View Full Version : Update On WWE's Interest In Bill Goldberg, WWE Diva's Fiancee Arrested, Recent Attend

12-12-2013, 12:50 AM
Update On WWE's Interest In Bill Goldberg, WWE Diva's Fiancee Arrested, Recent Attendance Figures

By Marc Middleton | December 11, 2013 | Comments (120)

Update On WWE's Interest In Bill Goldberg, WWE Diva's Fiancee Arrested, Recent Attendance Figures Photo: Joe Raider Fan

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
- Regarding WWE's recent Vintage Collection show featured on Bill Goldberg, it has to do with WWE still having interest in bringing him back for a WrestleMania XXX match.
- PJ Braun, the professional bodybuilder and supplement entrepreneur who recently got engaged to WWE Diva Kaitlyn, was arrested on March 28th, 2011 in a steroid ring bust in Danbury, CT. Officers and agents found Percoset, Testosterone, Decadurabolin, Halotestin and Proviron (the latter four anabolic steroids, the former a pain killer). Braun was hit with a variety of possession charges. He got probation and community service once he completed a drug rehab program.

- Here are some recent WWE attendance figures:

* December 6th in Stockton, CA drew 4,500 fans
* December 7th in Sacramento drew 7,500 fans
* December 7th in Vancouver, BC drew 7,000 fans
* December 8th in Spokane, Washington drew 3,500 fans

the madscotsman
12-14-2013, 09:52 PM
Always he wasn't good enough for Kaitlyn.