View Full Version : Extreme Rising Vs JCW Is Happening

12-11-2013, 04:48 PM
Before Extreme Rising canceled their shows earlier this year, one of the planned angles was an invasion from ICP's Juggalo Championship Wrestling where their talent would face Extreme Rising talents.

With Rising returning from their time in suspended animated on 12/28, the promotion ran an angle to kickstart that angle again as JCW's Too Tough Tony ran the promotion down and knocked them, challenging anyone to face him:


This led to the promotion showcasing text messages from Balls Mahoney begging the promotion to let him face Tony. So, that match has been added to the 12/28 event at the former ECW Arena.

Since then, the two sides have been using Twitter to add to the storyline, arguing with each other.

An afternoon Fanfest will precede the Rising event. As a way to push ticket sales, Rising has announced none of the show will be released on DVD until after their new TV series, which will debut on 1/1/14 in the Philadelphia market, airs the footage We are told the station is an over the air station that most locals will immediately recognize when it is announced, which may come as early as this Monday.

Set for the show:

*Extreme Rising champ Stevie Richards vs. TBA. (Note from Mike: It would be really funny if it was Danny Doring)

*Rhino vs. Crowbar

*Matt Hardy with Reby Sky vs. Luke Hawx.

*Sabu vs. Facade

*Super Crazy & Pesadilla vs. Damien 666 & Bestia 666.

*Papadon vs. Hijo del Rey Mysterio.

*Also appearing are Gary Wolfe and more.

There are also several planned surprises I am told.