View Full Version : Jericho Reveals Original Plans for CM Punk Feud

09-16-2013, 11:12 PM

Chris Jericho recently spoke with Arda Ocal about facing CM Punk at WrestleMania 28 and his original idea for the feud.

"I wanted to tattoo my initials on him [Punk], which Vince [McMahon] loved and approved," Jericho said, noting later that it would have been a legitimate tattoo. "It came down to the wire, and someone told him that when you tattoo somebody it bleeds and he got all angry at that.

He [Vince] also said, he's [Punk] already got so many tattoos, what's one more going to do? I said, 'you don't understand, a tattoo is a personal choice.' It's like a girl that has a lascivious lifestyle and has sex every night, that's her choice... but if someone rapes her, that's wrong. Same with tattooing, I tattoo my initials on him, he's got a thousand, but he's still going to always see that in the mirror. Vince didn't like it, so we kind of had to sit down and literally right before the show where we were going to do the tattooing, we kind of went into the whole Punk's dad is an alcoholic issue."

Jericho also mentioned that Punk loved the tattooing storyline and that they were both disappointed when it was nixed.

09-17-2013, 08:33 PM
Wow, hardcore storytelling.. :hmm:

09-17-2013, 08:51 PM
That would have been crazy if they ended up doing the tattoo