View Full Version : Jericho Comments on His Reponse to HHH's RAW Promo

11-02-2013, 05:38 PM
You may remember a few weeks back when Chris Jericho tweeted a response to Triple H's controversial RAW promo. Here's the tweet that Jericho ended up deleting:

"Thing is @tripleh despite ur major push,u never were either. Good luck in ur future endeavours"

Jericho told Busted Open Radio that he was drunk when he made the tweet:

"The funny thing was, had I not been drinking Grey Goose vodka and not been completely loaded when I heard about it, I wouldn’t have bothered tweeting about it but I was like, "Screw him, I’m going to tweet back.""

Jericho talked more about Triple H's promo:

"I don't feel that way and never did feel that way. It's funny, throughout our careers Triple H and I were almost at the same level, we were always the guy that worked with The Guy. Triple H is a huge star, one of the greatest of all time but also never really The Guy. Who has been The Guy over the last 10 years? I can think of three - The Rock, Stone Cold and John Cena."