View Full Version : Ziggler was Partial Cause for Lawler's Collapse?

09-14-2013, 11:03 AM
In the latest installment of The Steve Austin Show (http://www.podcastone.com/program?action=viewProgram&programID=436), Jerry "The King" Lawler discussed his heart attack that he suffered on last year's episode of Raw. Lawler had wrestled in a tag match earlier that night where he teamed with Randy Orton and faced CM Punk and Dolph Zigger. Lawler mentioned that the series of elbows from Ziggler during that match were a "partial cause" of his attack.

Ziggler did a spot where he dropped ten straight elbows on Lawler's chest. Lawler said that Ziggler was landing with all of his weight, and he remembered thinking, "jeez, this guy's trying to kill me."

"Honestly, and I talked to my cardiologist about it, and he said, 'absolutely, the trauma to my chest from those elbows could have been hard enough to knock your heart out of rhythm,'" Lawler said. "It would start slowly, and then get more and more and more out of rhythm until it just seized up."

Lawler noted that he's feeling 100% now and wants to talk to Vince McMahon about having "a match or two on Raw" again.