View Full Version : Smackdown results - 3rd January, 2014

01-04-2014, 08:17 AM
We start off Smackdown in 2014 with a look back at the end of Raw when Daniel Bryan decided to join the Wyatt Family after facing the members of the Wyatt Family in a gauntlet. What is next for Daniel Bryan?
We are in Washington, D.C. and your announcers are John ‘How does Senator JBL sound’ Layfield and Michael ‘Term Limits’ Cole.

The Shield makes its way to the ring through the crowd.

Dean asks if the people don’t think they know what is going on. He says that they have heard the rumblings throughout the locker room and the WWE Universe. They say that the Shield is not on the same page any more. They say the Shield is crumbling from within. They say some egos have gotten out of control. They are dead wrong. CM Punk is dead wrong if he thinks he can divide and conquer the Shield. What Punk does not understand is that the Shield cannot be conquered because the Shield cannot be divided.

Dean gives the mic to Roman Reigns and he says that to divide a great team, you have to attack its weakest link. Roman says that to look at the weak link in The Shield, it is pretty obvious. There is none.

Seth says that any setbacks that the Shield has had recently are only temporary because in the end, they will prevail. They will do what they do best. They will come together and dominate.

Roman says to believe that and Seth says to Believe in the Shield.

Dean Ambrose goes to the announce table to add to the commentary.

Match Number One: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso versus Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns

Reigns and Jimmy start things off and they lock up. Reigns backs Jimmy into the corner and he punches him and then he tosses Jimmy into the turnbuckles. Rollins tags in and he punches Jimmy. Jimmy slides into the corner and he connects with a clothesline and he tags in Jey. Jey with a forearm into the corner. Jey with a back elbow for a near fall.

Jey stops Rollins from making the tag. Jimmy tags in and they hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop for a near fall. Jimmy chops Rollins but Rollins chops back. Rollins sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles but Jimmy punches Rollins. Jimmy with a back body drop for a near fall.

Jey tags back in and he connects with a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Jey with an arm drag but Rollins with a jawbreaker and he connects with a forearm. Rollins punches Jey. Jimmy makes the blind tag. Jey with an uppercut and Jimmy clotheslines Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Jimmy and Jey with a double super kick to Reigns and a double clothesline that sends Roman to the floor. The Usos with a double back body drop to Rollins that sends him onto Reigns and we go to commercial.

We are back and Jey with a hammer lock on Rollins. Jey with a side head lock and Reigns tags in and he connects with a back elbow and gets a near fall. Reigns kicks and punches Jey against the ropes. Reigns with another kick. Reigns with a forearm across the chest while Jey is on the apron.

Reigns with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Rollins tags back in and Seth goes up top. Rollins with a punch to the chest and he sends Jey shoulder first into the turnbuckles. Rollins with a splash onto the arm. Rollins with a Million Dollar Dream on Jey. Jey with an arm drag but Rollins stops him from making the tag and Rollins with a hot shot.

Reigns tags in and he hits a leaping elbow drop and gets a near fall. Reigns slams the arm into the mat and then he drives the arm into the mat with a knee. Reigns wraps the arm in the ropes. Reigns with a reverse chin lock. Jey with elbows and then he drops down and Reigns goes over the top rope to the floor.

Reigns grabs Jey from the apron but Jey with an uppercut and Reigns falls to the apron. Jey crawls to his corner but Reigns stops him. Jey kicks Reigns away and Rollins is tagged in but he cannot Jimmy from making the tag.

Jimmy with a forearm to Reigns and then Rollins misses a charge into the corner when Jimmy moves. Jimmy with a flying back elbow and clothesline. Jimmy with a savate kick but Rollins with a kick. Jimmy with a Samoan drop to Rollins and then he sets for the running butt splash but Rollins moves to the floor.

Jimmy tries to kick Reigns when Roman tries to interfere but Reigns blocks the kick. Jimmy with a dragon whip and then Jimmy and Jey send Reigns to the floor. Ambrose trips Jimmy from the floor and pulls him out of the ring and the referee calls for the bell.

Winners: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso (by disqualification)

After the match, Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose work over the Usos. Eventually, CM Punk’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring and he goes after Ambrose and Rollins while The Usos work over Reigns. The Shield end up leaving the ring.

The Prime Time Players tell us their New Year’s Resolutions. Titus says that he is going to take his time, talents, and resources to use them at a greater level to positively impact people. Darren says that his resolution is to come up with his aunt’s favorite, the Patti LaBelle Over the Rainbow Macaroni.

Vickie Guerrero makes her way onto the stage and we go to commercial.

We are back and we get to see what happened during the commercial break on the WWE App. Vickie Guerrero says that since they could not get along, the main event will be The Shield versus The Usos and CM Punk.

Xavier Woods comes to the ring with R Truth and he joins John and Michael at the announce table.

Match Number Two: Fandango (with Summer Rae) versus R Truth

Fandango attacks Truth in the corner while Woods takes a photo with John and Michael. Fandango with a kick to Truth and Irish whip but Truth floats over and he gives Fandango a hip toss. Truth with a punch. Truth sends Fandango over the top rope and he lands on the apron.

Fandango drops Truth on the top rope and then he comes back into the ring and connects with a spinning heel kick and gets a near fall. Fandango with a suplex and he gets another near fall. Fandango with a rear chin lock and his knee in the back.

Truth gets back to his feet and he punches Fandango. Fandango with a forearm but Truth with a leg lariat. Truth with clotheslines and punches. Truth with an Irish whip but he runs into a knee. While Truth tries to get up, Woods gets on the announce table and he calls for the Funkettes. Their music plays and they get on the stage and dance. Fandango gets distracted and Truth with What’s Up for the three count.

Winner: R Truth

After the match, it is time for some dancing.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to recap what happened on Raw and the change in the path of Daniel Bryan.

Renee Young is in the interview area with Big E Langston. She wishes Langston luck against Curtis Axel and then asks him about what happened to Mark Henry. Langston says that Mark was looking for a wrestling match, not a brawl. Mark is a little beat up but he will be okay. He says that he would not want to be Brock Lensar right now.

There is laughing to the side and it is Curtis Axel. He says that he is sorry about what happened to his friend Mark Henry, but that is not what he is laughing about. He admits that it is what he was laughing about and then he says that he will laughing all the way to the bank when he beats Langston tonight.

Langston says that Curtis will not be laughing after their match tonight. Langston leaves.

We go to commercial.

Notable in their absence at ringside are Daniel Bryan and Bray Wyatt, but the rocking chair is at ringside.

Match Number Three: Cody Rhodes and Goldust versus Luke Harper and Erick Rowan for the WWE Tag Team Titles

Goldust and Harper start things off and Goldust gasps in Harper’s face and Goldust with punches. Harper backs Goldust into the corner and punches him. Harper with a shoulder tackle. Goldust with a punch and Cody is tagged in and they hit a double suplex and get a near fall. Cody with a drop kick to the knee and he tags in Goldust. Goldust with a forearm to the head and he applies a side head lock.

Harper with a European uppercut and then Rowan is tagged in and he connects with a head butt and forearms. Goldust with punches but Rowan runs Goldust into the corner. Harper tags in and he punches Goldust. Goldust with a flying clothesline followed by a drop down uppercut. Goldust climbs the turnbuckles and punches Harper, but Goldust sees Rowan approaching and he punches Erick on the apron. Harper with a running forearm to the head.

Rowan tags back in and Rowan with a knee drop to the midsection. Rowan with a forearm across the chest followed by a hard Irish whip. Rowan chokes Goldust in the ropes and then he connects with a forearm and head butt to the back.

Harper tags back in and he connects with an uppercut to Goldust and then he applies a rear chin lock. Goldust punches Harper but Harper with an Irish whip. Goldust with a kick to Harper and an elbow to Rowan on the apron. Goldust with Code Red and both men are down. Rhodes tags in and he hits a springboard drop kick and follows with punches and a high knee. Cody with a drop down uppercut and he sends Harper to the floor.

Rhodes with Beautiful Disaster to Rowan to knock him off the apron and then Cody hits a double jump cross body onto Harper on the floor. Harper sends Cody into the ringside barrier. Harper Irish whips Cody into the ring steps and we go to commercial.

Harper returns to the ring while the referee tells Goldust to get back into his corner. Rowan tags in and he goes to the floor and he sends Rhodes into the ring post. Rowan rolls Cody back into the ring and he gets a near fall. We take a look from the chair’s perspective and Rowan with the double atomic noogie and then he pulls at the face.

Rowan works on the neck while Goldust tries to motivate Cody to make the tag. Rowan sends Cody face first into the mat and he gets a near fall. Rowan with an elbow drop. Cody lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Cody with two kicks. Rowan stops Cody from making the tag and Rowan backs Cody into the turnbuckles.

Rowan with a claw and then he biels Cody across the ring. Rowan tags in Harper and Luke with a running elbow into the corner. Harper with a punch and then he gives Cody a Gator Roll. Harper with a side head lock. Harper knocks Goldust off the apron and then he punches Cody. Cody with a flying clothesline and both men are down but Harper recovers first.

Rowan tags in and he stops Cody from making the tag and he throws Cody away from Goldust. Goldust says something to Rowan but the referee warns Goldust. Rowan with a head butt and elbow to the head. Cody with punches and he drops down when Rowan charges at him and Rowan goes to the floor.

Harper rolls Rowan back in and Harper makes the tag and Luke knocks Goldust off the apron before he gives Harper a sit out power bomb for a near fall but Goldust breaks up the cover. Goldust sends Rowan to the floor but Harper sends Goldust to the floor.

Harper with an Irish whip but Cody floats over and gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Harper with a boot to the head. Harper sends Cody into the corner and Harper puts Cody on the turnbuckles and he connects with forearms to the lower back. Cody with elbows to knock Harper off the turnbuckles. Cody with a moonsault and he connects. Both men are down.

Rowan tags in but he keeps Cody from making the tag. Goldust with a blind tag as Cody comes off the ropes. Rowan with a back body drop to Cody but Goldust with a rollup for the three count.

Winners: Goldust and Cody Rhodes

We go to commercial.

We are back with Miz who has his New Year’s Resolution. He says that he will be a better person than the year before. People might say that is cheesy or corny, but when people complain, that is when you see Miz at his best and that is awesome.

Match Number Four: Aksana versus Nikki Bella

They lock up and Aksana pushes Nikki on the break. Nikki with a forearm and hip toss. Nikki with a slam and she runs Aksana into the turnbuckles and connects with shoulders. Nikki with a suplex for a near fall. Aksana rolls to the floor and Nikki grabs her but Aksana sends Nikki’s arm into the ring post twice.

Aksana with forearms to Nikki followed by a kick to the ribs. Aksana wraps the arm in the ropes and kicks her. Aksana with a punch and side slam. Aksana slithers around Nikki and she kicks Nikki in the back and gets a near fall.

Aksana with a key lock and she pulls Nikki to the mat. Aksana returns to the key lock. Nikki with punches to escape and follows with a monkey flip. Nikki sends Aksana into the middle rope and she follows with a flying clothesline and drop kick. Nikki with a kick and bulldog for a near fall. Aksana with an Irish whip but Nikki with a kick.

Aksana with forearms and the referee warns her. Aksana misses a charge into the corner and Nikki with Shock Treatment for the three count.

Winner: Nikki Bella

We are reminded that Randy Orton will face John Cena at the Royal Rumble. We also take a look at the Randy Orton video package that shows his greatness, but not his actual victory to become the youngest World Champion.

Big E Langston walks in the back as we go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Big E Langston versus Curtis Axel in a Non Title Match

Langston with punches as the bell rings. Axel punches back and he chops Langston but Langston comes out of the corner with a clothesline. Langston sends Axel into the corner and he connects with a series of shoulders and then he finishes it with a running shoulder into the corner. Langston with another punch to the midsection.

Langston with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Axel comes off the turnbuckles but he is met with a shoulder from Langston and Langston gets a near fall. Axel grabs the ring skirt and that allows the referee to be out of position for Axel to kick Langston in the knee. Axel kicks Langston and then he chokes him. Axel with a slingshot elbow to Langston and he gets a near fall.

Axel with punches to Langston and then he applies an arm bar. Axel with a front face lock but Langston picks up Axel and back drops him and he falls to the mat. Langston with clotheslines and a belly-to-belly suplex. Langston with a running Kamala Splash to the back. Langston tries for the Big Ending but Axel holds on to the ropes with his feet. Axel with a punch but Langston with a clothesline and the straps come down.

Langston hits the Big Ending and gets the three count.

Winner: Big E Langston

We go to commercial.

We are back with the comments from Paul Heyman that aired on Main Event.

Cole asks Paul why would Brock return now. Paul says that there is now one WWE World Champion. Since there can only be one man, he said that was his position. It does not matter if it is John Cena or Randy Orton. Whoever comes out of the Royal Rumble has the WWE World Championship and they will have to contend with Brock Lesnar.

Brock will be on Raw on Monday night so they can ask him now. Brock is looking to do something ‘old school’ on Raw.

It is time to hear from Bad News Barrett. He rises from the side of the stage and he calls for order. Wade wants some decorum. He tells everyone that the new year is upon us and he is sure that everyone is busy making resolutions to be healthy or more productive in 2014. Wade has some bad news. Looking out at everyone, no one will be capable of sticking to their resolutions. At this time next year, everyone will be just as fat, unhealthy, and unproductive as you are now.

Wade wishes everyone a Happy New Year.

Match Number Six: CM Punk, Jimmy Uso, and Jey Uso versus Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose

Punk and Ambrose start things off and they lock up. Ambrose with punches instead of giving a clean break. The referee warns Ambrose and then Punk puts Dean in the corner and he punches and kicks Dean. Punk sends Ambrose into the opposite corner and he chops Dean. Punk with a back elbow and he sends Ambrose into his corner and Punk wants to know who the weak link is and Rollins tags in.

Ambrose has to be forced to the apron and he shows his frustration on the floor. Punk and Rollins lock up and Rollins with a hammer lock. Punk with a reversal into a side head lock. Punk with a shoulder tackle and he blocks a hip toss. Punk with an elbow and swinging neck breaker.

Jey tags in and he hits a diving head butt to the shoulder. Jey with a slam and Boston Crab and then he tags in Jimmy who hits a leg drop and gets a near fall. Jimmy with a wrist lock and Rollins with a punch. Jimmy with an Irish whip and drop kick. Jey tags in and he hits a super kick. Rollins with shoulders in the corner.

Rollins punches Jey and Jey with an uppercut. Jey with a flying forearm and he gets a near fall. Jey clotheslines Rollins over the top rope to the floor and then Jey sets for a dive onto Rollins but Reigns stands in the way on the apron and Jey thinks of another plan of attack.

Jey goes to the floor and avoids Reigns but Rollins recovers and he sends Jey into the apron. Rollins sends Jey back into the ring and he goes up top. Rollins is met with an uppercut as he lands and Jey tags in Punk. Punk with kicks to the back and he gets a near fall. Punk with a suplex and he floats over to get a near fall.

Rollins with a kick and he tags in Ambrose. Punk avoids both men and hits a double drop kick. Punk climbs the turnbuckles and he punches Ambrose. Punk with an Irish whip and he tags in Jimmy who hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Ambrose with a slam and he goes to the turnbuckles but Jimmy press slams Ambrose and gets a near fall.

Ambrose with a knee to the midsection and Reigns tags in. Reigns with a leaping clothesline for a near fall. Reigns with a leg drop to the arm and he applies a front face lock. Rollins tags in and he kicks and chokes Jimmy. Rollins with a back senton and he gets a near fall. Rollins with a neck vice but Jimmy with elbows.

Jimmy with an Irish whip and Rollins flips onto the turnbuckles. Ambrose tags in and keeps Jimmy from making the tag. Ambrose with a boot to Jimmy followed by a snap elbow drop for a near fall. Ambrose with a reverse chin lock. Jimmy with a jawbreaker to escape but Ambrose fires back with a clothesline.

Ambrose puts Jimmy on the turnbuckles for a belly-to-back superplex but Jimmy with an elbow. Reigns tags in and Jimmy pushes Roman away and hits a corkscrew senton on Reigns and both men are down. Rollins tags in and he knocks Jey off the apron. Rollins misses a back senton and Jimmy tags in Punk.

Punk with a springboard clothesline to Rollins and then he connects with a boot to the chest to knock Ambrose off the apron. Punk with a leg lariat to Rollins followed by a swinging neck breaker. Punk with a running knee into the corner followed by a short arm clothesline. Punk goes up top for the elbow drop but Ambrose distracts Punk long enough to allow Rollins to crotch Punk.

Rollins goes up top and hits a cross body but Punk rolls through and locks in the Anaconda Vice but Ambrose breaks up the cover. Jimmy with a kick and uppercut to Ambrose. Jimmy with a kick that is blocked by Reigns and then Reigns hits the Superman punch on Jimmy. Ambrose tags in and he punches Punk in the corner.

Ambrose puts Punk on the turnbuckles and he hits a butterfly superplex for a near fall. Reigns wants to tag in but Ambrose will not hear him. Punk with a round kick and he gets Ambrose up for Go To Sleep but Punk sees Reigns try to interfere and he puts Ambrose down and Reigns almost collides with his partner.

Punk with a kick to Reigns and then Jimmy and Jey with a double super kick to take care of Reigns. Punk back drops Rollins over the top rope to the floor. Jimmy and Jey with a stereo plancha. Punk with Go to Sleep for the three count.

Winners: CM Punk, Jimmy Uso, and Jey Uso

Punk and the Usos celebrate in the ring while Rollins and Reigns talk about how they almost had him but Ambrose did not tag. Then . . .

We cut to a Wyatt Family Blipvert and Bray asks if you have heard the good news. He says that the Earth is rotting under your feet. The human race is a bacteria that infects and destroys. He needed him. Fate works in strange ways. He was lost. She dances and sings in the light. She lurks in the shadows and she always gets her way. He has a home. Your words mean nothing to him now. He only hears Bray’s truth. Now he has a home.

We go to credits.