View Full Version : ROH TV 11/2/13

Shootkick Man
11-03-2013, 03:22 PM
We begin with a look at Michael Bennett and his current focus on the piledriver. We also see Kevin Steen answer Bennett’s statements about who possesses the best piledriver. We see Bennett attacking Steen on different shows.

We are in Chicago Ridge, Illinois and your announcers are Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness.

We see footage of issues between Silas Young and Mark Briscoe.

Match Number One: Mark Briscoe versus Silas Young

They lock up before the handshake and they go to the floor. Silas and Mark exchange punches on the floor. Mark with a head butt and Silas with a back body drop. Silas pulls Mark off the guardrails to the floor. Silas goes for a suplex but Mark blocks it and he suplexes Silas onto the apron. Mark returns to the ring first and then he hits a baseball slide.

Mark goes up top and hits a moonsault onto Silas. Mark sends Silas back into the ring and he kicks Silas in the head. Mark with head butts. Silas with a kick and Mark with a punch. Mark with a belly-to-back set up into a throw to the mat. Mark with an elbow drop for a near fall.

Silas with a kick and punch followed by a forearm. Mark with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Mark with a head butt followed by an Irish whip. Silas back body drops Mark over the top rope and onto the cameraman.

Silas goes to the floor and he rolls Mark back into the ring. Silas with forearms to the back and Mark blocks a suplex attempt. Silas runs Mark into the corner and Silas with shoulders. They exchange chops and Silas with a sit out gourdbuster for a near fall.

Mark with punches but Silas with a punch. Silas with a Bubba Bomb and a sliding clothesline for a near fall. Silas with a forearm and he puts Mark on the turnbuckles. Mark with head butts and Silas falls to the mat. Mark lands on his feet on a back body drop and then he hits a head and arm suplex for a near fall.

Mark puts Silas on the turnbuckles and he tries to take Silas to the mat but Silas kicks Mark away. Mark pulls Silas out of the corner but Silas lands on his feet and he hits a face buster. Mark with a boot to he head. Silas with a back breaker and clothesline combination for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Mark sends Silas off the apron with a drop kick. Mark goes to the apron and he hits a running elbow drop off the apron. Mark sends Silas back into the ring and he waits for Silas to get to his feet for some chops to the neck.

Silas pushes Mark away and Mark with a rolling Death Valley Driver. Mark goes to the apron and up top for the elbow drop but Silas moves. Mark is sent into the turnbuckles and Silas with a rollup and his feet on the ropes for the three count.

Winner: Silas Young

After the match, Briscoe attacks Young but Young with a low blow. Silas takes the referee’s belt and he whips Mark.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Veda Scott has joined Kevin and Nigel for this match. Veda corrects Kevin’s statements about the return of Steve Corino next week.

Match Number Two: Jimmy Jacobs versus Adam Page in a Jimmy Jacobs Trial Series Match

There is no handshake because Page refuses.

They lock up and Jacobs with an arm drag. They lock up and Jacobs with a Japanese stranglehold but Page with a snap mare to escape. They lock up and Page with a side head lock and shoulder tackles. Page with a drop kick and Jacobs falls into the corner.

Page and Jacobs have something to say to each other before they lock up again with a test of strength. Jacobs with a spinning head scissors to Page and he clotheslines Page over the top rope to the floor. Jacobs goes for a suicide dive but Page with a round kick to the head and then Page with a shooting star press off the apron and both men are down on the floor.

Page rolls Jacobs back in and he goes up top. Page with a cross body for a near fall. Page sends Jacobs into the turnbuckles and he chops Jacobs in the corner. Page sends Jacobs into another corner and he chops Jacobs again. Page with an arm drag and he applies a version of Rings of Saturn but Jacobs gets to the ropes.

Page with a punch but Jacobs punches back. Page with a drop kick and he gets a near fall and Jacobs gets his foot on the ropes.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Page with an arm bar. Page with a kick. Page with a reverse chin lock. Page with more kicks but Jacobs with clotheslines and a neck breaker. Jacobs tries for a suplex and Page blocks it. Page runs into a boot from Jacobs and Jacobs with a tornado suplex for a near fall.

Jacobs punches Page and Irish whips him into the corner. Jacobs tries for a spear but Page gets his foot up. Page with clotheslines and a boot to the head. Jacobs with a kick but Page with a power slam for a near fall. Page chops Jacobs in the corner. Jacobs with an Irish whip and Page with a float over. Jacobs with a springboard cutter for a near fall.

Jacobs goes for the Contra Code but Page blocks it. Page with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Jacobs with a sunset flip for a near fall. Jacobs counters a springboard move from Page with a gutbuster. Jacobs with the Contra Code but he can only get a two count.

Jacobs puts Page on the turnbuckles and he tries for a super rana but Page holds on to the ropes. Jacobs with a back elbow. Page blocks a springboard cutter and hits a standing shooting star press but Jacobs kicks out at two. Page goes to the apron and Jacobs with an elbow. Jacobs tries for a superplex but Page blocks it. Page tries for a sunset flip power bomb but Jacobs blocks it.

Jacobs punches Page on the turnbuckles and Jacobs hits the Contra Code for the three count.

Winner: Jimmy Jacobs

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Kevin Steen versus Michael Bennett (with Maria Kanellis)

Steen punches Bennett instead of shaking Bennett’s hand. Steen with forearms and chops. Bennett with a kick and punches followed by an elbow to the top of the head. Steen goes for the package piledriver early but Bennett escapes and goes to the floor. Steen goes after Bennett on the floor and Bennett kicks Steen when they re-enter the ring.

Bennett punches Steen and sends him into the turnbuckles. Steen with a drop toe hold and a flip leg drop to the back of the head. Bennett goes to the floor. Steen follows Bennett to the floor and Bennett punches Steen and sends Steen into the apron. Bennett runs Steen’s back into the apron and he punches Steen. We focus on Maria and almost miss Steen Irish whipping Bennett into the guardrails.

Steen sends Bennett into the guardrails on the other side of the ring. Steen celebrates with the fans and then Steen sends Bennett crotch first into the ring post. Steen sends Bennett groin first into the ring post again and Bennett crumbles to the floor. Steen decides to go for a third ring post to introduce Bennett’s groin to the ring.

Steen thinks about the fourth ring post but he takes too long and Bennett sends Steen into the guardrails with a side Russian leg sweep.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Bennett with a running boot to Steen against the guardrails. Bennett returns to the ring and he goes up top but then goes to the apron and then to the floor and he punches Steen. Steen sends Bennett into the fourth post. Steen goes up top for the Swanton but he lands on Bennett’s knees.

Bennett with the Box Office Smash for a near fall. Bennett runs into Steen’s boot but Steen runs into a spinebuster from Bennett but Bennett can only get a two count. Bennett with a kick to the head and then he punches Steen. Bennett chokes Steen in the ropes. Bennett with a back elbow and then he gets a near fall. Bennett gets Steen up for a TKO but Steen blocks it.

Bennett blocks a Sleeper Suplex but Steen moves when Bennett charges into the corner and Steen with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Steen gets Bennett on his shoulders for an F-Cinq but Bennett escapes. Steen blocks a super kick and then he tries for the Cannonball but Bennett kicks him and goes for the piledriver. Steen with a back body drop. Bennett with a super kick for a near fall.

Bennett tries for the TKO but he cannot get Steen on his shoulders. Steen tries for a sleeper suplex but Bennett with a jaw breaker. Steen with a power bomb and back senton for a near fall. Steen calls for the F-5 and he decides to hit a Go To Sleep but Steen does not get the three count because Maria threw something into the ring and it confused the referee.

Steen goes to the floor after Maria and Maria runs into the ring. Steen runs into a TKO and Bennett with a piledriver for a near fall. Bennett puts Steen on the turnbuckles for a superplex but Steen blocks it. Steen bites Bennett and Steen hits a Swanton for a near fall.

Steen calls for the package piledriver but Maria gets on the apron to stop Steen. Bennett kicks the ropes and Steen is crotched. Bennett with a piledriver for the three count.

Winner: Michael Bennett

After the match, Maria tells Bennett to piledrive Steen on the apron. Lisa Marie Varon attacks Maria and security makes its way to surround the ring. Bennett holds Varon and Steen goes after Bennett while Varon goes after Maria.

Steen continues to attack Bennett after security does its usual stellar job of separating wrestlers. They continue to battle on the floor. Steen goes to the turnbuckles and he hits a Swanton onto everyone on the floor and we go to credits.