View Full Version : RAW Results - 16th September, 2013

09-17-2013, 10:18 AM
Last night, Daniel Bryan achieved a dream that he was able to achieve the previous month, but unlike SummerSlam, the pay per view ended with Daniel Bryan holding the WWE Championship. What will happen tonight? Will the decision be reversed over what some might consider a fast count? What will happen when Dusty Rhodes confronts Stephanie McMahon to discuss his son’s firing a few weeks ago. Last night, we saw CM Punk get some revenge on Paul Heyman, but we may have found out the identity of the newest ‘Heyman Guy’.
We are in Cleveland, Ohio and your announcers are Jerry ‘Wild Card’ Lawler, John ‘3MB will never make it into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’ Layfield and Michael ‘Tower City’ Cole.

The new WWE Champion makes his way to the ring. The crowd starts a ‘Daniel Bryan’ chant before he speaks.

Daniel tells the people of Cleveland that they are awesome. He says that he has a lot of things to say, but what says it best is ‘YES’.

The Yes Express stops when Triple H’s music plays. Hunter makes his way to the ring.

Hunter says that before Daniel goes too far down the road of congratulating himself, he would like to address the 800 pound gorilla, the fast count. That is what social media is talking about. It is what the talent is talking about. Hunter says that victory is tainted so he wants to bring out Scott Armstrong.

Hunter thanks Scott for coming out here and he wants to get to the bottom of things. Before we take a look at the footage from the end of the WWE Title Match, Hunter shows us Scott’s normal cadence in matches.

Now we take a look at the end of the match.

Hunter wants to look at the footage one more time.

Hunter says that for those who cannot discern the difference, he wants to show the counts side by side.

Hunter points out that Scott got to three before he normally gets to two.

Scott says that it was a fast count and he does not know.

Scott says that he made a mistake.

Hunter points out that Scott is a senior official in the WWE. That kind of fast count does not just happen.

Scott says that he made a mistake.

Hunter says that he has known Scott for fifteen years and he has never seen Scott make a mistake like that. If he ever did anything, he would fess up to it. Hunter says that he is not telling Hunter everything. He wants Scott to tell the truth.

Scott looks at Daniel and Hunter says that Scott told Daniel ‘they got us’. Hunter sends Scott to the back.

Hunter says that Daniel has embarrassed himself and the WWE by entering into a conspiracy to ensure that he would win the title with a fast count. Hunter says that the WWE Title is being held up in abeyance.

Hunter says that he will not return the title to Randy Orton, but Daniel Bryan is no longer the WWE Champion. Hunter says that he will investigate this further and there may be a rematch in the future. As of now, there is no WWE Champion. Hunter wants Daniel to give him back the WWE Championship belt.

Hunter says that he would have thought that Shawn would have taught him better. Hunter tells Daniel that he is not the WWE Champion any more and he wants Daniel to hand him the belt or he will take it from him.

Randy Orton’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Hunter tells Randy and Daniel to calm down because there will not be a fight here.

Hunter tells Daniel to be reasonable. Daniel is no longer the WWE Champion. The title is held up and there is no champion. Hunter promises Daniel that if Daniel does not hand him the title belt, he will take it from Daniel.

Daniel thinks about it as he looks at the championship belt. Daniel then looks at Hunter and he tells him no. Hunter grabs the belt and Orton gives Bryan an RKO.

Hunter leaves with the belt and Orton stands over Bryan.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Triple H and Stephanie are in the back and Hunter cannot believe that it was Daniel who was behind this.

Randy Orton wants to know why he doesn’t have his title back.

Stephanie tells Randy not to talk to the COO like that. He did not deserve to win. Where is the sadistic Randy Orton who handcuffed Hunter while giving her a DDT. Maybe we need a new face of the WWE.

Match Number One: Dean Ambrose versus Dolph Ziggler

They lock up and Ambrose backs Ziggler into the corner but they go around the ring while in the collar and elbow tie up. Ambrose with a slap on the break but Ziggler with punches. Ziggler with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Ziggler with a cross body and punches to Ambrose. Ziggler with a clothesline and both men go over the top rope.

Ziggler sends Ambrose back into the ring and Ziggler with a sleeper and he climbs on Ambrose’s back to add more pressure. Ambrose starts to lose consciousness but he gets back to his feet. Ambrose with a sleeper to Ziggler but Ziggler with a jaw breaker to escape the hold.

Ziggler with punches and kicks in the corner and the referee pulls Ziggler out of the corner. Ambrose with an Irish whip and Ziggler goes over the turnbuckles to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ambrose with a short arm clothesline and a near fall. Ambrose works on the legs and then he applies a Dragon Sleeper. Ziggler escapes and he kicks Ambrose. Ziggler with punches but Ambrose sends Ziggler through the ropes. Ziggler stays on the apron but Ambrose sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles. Ambrose with the slow back rake followed by a butterfly superplex.

Ambrose gets a near fall. Ambrose with a snap elbow drop for a near fall. Ambrose with a cobra clutch but Ziggler with head butts. Ambrose with a knee as Ziggler comes off the ropes. Ambrose puts Ziggler in the ropes and he connects with jabs. Ziggler with an elbow followed by a DDT.

Ziggler with a drop kick and then he hits the Stinger Splash and he stays on the turnbuckles for punches. Ziggler with a flying clothesline. Ziggler with the series of elbow drops, finishing with the hesitation leaping elbow drop. Ziggler gets a near fall. Ambrose with a spinebuster for a near fall. Ambrose punches Ziggler and the referee warns him.

Ziggler with a back slide for a near fall. Ziggler tries for a splash into the corner but Ambrose moves. Ziggler stays on the turnbuckles but Ambrose pulls Ziggler to the mat. Ambrose sets for the Dean Driver but Ziggler escapes and hits the Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, they make sure to announce that Dean Ambrose is still the US Champion.

We go to the back where Big Show is with Brad Maddox. Brad says that Triple H and Ms. McMahon will be there in a moment and we go to commercial.

We are back and Brad wants to make sure that he has Hunter’s orders right. He wants Daniel Bryan to face Roman Reigns tonight. Brad applauds Hunter’s decision to hold up the title. Brad tells Ms. McMahon that Dusty Rhodes is here.

Stephanie reminds Show that he was suspended without pay on Friday. She hopes it hurt him. Stephanie tells Show that he is going to stay in the office tonight, unless she needs him and then she will call him.

We see footage from the Handicap Match at Night of Champions.

Match Number Two: Fandango (with Summer Rae) versus R Truth

Truth blocks a kick and he connects with a punch. Truth with a split and hip toss before another what’s up and a leaping split. Truth with a kick and leg drop. Truth get a near fall. Truth sends Fandango over the top rope to the floor and Summer checks on Fandango.

Truth sends Fandango back into the ring and Fandango kicks and punches Truth. Fandango with punches followed by a hard Irish whip. Fandango with another hard Irish whip. Fandango with a reverse chin lock. Truth with punches but Fandango with a forearm. Truth with a leg lariat. Truth with clotheslines followed by a kick and a suplex into a stunner for a near fall.

Truth misses a scissors kick and Fandango with a kick and Irish whip. Truth sends Fandango to the apron but Fandango with an enzuigiri. Fandango goes up top for the FandangoBama Jam and he connects for the three count.

Winner: Fandango

Dusty Rhodes is in the back and Booker T, The Prime Time Players, Ricardo Rodriguez, Natalya, and Hornswoggle. We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at the evolution of the Rhodes family’s recent issues with WWE management.

Dusty Rhodes makes his way to the ring. Dusty says that he is not here as the American Dream tonight. He is here as Virgil Runnels. He wants the McMahons to hear what he has to say. They have never gone down that bad road, but he has. He has raised two great young men but there were times when you cannot pay your bills. You wonder where the next dollar is going to come from. You reach down because of the love of your children. The love of your sons and you find a way to do it.

He says that this is not about him. It is about Cody’s job. In one night, you watch a suffering young man lose his job. Not for the fight of the game. He never turned down a shot at Randy Orton. It was on a whim . . . if you will. For what was good for business.

Dusty reminds everyone of what Hunter said to Cody and firing someone must be what is best for business. Goldust comes in and steps up to the plate and he takes a swing.

To have two sons that you love with all your heart, that is what is best for business. The greatest gift to anyone is your family. It is what you do day in and day out to exist. Before Cody was 22 years old, he was a 2 time Intercontinental Champion.

Dusty says that he is not here to beg for Cody’s job. He wants Cody to have an opportunity to earn his job back. He heard about a business opportunity. Dusty tells Stephanie to drag out her long legs and make that proposal.

Stephanie says that was beautiful. From one parent to another, that was remarkable. Stephanie say that her Husband’s decision to fire Cody weighs on them. She says that she hopes it did not cast a shadow on the celebration. Stephanie has something for Cody and her bride. Dusty looks at the gift and he throws it to the side.

Dusty tells Stephanie to cut through the BS.

Stephanie says that she can relate to the son of a plumber because she is the daughter of a genius. Since business is all about succeeding, they would like to offer Cody his job back . . .

or they can give the job to his older son. The one who fought so valiantly for Cody. She tells Dusty that there is only one job open and Dusty can make the decision.

Dusty says that he will not make that choice.

Stephanie says that she can give the job to his glorious baby boy who does everything right or he can give it to the son he neglected all those years. She knows that Dusty blames himself for all of Dustin’s transgressions and he can make it right and be a hero to his sons.

Dusty has a question for Stephanie. When she goes to breakfast with her daughters, does she line them up at the table and choose which one is her favorite. Dusty . . .

Stephanie cuts off Dusty and she says that he is making it all about him instead of about Cody and Dustin. She hopes that they can forgive him.

Dusty tells Stephanie that she can go to hell.

The Shield’s music plays and they make their way to the ring.

They surround the ring and Stephanie says that it doesn’t seem fair. Maybe there is someone in the back who can even things up. She wants Big Show to make his way to the ring.

Stephanie tells Dusty that since he couldn’t make a decision about which son would get a job. He can choose whether to be dismembered by The Shield or knocked out by the Big Show.

Dusty won’t choose so Stephanie tells Show to knock out Dusty.

Since Show won’t do it, Stephanie tells The Shield to attack. Show tells them not to do it and Reigns brings chairs into the ring for the members of The Shield.

Show thinks about it and then he hugs Dusty and then he says that he cannot do it, but he has no choice. He tells Dusty he is sorry and he punches Dusty and then places him on the mat.

The medical staff checks on Dusty and we go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at Big Show making his decision as it related to Dusty Rhodes.

We see them putting Dusty into an ambulance.

AJ Lee and Natalya are at the announce table for the next match.

Match Number Three: Cameron, Naomi, and Brie Bella (with JoJo, Eva Marie, and Nikki Bella) versus Alicia Fox, Aksana, and Layla El

Naomi and Layla start things off and Layla with a knee and she sends Naomi to the mat. Naomi with a leaping butt bump for a near fall. Cameron tags in and she hits a flip senton on Layla. Alicia distracts Cameron and Layla with a kick and snap mare. Layla sends Cameron into the turnbuckles and she tags Aksana. Aksana chokes Cameron and then Alicia tags in.

Alicia with a hard Irish whip and Layla tags back in and chokes Cameron. Alicia tags back in and she punches Cameron and then she gives Cameron a snap mare. Alicia with a reverse chin lock. Alicia with a slam to Cameron but Alicia misses a flip leg drop.

Brie and Aksana tag in and Brie sends Aksana into Alicia and then Brie with a kick and then she hits an X Factor while everyone else fights in the ring and Brie gets a three count.

Winners: Brie Bella, Cameron, and Naomi

After the match, Natalya has something to say to AJ but AJ holds up her title belt.

Miz is in the back talking to Brad Maddox and Brad walks away as we go to commercial.

We are back and Michael Cole reminds us of the decision that Dusty Rhodes had to make because he would not choose between his sons.
Match Number Four: Damien Sandow versus Rob Van Dam (with Ricardo Rodriguez)

They lock up and Sandow backs Van Dam into the corner and he kicks him. Sandow with a head butt. Van Dam with an Irish whip and Sandow moves when Van Dam rolls into the turnbuckles. Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with shoulders in the corner. Van Dam punches and kicks Sandow. Sandow with a knee to the midsection followed by a side Russian leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain for a near fall.

Sandow with a reverse chin lock. Sandow with an Irish whip and Van Dam gets his boot up. Van Dam with a rana followed by a cross body for a near fall. Van Dam with clotheslines followed by a thrust kick. Van Dam with rolling thunder onto Sandow’s knees. Sandow with a rollup for a near fall.

Van Dam with a step over heel kick and then he elbows Sandow and hits a springboard thrust kick. Van Dam goes up top and he hits the Five Star Frog Splash for the three count.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

Damien Sandow makes sure to let everyone know that he still has the briefcase and will be the next World Champion.

Michael Cole announces that Miz will face Randy Orton.

We are back and Michael Cole recaps what we have seen so far on Raw.

Triple H is in his office and Scott Armstrong enters. Hunter says that he needs to talk to Scott and he is in a tough jam. This thing has gotten out of control. He cannot have it. Hunter has to hold up the WWE Title in a state of abeyance. There is no WWE Champion. WWE officials have to be above reproach. He says that Scott has been a loyal employee for 20 years and he will give Scott a generous severance package. He says that he has to let Scott go. He will take care of him.

Match Number Five: Randy Orton versus Miz

Orton attacks Miz before he can get to the ring and then he sends Miz into the ring steps. Orton punches Miz on the floor and the referee warns him while Miz’ family is in shock.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Orton is in the ring and officials are keeping Miz away from the ring, but the referee asks Miz if he wants to start.

The match starts and Miz with a double leg take down and punches as he favors his injured arm. Orton with a head butt and a running clothesline into the corner. Miz with an elbow but Orton with punches. Orton sends Miz to the apron for the IEDDT but Miz gets into the ring and he sends Orton to the apron. Miz drops Orton on the ropes and Orton falls to the floor.

Miz runs Orton into the apron and ringside barrier. Orton sends Miz into the ring post and the referee gets to ten.

Double Count Out

After the match, Orton sends Miz over the announce table. Randy kicks Miz and then he punches Miz in front of the Roberts cubicle. Orton continues the attack in front of Miz’ parents. Miz punches back and then he clotheslines Orton over the ringside barrier. Orton punches Miz in front of mom and dad. Orton puts Miz on the top of the ringside barrier and he hits the IEDDT.

Orton drags Miz into the ring and then he takes a chair and he methodically walks past Miz’ parents before re-entering the ring. Orton puts the chair around Miz’ neck and he wants to Garvin Stomp the chair but he decides to go for a knee drop and he connects.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Footage of Punk making Curtis Axel tapping at Night of Champions . . . and Ryback showing that he is a Heyman guy.

Ryback’s music plays and he comes out with Paul Heyman, who is being pushed in a wheelchair by Curtis Axel.

Paul introduces himself and he says that he is the Best in the World. Paul tells everyone to boo him if they want because he understands that envy is one of the seven deadly sins. We know how many heathens there are in Cleveland. It must be so difficult for you to compare your insignificant accomplishments compared to what he has achieved.

Paul says that there is not one of them who can make this statement: I pinned CM Punk. Paul says that he can that over and over and over and over again and every time he says it, it will be the truth.

The record books will always give testimony that for the first time Paul Heyman and CM Punk came face to face in the middle of the ring, the winner of the match was Paul Heyman. Even more significantly, the loser was your hero, CM Punk.

In all candor, he would love to take credit for being the mastermind of the plan. There was no master plan. CM Punk delivered a beating that is so heinous that he is confined in this wheelchair. CM Punk gave him the most vicious beating in WWE history. It is a miracle that he is not some vegetable rotting away in a nursing home right now.

How did he pull this off? How did he survive? Paul says that he is here tonight because one man took the initiative to change history. One man stood up when all other Paul Heyman guys sat down. After all of these years, finally he would get the beating that he so richly deserved.

Paul says that he is here tonight and will continue to torment CM Punk and everyone because of the actions of this big, beautiful man right here.

From the bottom of his heart, he owes his life to Ryback.

Ryback says that he cannot stand a bully. Punk was bullying Paul Heyman last night. Do you think Paul Heyman deserved to be beaten up like that? Paul is a human being. Ryback says that he does not like Punk. He says that Punk is a bully. Ryback says that he is here to stop him.

Ryback tells Paul that he never has to worry around because Punk will never put his hands on him.

Paul appreciates Ryback so much, he kisses him on the cheek.

We have a Los Matadores video package.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of the WWE Kiss Cam with Paul Heyman and Ryback.

Match Number Six: Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) versus Brodus Clay and Tensai versus Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso in an Elimination Number One Contender Match

Swagger and Clay start things off and Swagger with forearms. Clay with a Sheeplex and a splash into the corner. Swagger rolls to the floor. Swagger tags in Jimmy and then Clay sends Jimmy to the mat. Jimmy with a chop to Clay followed by a savate kick and a flying clothesline into the corner. Clay catches Jimmy on a cross body and Clay with a slam or two.

Clay with a back breaker to Jimmy. Cesaro makes the tag and he connects with a knee to Jimmy. Jimmy with a flying back elbow and chop. Jey tags in and he hits a clothesline on Cesaro for a near fall. Jey with punches and Jimmy tags in. Jimmy with a punch to Cesaro. Cesaro with a kick and European uppercut. Cesaro with a suplex and Tensai tags in. Tensai with a delayed butterfly suplex for a near fall.

Cesaro with a European uppercut and Tensai with a punch. Tensai sends Ceasro to the floor but Jimmy tags in and he misses a move from the top. Tensai with a clothesline to Jey and then he knocks Swagger off the apron. Tensai with a Baldo Bomb to Jey, but Cesaro with a rollup to pin Tensai.

Tensai and Brodus Clay eliminated

Cesaro with a drop kick that knocks Jey to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger has Jey’s arms trapped. We see footage of Antonio Cesaro with a Giant Swing during the commercial break. Swagger with forearms to the back and Swagger with shoulders in the corner.

Cesaro with a clothesline on the apron. Swagger with a Swagger Bomb and Cesaro with a leap frog double stomp. Cesaro with a slam and elbow drop. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Jey with punches and elbows to try to get out of the corner but Cesaro stops him. Jey tries for a sunset flip but Cesaro stays on his feet.

Jey kicks Cesaro away and Jimmy and Swagger tag in. Jimmy with a clothesline off the top followed by another clothesline and then he takes care of Cesaro before hitting a savate kick and running butt splash for a near fall. Cesaro and Swagger go to the floor.

Jimmy and Jey with stereo planchas. Jimmy misses a super kick and Swagger grabs the ankle for the ankle lock. Jimmy tries to gets to the ropes or escape the hold but Swagger holds on. Jimmy kicks Swagger away and Jimmy with a super kick and then he goes up top for the Superfly Splash but Jey pulls Cesaro off the apron. Swagger climbs the turnbuckles and hits a belly-to-belly superplex but Jey makes the tag.

Jey with a Superfly Splash for the three count.

Winners: Jimmy and Jey Uso

Michael Cole advises us that Miz’ neck was not broken, but he has a damaged thorax. Jerry says that Dusty is okay but they are keeping him in the hospital overnight for observation.

We go to an event that WWE partnered with about reading.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bray Wyatt says that patience is a virtue, but to him it is a lost art. People want more and more, but they don’t realize that beyond their precious city walls, there is another world . . . full of animals. In his world, when one of his animals is sick or hurt, they don’t let him fumble around in agony. We put him down.

Bray asks if you want to see something really scary. He tells Abigail not to worry about a thing. They will put him down.

We see footage of what happened to Dusty Rhodes and Michael Cole mentions that Cody Rhodes tweeted his thoughts.

Daniel Bryan walks through the back and everyone gives him a round of applause. He sees Brie and she hugs him. We go to commercial.

We are back and before the next match, Randy Orton’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

Match Number Seven: Daniel Bryan versus Roman Reigns (with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose)

They lock up and Reigns misses a punch in the corner and Bryan with kicks and punches. Bryan sends Reigns into the turnbuckles and he continues with the kicks. Bryan with a punch and kick to the legs. Bryan with a dragon screw leg whip followed by a knee drop to the leg. Bryan drives the leg into the mat and then he drops a knee on the leg.

Reigns kicks Bryan away but Bryan with a kick to the leg and a head butt. Reigns with punches and a head butt in the corner. Reigns tries to send Bryan into the turnbuckles but Bryan blocks it and he kicks Reigns. Bryan with another dragon screw leg whip. Bryan with a spinning toe hold.

Bryan ties up the legs and he connects with forearms and then he gets a near fall. Bryan with a kick to the leg but Reigns with an Irish whip to the sternum and Reigns with a clothesline to the back of the head. Reigns kicks Bryan. Reigns gets a near fall and then he applies a reverse chin lock.

Reigns with a shoulder tackle but Bryan with a knee to the midsection. Bryan with kicks to the back but Reigns with a knee lift. Bryan clips Reigns and then he applies a spinning toe hold. Reigns with a clothesline into the corner followed by a head butt. Reigns punches Bryan and he clotheslines him again. Reigns with a suplex and he gets a near fall.

Reigns with another suplex and near fall. Reigns with a reverse chin lock. Reigns with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner. Bryan kicks the ropes and the rebound forces Reigns out of the corner. Bryan with a missile drop kick and then Reigns goes to the floor. Bryan with a suicide dive but Reigns catches Bryan and runs him into the apron and then Reigns throws Bryan into the ringside barrier.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Reigns has Bryan in a full nelson but Bryan drops down and gets a near fall with a rollup. Reigns punches Bryan and connects with shoulders in the corner. Reigns puts Bryan on top and he connects with a palm thrust. Reigns sets for a superplex but Bryan holds on to the ropes.

Bryan punches Reigns and then head butts Reigns off the turnbuckles. Bryan misses the diving head butt. Reigns gets a near fall. Bryan with a kick and then he tries for a cross body but Reigns catches him and hits a spinning side slam for a near fall. Reigns with a reverse chin lock.

Reigns with an Irish whip but Bryan flips over Reigns and Bryan hits a flying clothesline. Bryan with Kicks of Yes and then he misses the round kick. Reigns with a Samoan drop for a near fall. Reigns with punches and then he sets for a power bomb but Bryan counters with a sunset flip into a rollup for a near fall.

Bryan with a round kick for a near fall. Rollins pulls Reigns to the apron to check on him and Bryan with a baseball slide to Rollins that sends him into the announce table. Bryan rolls Reigns back into the ring. Bryan with a drop kick to Reigns in the corner and then he drop kicks Ambrose off the apron. Bryan tries for a second drop kick but Reigns has recovered and he connects with a clothesline.

Bryan applies the Yes Lock and Orton breaks it up and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Daniel Bryan (by disqualification)

After the match, Bryan applies the Yes Lock on Orton but Ambrose breaks it up. Ambrose, Reigns, Orton, and Rollins take their turns attacking Bryan.

Randy Orton grabs a chair and then he stomps on Bryan’s head. Orton puts the chair around Bryan’s head and then he backs up for the running knee drop.

The rest of the locker room makes their way to the ring to stop the Shield and Orton.

Reigns with a spear to Kofi Kingston. Ziggler with a Fameasser to Ambrose followed by a super kick from Van Dam. The Usos take care of Reigns with a double super kick. Bryan with the flying knee to Rollins.

We go to credits with Bryan on the Prime Time Players’ shoulders.