tags in and he kicks Batista in the head and slaps Batista. Batista with a slap to Jericho’s head followed by a punch and a clothesline. Batista with a clothesline to Bradshaw. Cade gets on the apron when Batista sets for the Batista Bomb. Jericho gets the three count after Bradshaw hits the Clothesline from Hell.
Winners: Bradshaw and Chris Jericho

After the match, Lance Cade holds Batista for Bradshaw to punch him. Bradshaw asks Batista who he is laughing at now. Cade punches Batista and then they pick up Batista but Batista with a double shoulder tackle and then he spears Bradshaw followed by a spinebuster to Cade. Batista shakes the ropes and it is time for the BatistaBomb.

2009 - Former WWE and WCW wrestler Sean O'Haire, real name Sean Haire, was arrested and charged with battery and criminal trespassing after allegedly grabbing his girlfriend in a chokehold while cursing at her.

TMZ.com, which picked up the story and ran Haire's mugshot, claimed it wasn't the first incident between the former wrestler and his girlfriend but was the first that led to a phone call to authorities.

He was released on $4,600 bond.

Haire has been arrested several times in the past, including a 2004 assault of a woman in a South Carolina nightclub.

Haire, a former WCW World Tag Team champion, was among the talents absorbed into World Wrestling Entertainment in their March 2001 purchase of WCW. He was released in April 2004 with his largest push being a brief association with Roddy Piper. After leaving WWE, he flirted with MMA and later worked as a professional bodyguard.

2009 - WWE broadcast ECW on Sci Fi. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We are live on tape from Rockford, Illinois and your announcers are Matt ‘I’m thinking of another four letter word starting with M’ Striker and Josh ‘Plinko’ Mathews.

Match Number One: Hurricane versus Paul Burchill with Katie Lea

They lock up and Burchill backs Hurricane into the turnbuckles and gives him a clean break. Hurricane with a waist lock and Burchill backs him into the corner. Burchill tries for a punch but Hurricane blocks it and he connects with some punches. Hurricane with an uppercut but he misses a clothesline. Hurricane with a cross body for a near fall and then Hurricane with a head scissors. Burchill escapes and hits an elbow drop. Burchill blocks a hip toss attempt but Hurricane with an arm drag. Hurricane with an Octopus but Burchill escapes and hits a back breaker. Burchill starts to work on the back and neck with a Saito suplex for a near fall. Burchill with a rear chin lock and Hurricane tries to escape but Burchill with a knee and clothesline for a near fall. Burchill hits the running knees into the corner but he can only get a two count. Burchill with a back breaker to Hurricane and then he applies an arm bar. Hurricane with punches and a rollup for a two count. Burchill tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Hurricane lands on his feet. Burchill with a devastating clothesline but he can only get a two count. Burchill charges at Hurricane but Hurricane ducks down and Burchill goes over the top rope to the floor. Hurricane with a pescado onto Burchill. Burchill sends Hurricane into the apron and then he hits a version of a Pele kick as we go to commercial.

We are back and Burchill with a reverse chin lock. Burchill with an Irish whip but Hurricane moves out of the way when Burchill charges and Burchill goes into the ring post. Both men are down but Burchill gets to his feet first. Hurricane with punches to Burchill followed by a Thesz Press and a neckbreaker for a near fall. Hurricane goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall. Hurricane with an Irish whip but he charges into a boot. Hurricane with punches and then he goes up top as well. Burchill with a super power slam from the turnbuckles and he rolls over but Hurricane kicks out at the last possible moment. Burchill with an Irish whip but Hurricane with an uppercut and a rana from the turnbuckles for a two count. Hurricane sets for the Shining Wizard but Katie gets on the apron. Hurricane sends Paul into his sister and Hurricane hits the Eye of the Hurricane for the three count.
Winner: Hurricane

Striker and Josh talk about Breaking Point and the way that Team Bromance (Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov) have been dealing with Christian and Tommy Dreamer so Regal made a challenge to Dreamer and Christian.

We go to Savannah who is with Tommy Dreamer and Christian. She asks them for their thoughts about the main event. Dreamer says that ECW has been a part of his life for 16 years and it also means a lot for Christian since he is the champ. He says that Regal, Kozlov, and Jackson cannot take over. Christian says that they are doing it for all ECW superstars. He says that they are taking a stand and they are ready for a fight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did you Know that lots of people watched ECW and more than some other networks too.

Match Number Two: Shelton Benjamin and Sheamus versus Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust

Goldust and Benjamin start off and Benjamin works on the arm but Goldust reverses and puts Benjamin in a side head lock before hitting a shoulder tackle and hip toss. Benjamin backs into the corner for a breather. Benjamin with a knee and forearm but Goldust with an Irish whip. Benjamin avoids a bulldog but he cannot avoid the drop down uppercut. Sheamus is tagged in and he punches Goldust. Goldust punches back and Yoshi is tagged in and he chops and kicks Sheamus. Yoshi with a back heel kick and then he floats over on an Irish whip. Benjamin distracts Yoshi long enough to allow Sheamus to hit a clothesline. Sheamus with a few elbow drops. Benjamin tags back in and he punches Yoshi and then he snap mares him and applies a rear chin lock. Yoshi with elbows and a sunset flip but Benjamin rolls through and tries for an elbow drop but misses. Yoshi sends Benjamin to the floor and he almost makes the tag but Benjamin pulls Goldust off the apron. The referee sends Goldust into the corner and that allows Benjamin to bring Yoshi into his corner to tag in Sheamus. Yoshi with a kick and then he makes the tag and Goldust punches Sheamus and hits a flying clothesline or two. Goldust with a reverse atomic drop and a kick to the head. Goldust knocks Shelton off the apron but Sheamus with a kick. Sheamus with a kick and then Shelton makes the blind tag to get the three count.
Winners: Shelton Benjamin and Sheamus

After the match, Shelton raises Sheamus’ hand but Sheamus wants none of it. Sheamus punches Shelton but Shelton with a double leg take down and they fight to the floor. They brawl at ringside and referees have to come out to separate them.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Zack Ryder versus Rory Fargo

They lock up and Ryder with a knee and forearm to the back. Ryder slaps Fargo and tries to slam him but Fargo gets a near fall with a rollup. Ryder with a knee and forearm across the face. Ryder chokes Fargo in the ropes and kicks him in the head. Fargo with a forearm but Ryder sends Fargo into the turnbuckles and then hits a running facewash. Ryder with a catapult into the turnbuckles followed by the Zack Attack for the three count.
Winner: Zack Ryder

It is time to talk about Breaking Point and the card is updated.

Tiffany is in the office with Tyler Reks and she is happy about his performance. William Regal and Team Bromance enter and Tiffany wants things to remain civil. Reks leaves. Regal asks Tiffany how she could have allowed Dreamer and Christian to attack Ezekiel and Vladimir with weapons. Tiffany says that she might have felt differently if they were not attacked by Regal, Jackson, and Kozlov. Regal vows to become the ECW Champion on Sunday.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Team Bromance (Vladimir Koslov and Ezekiel Jackson) with William Regal versus Tommy Dreamer and Christian

Christian and Kozlov start things off and Kozlov with a waist lock but Christian blocks a take down attempt. Christian with elbows and a side head lock. Kozlov with a running shoulder tackle. Kozlov sends Christian into the turnbuckles and punches him but Christian escapes. Christian with a punch and Kozlov squares up before tagging in Jackson. Dreamer tags in as well. They lock up and Zeke sends Tommy to the mat. Dreamer with a punch but Jackson with a hard slam but he misses an elbow drop. Jackson misses a charge when Dreamer moves and Jackson goes to the floor. Christian tags in and hits a drop kick that sends Jackson to the floor and he hits a baseball slide on Kozlov. Christian tries for a cross body onto Jackson but Zeke catches him. Dreamer jumps on to take Zeke down. We go to commercial.

We are back and Dreamer and Christian hit a double side Russian leg sweep on Jackson and Dreamer follows it up with an elbow drop for a near fall. Jackson with a shoulder tackle that sends Dreamer into the ropes. Kozlov tags in and hits a running shoulder tackle. Jackson is tagged in and they go for the double running shoulder tackle and Jackson gets a near fall. Jackson with a double underhook followed by a knee to the chest. Kozlov tags in and he hits a series of head butts to the chest followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Kozlov with a waist lock but Dreamer gets to his feet. Kozlov runs Dreamer into the corner and connects with shoulders and forearms. Dreamer knocks Kozlov off the turnbuckles and then he kicks Kozlov. Dreamer with a clothesline from the turnbuckles and both men are down. Christian tags in and he punches Kozlov. Christian tries for clotheslines but Kozlov stays up. Christian goes for a missile drop kick but Kozlov stays on his feet. He goes up top and takes Kozlov down and gets a near fall. Christian with a knee to Kozlov and then he punches Jackson. Kozlov with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Jackson tags back in and he hits a back breaker on Christian. He hits a second one and lets Christian crumple to the mat. Jackson stretches Christian with a double under hook and a forearm to the back of the head. Jackson with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Jackson runs Christian into the turnbuckles and then he tags Kozlov back in. Kozlov with head butts to the chest followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Kozlvo with a back breaker until Christian escapes. Kozlov with a fallaway slam for a near fall. Jackson tags back in and he punches Christian in the chest and he has Christian in a double underhook again. Jackson with a butterfly suplex for a near fall and then he tags Kozlov back in. Kozlov kicks Christian and connects with a forearm and shoulders. Kozlov misses a running head butt into the corner and Christian with a corkscrew back elbow from the turnbuckles and both men are down. Jackson and Dreamer tag in and Dreamer with a series of rapid forearms and a cross body followed by punches. Dreamer with a bulldog for a near fall. Jackson with a forearm but Dreamer with a neck breaker and then Dreamer goes up top and hits a frog splash but Kozlov breaks up the cover. Christian and Kozlov go to the floor. Regal distracts Dreamer and Jackson hits the uranage for the three count.
Winners: Vladimir Kozlov and Ezekiel Jackson

After the match, Regal and his charges celebrate in the ring and then Regal puts Dreamer in the Regal Stretch.

2009 - Lillian Garcia announced she would be leaving WWE in September 2009. Garcia has remained on good terms with the company and has returned for a number of appearances since.

2009 - Gunner Eudy, the 16 year old son of former WWF and WCW World champion Sid Vicious debuted over the weekend as Lord Humongous, a gimmick his father did in the old Continental territory early in his career.

2010 - WWE held a charity screening of the John Cena film "Legendary" in New Orleans, where the movie was filmed.

2010 - Ring of Honor announced they signed a new deal with then-current ROH Television champion Eddie Edwards.

2011 - TNA broadcast Impact Wrestling. Stu Carapola filed the following TV report:

Welcome to the Impact Wrestling Report here on PWInsider.com!

They kick off the show with a video package of various TNA wrestlers talking about Jeff Hardy's "demons" which, by the way, he got sentenced on earlier tonight, then another short video of the neverending, twisting and turning conflict involving Immortal, Ken Anderson, and Sting, and then we're off to the arena as Anderson makes his way to the ring. He says he made a deal with the devils, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, and tells the fans to boo him. They comply, but he says he's on the outside of Immortal looking in thanks to Bully Ray, and if they thought he was annoying before, he's going to be a royal pain in their asses now because he's coming after Kurt Angle tonight. Everybody forgot that he never cashed in his rematch and he's going to do that tonight, but he knows Immortal are going to interfere so he's got Sting to watch his back. Weren't they just feuding like a month or two ago? I honestly can't keep any of this straight anymore. Sting comes out and says he's wielding the power of the Network, who have given him the ability to call the shots tonight because he's going to be the guest referee for tonight's Angle-Anderson match.

Tonight, JEFF HARDY RETURNS...and a bunch of other stuff!!!

Let's head to the ring for our first match...

Devon & The Pope vs The British Invasion

This match is to determine Mexican America's challengers at No Surrender, and the British Invasion are already in the ring during Pope & Devon's entrance, which should tell you pretty much what's going to happen. Pope beats up Magnus and takes a shot at Williams, but Magnus takes the opening to boot him in the face and tag out to Williams. Williams works him over and then Magnus tags in and takes his head off with a clotheslines for 2. A top rope elbowdrop from Magnus gets 2, but Magnus misses a big boot and lays Williams out, allowing Pope to make the tag to Devon. Devon cleans house on both men and hitsa powerslam on Williams for 2, then Pope clotheslines Magnus to the floor and Devon hits a spinebuster on Williams for the win.

Winners: The Pope & Devon

Kurt Angle is backstage saying he'll believe Jeff Hardy's back when he sees it, then someone I believe is named Eddie Alvarez comes in to talk about his upcoming fight in Atlantic City. Kurt's really happy to see him, and they walk out together.

We're down to the final four in the Bound For Glory Series, and we'll see Bobby Roode (42 points) taking on Gunner (42 points) and Bully Ray (49 points) takes on James Storm (30 points) this weekend at No Surrender. But we'll get a preview of that match right now, as we go to the ring where all four participants are in the ring. Bubba takes the mic and kicks Jeremy Borash out of the ring, and says that he is a tag team god and is qualified to say that Beer Money will go down in history as one of the greatest tag teams not just in TNA, but all over the world. Bubba knows they both want to win the series and go on to win the title, but they won't admit it to each other because tag teams never look at each other and wonder how successful they could be by themselves. Hawk, Animal, Rick, Scott, and even he did it. He says Gunner will do whatever it takes to win the series and go on to win the World Title, but neither of them will do what's right for each other because wrestlers are selfish and neither will turn down the women and money. He's Bully Ray, he's from New York City, and he's the next World Champion.

Roode takes the microphone and says Bubba's right that Beer Money will go down as one of the greatest teams of all time, but he and Storm have their eyes set on becoming the World Champion because it's been both their dream since day one just like everyone in the back. Only one man can walk out of No Surrender as the challenger for the World Title, and he guarantees that whether it's Storm or himself, they'll both be there to share in the celebration because no matter what, nobody will ever come between them and nobody will ever kill Beer Money. Storm says he's sorry about their damn luck, and we'll see these guys face off in a four way match later tonight. Great promo!

Back to the ring...

TV Title Match: Eric Young vs Robbie E

Hopefully this will be painless. Robbie works Eric over until Eric fires up, pulls his pants down, and connects with a flying clothesline and a top rope elbowdrop for 2. Eric f'n SPIKES Robbie with a piledriver, and now is able to cover for 3.

Winner: Eric Young

Eric is celebrating when Rob Terry comes out of the back and attacks him, then gives him the Last Ride.

Rob Van Dam finds Jerry Lynn in the back and is angry that Lynn screwed him, and Lynn said he did it because it's always been about him and the phones are always ringing for him, and he only gets called to wrestle RVD because they know it'll be a good match. He had to get a job at a warehouse while RVD was being brought in here, and Hogan and Bischoff finally smartened him up. He knows he's better than RVD, to which RVD responds by laying him out and walking off.

Velvet Sky and Mickie James are backstage and Velvet congratulates Mickie on regaining the Knockouts Title and wonders what it would feel like around her waist, but before they can get too deep into that conversation, Karen Jarrett comes in for an inspection. She says it's like a pig sty back there and can't believe Mickie has her dog with her, and she says she made a Mickie-Winter rematch for No Surrender, and tells Velvet to lay off the cupcakes because her ass is getting too fat.

Jeff Hardy is backstage! And he's...WALKING!

Time for main event #1...

World Title Match: Kurt Angle vs Ken Anderson

As stated earlier, Sting is the special enforcer referee for this match. They feel each other out until Anderson comes off the ropes with a back elbow and then fires in with right hands to Angle. Anderson with a spinning neckbreaker for 2 and then rams Angle hard into the corner for another 2. Anderson charges Angle in the corner and Angle gets the boot up, then charges out and nails Anderson with a clothesline. Angle only gets a 1 off of that, but tries to wear Anderson down with a rear chinlock. Anderson fires elbows into the midsection of Angle, but Angle with a knee to the midsection and then goes back to that chinlock. They wipe each other out with a double clothesline, but get back to their feet and go toe to toe. Anderson wipes the champion out with a clothesline, but walks right into a bearhug and Angle pops him over his head into a release suplex. Anderson comes right back by scooping Angle into a fireman's carry and hit a Finlay Roll for 2, then he goes for the Mic Check but Angle escapes and hits one German suplex after another and covers for 2. Angle pulls the straps down and goes to the anklelock, but Anderson rolls through into a cradle for 2, then hits the Mic Check out of nowhere, but Angle manages to kick out at 2. Sting looks concerned at ringside as Anderson pulls Angle back to his feet, but Angle "accidentally" pokes the referee in the eye, then low blows Anderson and hits an Angle Slam. The referee goes to count, but Sting pulls him out of the ring to tell him what Angle did. Angle goes to the ropes to yell at Sting, but turns around and Anderson hits the Mic Check. Anderson goes for the cover, but Gunner runs in and nails him at 2 and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner by DQ: Ken Anderson

Okay, raise your hand if you didn't see that finish coming a mile away! Yeah, didn't think you would. All of Immortal, including hogan, comes down to the ring and they leave Anderson and Sting laying as Angle holds the title belt high.

We come back from commercial to rewatch what we just saw, then we go to the Immortal locker room where they apparently want to throw a party because they just perpetrated a beatdown. Bischoff kicks them all out because he can't hear what the person he's talking to on the phone is saying. They leave, and Bischoff acts angry at what he's hearing, so he probably wishes he hadn't kicked everyone out. Oh well, back to the ring.

Mickie James & Velvet Sky vs Winter & Angelina Love

Velvet and Winter start, but Velvet tags out before making contact and Mickie comes in, so Winter tags out to Angelina. Angelina tosses her across the ring by the hair, but charges into Mickie's elbow and Mickie hits her headscissors out of the corner and a clothesline. She goes after Winter on the apron, and Angelina nails her from behind and then holds her so Velvet can come off the ropes with a diving dropkick for 2. Angelina gives her former BFF a chinbreaker and then tags out to Winter, but Velvet catches her with a monkey flip and then gets a flying headscissors. Angelina trips Velvet from the floor and then chokes her in the corner while Winter puts the boots to her. Winter with a Northern Lights suplex for 2, but Velvet hits a weird thing I don't know what it was and makes the tag to Mickie. Mickie off the top with the flying crotch to Winter's face, then unloads with clotheslines and a neckbreaker for 2. Angelina goes after Mickie, but Velvet wipes her out with a spear while Winter blows the red mist in Mickie's eyes and gets the win.

Winners: Winter & Angelina Love

I came up with all kinds of witty ways to describe the finish of that match for the headline, but none of them were really printable so I decided against it. But it's the thought that counts.

Austin Aries comes out and says that he's the #1 contender and Eric Bischoff's favorite X Division wrestler. Brian Kendrick may be all about love and harmony, but Kendrick doesn't practice what he preaches when he comes out to sneak attack Aries for taking his spot. Aries invites him out to the ring, and Kendrick comes out in a suit with his hair tied back and carrying a briefcase. Kendrick says he's out here enunciating and dressing for success like Aries, and success means that whoever dies with the most toys wins. He's received all kids of compliments today for cleaning up well and even wearing shoes. Kendrick asks the fans if they like this Brian Kendrick, and the fans boo, so he says that's fine because he can't stand the outfit and the materialistic world it represents. He's shed desire, and the god voice inside him is stronger than anything in existence. Aries says he doesn't know how many voices he's got in his head, but he wants that belt Kendrick just threw on the mat without any respect. Kendrick says it's just a material possession, and Aries responds by saying he's a fake, a phony, a fraud, and afraid. Kendrick says he's a peace loving man, then suckerpunches Aries again and sends him heading for the hills.

Hulk Hogan comes into the office backstage carrying on like such a moron that he makes John Cena look like Dan Severn, but Eric Bischoff is sitting on the couch looking unhappy because he just got a call from the Network and the title match this weekend is now a three way with Angle, Sting, and Anderson. Hogan says he can't do it and he's had enough with the Network because he's in control and he runs the company and this is not going to happen. Hogan's acting is so bad by this point that you almost can't help but laugh at his performances.

Jeff Hardy is still backstage, and he's...STILL WALKING! Well, that's a good sign this late in the show.

Mike and Taz run down the card for this weekend's PPV, and then we're off to the ring for our second main event!

Bully Ray vs James Storm vs Robert Roode vs Gunner

The bell rings and Samoa Joe comes marching down the ramp, no doubt meaning to do some damage, but Matt Morgan runs out and attacks him and they brawl around ringside as a four way melee breaks out in the ring with Beer Money each pairing off with a member of Immortal. They all take turns laying each other out with clotheslines, then Beer Money lay both of Immortal out with double clotheslines. They have a brief staredown before Bubba attacks them, and Gunner covers Roode for 2 only for Bubba to yell at him that he's supposed to win this match. Storm with a crossbody on Bubba for 2 and a running neckbreaker for 2 on Gunner. Roode with a Blockbuster to Bubba and a spinebuster to Gunner for 2. Roode dumps Bubba to the floor and Roode and Storm have another staredown before going after Gunner and hitting a double vertical suplex. They do BEER...MONEY! and turn around to Bubba laying them both out with a double clothesline and the Bubba Bomb on Roode, but Gunner suddenly dashes across the ring and hits a kneestrike to the face of Bubba and covers for the win.

Winner: Gunner

Gunner backs up the ramp looking very pleased with himself as Bubba collects himself off the mat.

Jeff Hardy is STILL backstage, and he's STILL W-A-L-K-I-N-G! And next, he'll use his walking skills to come out to the ring and talk, too!

Jeff Hardy comes out to the ring looking really embarrassed about something and thanks the fans for the reaction. He thanks the Network for letting him come out and says that he was pathetic and messed up the last time he was out there, and he let everybody down. He let himself down for not being the main eventer he knew he is, and the doubt when he walked into the building was overwhelming because he felt hated. Everyone in the back has every right to be mad at him, and he can't change what happened at Victory Road, but he can admit that he hit rock bottom that night. He stops for a long moment before continuing to say that he can't expect everyone to give him another chance, but all he can do is ask to give him one more shot. The fans chant "one more shot" as Hardy continues and says that all he can do is ask. He drops the mic and climbs out of the ring as teh fans chant "one more shot" again as we fade to black.

That's it for this week, thanks for reading and I'll be back tomorrow with Dave Scherer for the Stu & Pid/Impact Postgame Show!

2011 - WWE broadcast Superstars. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We start off this week’s show with the Raw brand and your announcers are Scott Standford and Josh Mathews.

Match Number One: JTG versus Mason Ryan

JTG takes his time coming out of the corner while Ryan wants to get things going. They lock up and Ryan sends JTG to the mat. JTG retreats to the ropes and Ryan is not happy. JTG with a kick and forearms to the back followed by a side head lock. Ryan with a shoulder tackle followed by shoulders in the corner. Ryan with a biel that sends JTG across the ring. Ryan with a big boot that sends JTG to the apron. JTG with a clip to the knee and then he works on the back with a series of forearms. Ryan with a clothesline followed by a running shoulder into the corner. Ryan with an Irish whip and back body drop.

Ryan with a clothesline in the corner but JTG with a sliding uppercut but Ryan catches JTG and hits a few back breakers followed by a power slam. Ryan with a kick and then he hits a pump handle power slam for the three count.

Winner: Mason Ryan

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks versus Titus O’Neil and Percy Watson

Tyler and Percy start things off and Tyler backs Watson into the corner. Reks with a forearm and punches in the corner followed by a side head lock take down. Reks with a shoulder tackle but Watson with a drop kick and then he hits a double underhook take down. Watson with a punch but Reks with a kick and he runs Percy into the corner to tag in Hawkins. Curt kicks Percy and then he slaps him. Hawkins with more kick to the head and then he hits a suplex and gets a near fall.

Hawkins sends Percy into the turnbuckles and Reks is tagged back in and Reks hits a clothesline on Watson. Watson tries to make the tag but Reks stops him. Watson with punches but Reks with a forearm across the chest as he takes Percy back to the mat. Hawkins tags in and Watson tries to fight out of the corner. Hawkins with a snap mare and Curt with knees to the back before applying a reverse chin lock.

Watson with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Titus and Reks make the tag and Titus with a running shoulder tackle followed by a punch and a reverse atomic drop and a flying clothesline and Titus barks. Titus goes for Clash of the Titus but Hawkins breaks it up and all four men get in the ring and while the referee deals with Watson, Reks and Hawkins hit a power slam and neck breaker combination on Titus for the three count.

Winners: Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins

We go to commercial.

It is time for the Smackdown portion of the show and your announcers are Matt Striker and Jack Korpela.

Match Number Three: Alicia Fox versus Tamina

Tamina pushes Alicia and then Alicia shimmies for no reason and Tamina with kicks and a forearm. Alicia with an elbow to Tamina and then she avoids a charge into the corner and Alciia with a sunset flip for a near fall. Alicia with arm drags into an arm bar. Alicia tries for a neck breaker but Tamina blocks it and hits a savate kick for a near fall.

Tamina with kicks to Alicia and then she sends Alicia into the turnbuckles. Tamina kicks Alicia followed by a hard Irish whip. Tamina with kicks in the corner and then she hits a running butt splash into the corner. Tamina gets a near fall. Tamina with a back breaker on her shoulder but Alicia gets back to her feet but Tamina with a thrust to the throat.

Alicia sends Tamina’s arm into the mat and then Alicia backs into the corner. Tamina misses a chop and Alicia with a few drop kicks followed by a jumping kick and forearms. Tamina with an Irish whip but Alicia with an elbow out of the corner for a near fall. Tamina kicks Alicia and then hits a leg drop. Tamina goes up top for a daughter of the Superfly splash but Alicia moves and Alicia hits the Axe kick for the three count.

Winner: Alicia Fox

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Brodus Clay versus Allen Turner

Clay with an arm bar and elbow to the head followed by a punch and a head butt to the chest. Clay with a leg drop and a t-bone suplex. Clay with a muscle buster but he pulls Turner up at two. Clay sends Turner into the corner and then Clay with a running splash and cross body for the three count.

Winner: Brodus Clay Flawless Victory

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Heath Slater versus Daniel Bryan

Slater tries to get into Bryan’s head by delaying. Bryan with a wrist lock and he takes Slater to the mat. Bryan with a side head lock take down but Slater with a head scissors and Bryan escapes. Slater with a kick and elbow but Bryan with a back elbow and kick to the back for a near fall. Bryan works on the arm and drives Slater’s arm into his shoulder and Bryan with an arm bar on one arm and a hammer lock on the other and he gets a near fall.

Bryan with a surfboard but Slater counters and he tries for a Gory Special but Bryan with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Bryan sets for the Mexican surfboard and he drives Slater into the mat. Bryan with a kick to the back and then a series to the chest and Bryan gets a near fall. Slater with a kick to Bryan followed by a punch and then he drives a knee into Bryan’s back and he applies a reverse chin lock.

Bryan punches Slater and then connects with a European uppercut. Bryan with a Dragon Screw leg whip and then he hits the running drop kick into the corner. Bryan gets a near fall. Bryan with a snap underhook DDT for a near fall. Bryan with a hammer lock but Slater with elbows to try to get out of the hold. Bryan with a drop kick and then he tries for the LeBell Lock but Slater is able to go to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Slater with a side head lock but Bryan with a shoulder tackle. Slater with a hot shot and then Slater with a baseball slide to the head as Bryan hangs from the ropes and Slater gets a near fall. Slater with a kick to the ribs and Bryan goes to the apron. Slater chokes Bryan and the referee warns him.

Slater with a slingshot that sends Bryan’s throat into the bottom rope and Bryan goes to the floor. Slater celebrates his performance so far but he lets Bryan recover. Slater with a snap mare and knee to the back and then Slater with an arm bar. Bryan with kicks to the head to get out of the hold and both men are down.

Bryan with kicks to Slater but Slater hits a back breaker and gets a near fall. Slater kicks Bryan in the corner. Slater with punches and Bryan slumps into the corner. Bryan flips over Slater in the corner and Bryan hits the flying clothesline and both men are down. Bryan tries to get a second wind but Slater with a kick and then Bryan sends Slater over the top rope to the floor. Bryan with the suicide dive onto Slater and both men are down on the floor.

Bryan sends Slater back into the ring and he goes up top for the missile drop kick but Slater moves out of the way. Bryan lands on his feet and then Bryan hits a Yakuza kick for a near fall. Bryan with kicks to the chest but Slater ducks and hits an reverse slam and gets a near fall. Slater punches Bryan but Bryan punches back. Slater with a gutbuster to Bryan for a near fall.

Slater kicks Bryan in the corner and then Bryan rolls through in the corner and gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Bryan with a DDT and then he holds on and applies the guillotine choke and Slater taps out.

Winner: Daniel Bryan


Welcome to the PWInsider live coverage of Evolve 17, live from the Flyers Skate Zone in Voorhees, New Jersey.

The event begins with Jon Davis interrupting Lenny Leonard as he was doing the shows introduction, Davis says that he wants a title in Evolve. Davis says that everybody wants a title in Evolve, Davis rallies the fans for some more support for an Evolve title. Davis invites members of the locker room to come out and show support as well, several of the wrestlers come out from the locker room. AR Fox grabs the microphone and he says that everybody agrees with Davis, Ricochet comes out to the ring and he confronts Fox. Ricochet says that Fox is an “Ricochet wannabe” and he should be holding the DG USA Tag Team Titles instead of Fox. Fox pretends to swing at Ricochet and Ricochet quickly gets out of the ring, Davis calls out more people and Johnny Gargano comes out. Gargano grabs the microphone and says he is already the DG USA Open The Freedom Gate Champion, Gargano says their match will now be for the title and Davis accepts. Gargano says let’s get the match going right now, which leads us to…

Match #1 - DG USA Open The Freedom Gate Title Match: Johnny Gargano (Champion) vs. Jon Davis

The match begins with Gargano avoiding several big blows from Davis, Davis then counters a spear attempt only to get a hurricarana that puts him out of the ring. Gargano then takes Davis out with a suicide dive, Gargano then nails Davis with a second suicide dive before bringing him back into the ring. Davis recovers to nail a running Gargano with a spine buster, Davis then takes the opportunity to stomp on the midsection of Gargano. Davis then places Gargano on the top turnbuckle before hitting him with a chop, Davis then drags Gargano around the ring while chopping him. Davis shows a great display of power by slamming Gargano multiple times, Gargano nearly catches Davis with a small package before eating an elbow smash. Davis then follows a hurt Gargano around the ring while delivering head butts, Davis then goes for an extended suplex and lands it after Gargano attempts to escape. Davis then tries to wear Gargano down further by applying a seated bear hug, Gargano makes some space and then he hits Davis with an elbow. Davis recovers quickly to smash away at Gargano, Gargano follows stops Davis after sending him over the top rope. Davis nearly blocks a springboard DDT before Gargano catches him with a second attempt, Gargano then starts punching a kneeling Davis. Gargano changes his attack by crushing Davis with multiple forearm strikes, Gargano then nails Davis with three straight drop kicks in the corner. Gargano then battles with Davis before nailing him with a rolling inzaguri and a super kick, Davis tries to power through the kicks before Gargano locks him in the Gargano-escape. Davis powers through to break the hold and then he sends Gargano out of the ring, Davis follows Gargano out of the ring as Gargano sets a table up near the ring. Davis continuously attacks Gargano with chops before power pressing him onto the ring apron, Davis then misses a yakuza kick before Gargano nails him with a hurts donut on the arena floor. Gargano then beats the referee’s count as Davis himself gets counted out.

Winner, Still DG USA Open The Freedom Gate Champion: Johnny Gargano

After the match, Johnny Gargano calls for the microphone and says that he is not OK winning the match by count out. Gargano then praises Jon Davis as one of the best talents around today and he should not retire, Davis then clobbers Davis with a lariat before power bombing him through the table on the arena floor.

Match #2 - Jigsaw vs. Lince Dorado

This match begins with both wrestlers going through a series of reversals, Jigsaw gets the early edge by locking Dorado in the Mexican surfboard. Dorado breaks free before catching Jigsaw with an arm drag, the two have a test of strength that ends with both wrestlers battling for a pin fall. Jigsaw then avoids a charging Dorado but still gets caught with a second rope hurricarana, Jigsaw then avoids a Dorado baseball slide and then gets caught with a moonsault dive. The two wrestlers then exchange some chops before returning to the ring, Dorado regains the edge by shoulder ramming Jigsaw in the corner before catching him with a standing moonsault and a back senton. Jigsaw recovers to assault Dorado with a series of kicks to the sternum, Jigsaw goes to the second rope and Dorado quickly meets him up there. Dorado then sets up for a move before Jigsaw knocks him down to the mat below, Jigsaw also gets down and he knocks Dorado out of the ring. Jigsaw then clobbers Dorado with a suicide dive, Dorado is brought back into the ring before Jigsaw nails him with a missile dropkick. Jigsaw then nails Dorado with a double stomp to the back of the head, Jigsaw then sets up for a rack bomb and Dorado nails him with a DDT. Dorado follows that up by planting Jigsaw with a michinoku driver, Dorado then goes for a shooting star press and Jigsaw avoids him. Jigsaw then nearly puts Dorado away with a dead lift German suplex, Jigsaw goes back to the top rope and Dorado meets him up there again. Dorado then catches Jigsaw with a one man Spanish fly for the three count.

Winner: Lince Dorado

Match #3 – SHINE Challenge Match: Christina Von Eerie vs. Marti Belle

The match begins with Belle slapping Von Eerie after she was spat on, the ladies then exchange a few forearm strikes. Von Eerie then nails a charging Belle with a side slam, Von Eerie then drops the face of Belle on the top turnbuckle. Von Eerie follows that up with a running boot to the face of Belle, Belle tries to mount a comeback and Von Eerie nails her with a graveyard smash for the three count.

Winner: Christina Von Eerie

After the match, Larry Dallas hits the ring and he tries to console Marti Belle by offering her a spot on The Scene. Belle turns him down and Dallas gets pissed off, Dallas then starts insulting her badly and Belle says something to him in Spanish. The Scene hit the ring to surround Belle, Pinkie Sanchez arrives to provide some protection for Belle and then Sami Callihan arrives as well and that leads to our next match. Tammy Sytch arrives as well to bring Belle backstage.

Match #4 – The D.U.F (Sami Callihan & Pinkie Sanchez) vs. The Scene (Caleb Konley & Scott reed) w/Larry Dallas

This match begins with The Scene jumping both members of The D.U.F., The Scene then nails Callihan with a double back elbow. Callihan fights back against Reed before getting caught with a suplex, Konley tags in and he also works over Callihan. Konley then nails a seated Callihan with a sliding clothesline, Konley tries to weaken Callihan further with a chin lock. Callihan tries to make a comeback before Konley hits him with a knee lift, Reed tags in and he works over Callihan. Reed then positions Callihan on the top turnbuckle, Callihan escapes under Reed before super kicking him in the leg. Sanchez gets the tag and he starts cleaning house on The Scene, Sanchez then catches Reed with a middle rope moonsault. Sanchez then nails Konley with bombs away from the top rope, Reed gets his team the advantage back when he attacks Sanchez with a modified power bomb. Konley then nails Sanchez with double knees after Reed propelled him, Callihan comes in and he nails Reed with a few kicks. Callihan then locks in the Callihan death clutch on Reed and the tap out comes quickly.

Winners: The D.U.F.

After the match, Sami Callihan calls out Masada for their match and that leads us to

Match #5 - Sami Callihan vs. Masada

This battle begins with Masada immediately attacking Callihan with various strikes, Masada then nails Callihan with a power slam. Callihan tries to slow down Masada before going to the top rope, Masada then drop kicks Callihan off the top rope and to the arena floor. Masada then tosses Callihan into the barricade and the barricade breaks, Masada then smashes Callihan into the announcers table before taking the match back into the ring. Masada taunts Callihan before choking him with his boot, Callihan tries to catch Masada with a hurricarana and he gets countered into a power slam. Masada slows things down by locking Callihan in a modified chin lock, Callihan attempts to lock in a stretch muffler from out of nowhere before eating some Masada kicks. Callihan tries to get up and Masada kicks him right in the rib cage, Callihan attempts to retreat to the arena floor. Masada eventually follows Callihan out of the ring and he brings him back into the ring, Masada then locks in a modified STF and Callihan taps out.

Winner: Masada

Match #6 - Rich Swann & The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno & Player Dos) vs. The Gentleman’s Club (Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak & Orange Cassidy) w/Jake Manning, The Swamp Monster & Dr. Nolan Angus

This match begins with Uno and Taylor start things off for this match, Uno and Taylor do a few reversals until Uno takes Taylor down with shoulder blocks. Uno then catches Taylor with a series of chops, Dos gets the tag in as Taylor brings Cassidy into the ring. Dos catches Cassidy with a few near falls after a bit of taunting, Dos then takes Cassidy down with a hurricarana. Swann and Gulak get the tags in and Swann quickly knocks Gulak out of the ring, Gulak quickly attacks Swann as Swann charged at him. Taylor comes in the ring and he gets nailed by a double team from the Super Smash Brothers, Taylor remains hurt as his three opponents taunt him. Swann then kicks Taylor in the back area, Dos then catches Taylor with a back suplex before Gulak attempts to interfere. Uno comes in and he clobbers Taylor with a suplex, Dos returns and he catches Taylor with a rope assisted splash. Swann then drop kicks Taylor out of the ring, The Gentleman’s Club then blocks all of Swann’s dive attempts before Cassidy takes him out. Taylor then assaults Swann with multiple slams, Taylor then locks in a head scissors on Swann to try and slow him down. Taylor then chokes Swann along the middle rope, Gulak comes in and he immediately attacks Swann with some punches. The Gentleman’s Club then simultaneously choke Swann on the middle rope, Swann tries to mount a comeback before Gulak hits him with a back elbow. Cassidy comes in and he catches Swann with a few elbow drops, Taylor then nails Swann with a purposely slow swanton bomb. Taylor then applies the chin lock to Swann again, Taylor then plants Swann before getting a near fall. Swann mounts a comeback for his team after nailing Taylor with a DDT, Uno comes in and he cleans house on The Gentleman’s Club. Uno then drops Cassidy with a flat liner before Dos comes into attack Taylor, Dos then catches Taylor with the lionsault. The Super Smash Brothers then nail Taylor with a double team side slam, Cassidy returns to his Dos with angel dust and a DDT. Swann gets back in the ring and he clobbers Cassidy with a lethal injection, Gulak attacks Swann with a choke breaker. Cassidy and Gulak then attack Dos with chops before both get nailed with a pele kick, The Gentleman’s Club then nail Dos with a few German suplexes and a lariat. The Gentleman’s Club then starts triple teaming the Super Smash Brothers, Dos recovers to suplex Cassidy into Gulak. Swann returns to catch Gulak with a frog splash from the top rope, Cassidy then drops Swann with a michinoku drive and then applying the squeeze. Gulak then locks Dos in the crippler crossface, Taylor then locks Uno in the Boston crab at the same time. Dos then does a suicide onto the majority of the wrestlers around ringside, Swann then catches Gulak with a spinning inzaguri for a three count.

Winners: Rich Swann & The Super Smash Brothers

Match #7 – Grudge Match: AR Fox vs. Ricochet

This battle begins with Ricochet working over the arm of Fox, Ricochet then kicks at the arm of Fox after a few reversals. Fox then takes his opportunity to work over the arm of Ricochet, both wrestlers then test each other with a series of shoulder blocks. Fox then wins a battle of reversals after catching with a drop kick, Fox follows that up with a spinning forearm strike and split legged senton on Ricochet. Fox then misses the guillotine leg drop as Ricochet moved out of the way, Ricochet takes the opportunity to nail Fox with a few kicks. Ricochet then nails Fox with a springboard knee strike, Ricochet then knocks Fox out of the ring before hitting him with a springboard moonsault. Ricochet brings Fox into the ring before nailing him with a drop kick, Ricochet then slows things down by applying the crossbow stretch on Fox. Ricochet stops a Fox comeback by locking him in an octopus stretch, Ricochet starts to taunt Fox and he eats a foot to the face for his actions. Fox finally puts Ricochet down for an extended amount of time with a face first neck breaker, Fox then catches Ricochet with a springboard drop kick. Fox follows that up by nailing Ricochet with low mein rain, Ricochet recovers to hit Fox with a double jump springboard DDT and a standing shooting star press. Fox breaks free of Ricochet before nailing him with a modified power bomb from a pinning combination, Fox misses a running anvalanche and Ricochet makes him pay with an exploder into the turnbuckles. Ricochet returns to kicking Fox as he is slumped in the ropes, Fox reverses Ricochet to hit him with a gut buster and a twister. Fox goes to the top rope and Ricochet meets him up there, Fox pushe Ricochet off before missing a swanton bomb. Both wrestlers then catch each other with inzaguri’s after they initially recover, Fox gets up first and he nails Ricochet with double knees. Ricochet then blocks lo mein pain from Fox and then hits him with a back drop driver, Ricochet follows that up with a reverse hurricarana. Ricochet then plants Fox with a shooting star press for the three count.

Winner: Ricochet

After the match, Ricochet grabs the microphone and he taunts AR Fox after his loss and he proved who the best high flyer was.

Main Event – Rubber Match: El Generico vs. Samuray Del Sol

The main event kicks off with Generico grabbing a hold of the arm of Del Sol, Del Sol quickly reverses things on Generico. The wrestlers then go through a series of very fast reversals, Generico eventually slows things down by applying a chin lock to Del Sol. Del Sol then takes Generico down with a hurricarana, Generico then plants Del Sol with a shoulder block. Generico then takes Del Sol down with a variety of arm drags, Generico then brings Del Sol to the corner to chop him. Generico slows things down by attacking Del Sol with a back breaker, Del Sol makes a comeback by catching Generico with a hand stand head scissors takedown. Del Sol follows that up by hitting Generico with a springboard 450 splash, Del Sol follows that up by locking Generico in a crossbow stretch. Generico eventually escapes before hitting Del Sol with a clothesline, Generico then attacks Del Sol with chops. Del Sol responds by nailing Generico with a few hurricaranas, Del Sol then catches Generico with a double jump arm drag. Del Sol continues to punish Generico as he catches him with a corkscrew plancha after Generico was sent to the arena floor, the wrestlers go back into the ring and Generico catches Del Sol with an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles. Del Sol then blocks the running boot of Generico with a kick of his own, Del Sol nearly pins Generico with a hurricarana. Del Sol then clobbers Generico with a self-assisted sliced bread #2, Generico recovers to counter a Del Sol rising sun with a blue thunder driver. Generico counters Del Sol one more time by nailing him with a michinoku driver, Del Sol then counters Generico by cracking him with a code red. Del Sol then nearly puts Generico away with a rising sun, Del Sol goes up to the top rope and Generico meets him up there. Del Sol goes for a top rope rising sun and Generico drops him on the top turnbuckle, Generico then hitys Del Sol with a running yakuza kick and a top turnbuckle brain buster for the three count.

Winner: El Generico