View Full Version : Steve Austin - Wrestlemania Update

09-24-2013, 07:50 PM
Steve Austin was on The MMA Hour show yesterday.

He was asked about wrestling again and said that the longer he stays away from wrestling, the less the chance of him returning is. He said it took him three years to get over wrestling when he was forced to retire due to his neck issues. He said it's been 11 years since he wrestled. He added that he didn't know if he could still do a Stone Cold match and if he couldn't do it 100%, he wouldn't want to do it at all. Finally about a return he said, "I'd say the chances are pretty damn slim, to be frank about it."

09-24-2013, 09:15 PM
One last storytelling match against CM Punk will wishfully and should happen

09-24-2013, 09:52 PM
Honestly, so many wrestlers have "lied" about returning to the ring, so Austin isn't exempted from telling such a lie to begin with.

09-25-2013, 01:17 PM
It's in the nature of things and is part of the business...but I don't guess that he's coming back and doing a Brock Lesnar schedule, so who else shoulg he feud with except CM Punk?

Or maybe Stone Cold gets involved into the McMahon/HHH/Orton - Daniel Bryan storyline for WM 30..