View Full Version : Former ECW talent comment on current WWE

09-16-2013, 11:16 PM
Thanks to Andy Steven for passing along the following...

ECW Personality On If He’s A Heyman Guy, WWE & More

Former ECW personality Lou D’Angeli (aka Sign Guy Dudley and Lou E. Dangerously) recently took some time to take part in a Q&A exclusively with PWMania.com. D’Angeli spoke on a number of topics from if he is a Paul Heyman guy to his thoughts on John Cena, the Attitude Era, ECW, WWE, TNA and more. Here are some highlights:

Are you a Paul Heyman guy? 100%…I am also a Tommy Dreamer guy….a Raven guy….and a Taz guy….with the 4 of them I would have never caught break in the wrestling business.

What are your thoughts about John Cena? John is a great guy. Having worked with him in WWE I know first-hand what he does for that company and the dedication and drive he has to get it done. His contributions to Make-A-Wish are second to none. I can honestly say Cena is the perfect role-model in the business right now.

When you think back, how much of WWE’s Attitude Era is owed to what you guys were already doing in ECW? A lot of it…and due to the popularity of shoot interviews, etc…it’s a fact and not a theory you know? People saw what we were doing and brought it to national TV before we could. The “Attitude Era” for WWE was insanely popular obviously…and given they still continue to bring some of the main-event guys from that time back into the fold now…they must feel the same way.

You can read the interview in its entirety at this link.

Justin Credible Talks On Edge & Goldust's Returns

Former ECW Champion Justin Credible has published a new column at PWMania.com. Credible talks about about the Daniel Bryan/Randy Orton storyline, Triple H and Stephanie, Edge and Goldust's WWE Raw returns, among other topics. Here is an excerpt from his article:

"Great to see Edge back in front of his hometown fans. Toronto has always been a traditional wrestling city, and last night the proved it. I liked the way they opened the show. I just wish they would stop with the insider jabs. It’s confusing to regular fans. I thought we as viewers were suppose to suspend our disbelief, and enjoy the story. It’s really hard to do that when your always reminding us what’s “good for business”, and people that “don’t draw a dime. Just tell the story."

You can read Justin Credible's column, "The Justin Credible Report" in its entirety at this link (http://www.pwmania.com/the-justin-credible-report-edge-goldusts-wwe-returns-paul-heyman-tna-issues-more).