View Full Version : Partial Spoilers for 12/19/13

Shootkick Man
12-06-2013, 12:49 AM
TNA taped part of the December 19th Final Resolution edition of Impact Wrestling tonight in Orlando. Here is what was taped tonight:

* Magnus came out and cut a promo about the tournament finals and knocking Jeff Hardy. Hardy comes out and they have words.

* Bobby Roode defeated Kurt Angle in a 2 of 3 Falls match. Roode won the first fall, Angle won the second fall and Roode won the third fall.

* Eric Young comes to the ring where a table is set up with 3 Christmas presents. He calls out Joseph Park and says he is Abyss. Park denies it. Young says this is the second part of his experiment to reveal Abyss. The tag match against Bad Influence will be a Monster's Ball. One of the gifts has Janice with a bow on it. Park finally takes it and agrees to compete in the match. Park leaves with Janice in hand.

* ODB and Madison Rayne defeated Gail Kim and Lei’D Tapa.

* Magnus vs. Jeff Hardy in a Dixieland match is up next. It's a cage match where the winner has to climb out of the cage and go up the ramp where the belt is hung from a rope. The winner must use a ladder to grab the belt. Hardy takes the mic before the match and talks about making mistakes and tells Dixie Carter to stick it. Dixie comes out and fires back at Hardy. She watches the match from ringside with Ethan Carter III. Magnus defeated Hardy to become the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion. EC3 ended up trying to stop Magnus but got laid out by Hardy. Dixie also got involved at the end, calling out Rockstar Spud to tip the ladder over while Hardy was on it. Magnus celebrated with Dixie, Spud and Ethan to close the show.