View Full Version : Impact Wrestling Spoilers - 2nd January, 2014

12-06-2013, 12:51 PM
- TNA taped the rest of the January 2nd, 2014 episode of Impact Wrestling on Wednesday night in Orlando. Here are spoilers:

Taped Tuesday:

* Gail Kim issues an open challenge and Madison Rayne answers it, then gets the win.

* Kurt Angle comes out and talks about how rough 2013 was for him. Bobby Roode interrupts and asks if Angle is going to quit like Jeff Hardy did. Angle challenges Roode to a steel cage match at Genesis and Roode accepts. They brawl before officials and Rockstar Spud separate them. Spud tells them to find partners for a tag match tonight.

* Sam Shaw defeated Norv Fernum.

* James Storm and Bobby Roode defeated Gunner and Kurt Angle.

* Dixie Carter, Ethan Carter III and Rockstar Spud all come out for the coronation of Magnus. Gunner ends up interrupting but gets beatdown. AJ Styles runs through the crowd with his title to a huge pop. He takes out Ethan and comes face to face with Magnus. They both raise their belts in the air. AJ has words with Dixie and Magnus. A match is made to crown "the" TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Impact goes off the air with a staredown with the titles in the air.

Taped Wednesday:

* Chris Sabin defeated Velvet Sky to win the X Division Title. Sabin hit a low blow while Velvet Sky distracted the referee to win. Sabin did an interview after the match and thanked himself.

* Ethan Carter III comes to the ring and cuts a promo before calling Jeff Hardy out. Hardy doesn't show as he's gone but Sting comes out. Sting wants a fight but Ethan leaves the ring. Ethan says they will fight in two weeks at Genesis.

* Joseph Park beat Bully Ray by DQ. Ray wouldn't fight and stayed in the corner for the match. Ray kicked Park below the belt and doused him in lighter fluid. Before he could set fire to Park, Mr. Anderson made the save. Bully doused Anderson in fluid and teased lighting him on fire but didn't.

01-02-2014, 02:12 AM
So when did Velvet Sky win the X Division title???