View Full Version : John Cena IS Insane

01-08-2014, 12:21 PM
John Cena just hit the ring for a dark match main event at the WWE Smackdown taping in Philadelphia, PA.
Earlier today, Cena was in Las Vegas as part of a promotional appearance for his new Fitness product campaign. This means he made the appearance, flew cross-country to Philadelphia for the match....and will now fly back to Vegas tomorrow for the WWE Network announcement.

For all the criticism some fans put upon John Cena, no one can deny that he puts WWE before all else in his life and has a work ethic that is beyond insane. This is why he's in the position he's in for WWE and will stay there...because he earns it.

In the dark match, Cena defeated WWE World Heavyweight champion Randy Orton by DQ. Mick Foley was advertised as guest referee, but did not appear.

the madscotsman
01-08-2014, 02:36 PM
Cena is amazing. The workhorse of the company.

01-08-2014, 04:15 PM
Cena is shit! And he doesn't deserve shit!

the madscotsman
01-08-2014, 05:39 PM
I'd like to agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

01-08-2014, 08:30 PM
^Working hard doesn't mean Cena is talented.

the madscotsman
01-08-2014, 11:51 PM
Hard work will always beat talent if talent doesn't work hard.

01-10-2014, 07:35 AM
I don't get this whole hard work thing that people always go on and on about. He flies all over the country and grants wishes, I get it. But if you try to tell me for one second that he works harder than guys like Bryan you're a damn liar. Cena isn't on top because he works hard. He is on top because he has the look and he'll do anything that Vince tells him to do.

01-10-2014, 07:38 AM
I don't get this whole hard work thing that people always go on and on about. He flies all over the country and grants wishes, I get it. But if you try to tell me for one second that he works harder than guys like Bryan you're a damn liar. Cena isn't on top because he works hard. He is on top because he has the look and he'll do anything that Vince tells him to do.


01-10-2014, 06:00 PM
I don't like Cena and love Bryan but there is a lot more to pro wrestling than being a spot monkey . Cena's work ethic should be admired and copied by the younger talent or they can join John Morrison where ever the hell he is at . Bryans stock in the company has skyrocketed because he does work hard in and out of the ring .

01-10-2014, 07:18 PM
I don't like Cena and love Bryan but there is a lot more to pro wrestling than being a spot monkey . Cena's work ethic should be admired and copied by the younger talent or they can join John Morrison where ever the hell he is at . Bryans stock in the company has skyrocketed because he does work hard in and out of the ring .

the madscotsman
01-10-2014, 07:31 PM
I don't like Cena and love Bryan but there is a lot more to pro wrestling than being a spot monkey . Cena's work ethic should be admired and copied by the younger talent or they can join John Morrison where ever the hell he is at . Bryans stock in the company has skyrocketed because he does work hard in and out of the ring .


01-10-2014, 07:43 PM
I don't like Cena and love Bryan but there is a lot more to pro wrestling than being a spot monkey . Cena's work ethic should be admired and copied by the younger talent or they can join John Morrison where ever the hell he is at . Bryans stock in the company has skyrocketed because he does work hard in and out of the ring .

The young guys can copy Cena's work ethic all day, that's fine. Just as long he's not giving anyone pointers on the actual wrestling aspect of this whole 'being a wrestler' thing. He's just so damn boring.

01-11-2014, 02:52 PM
I don't like Cena and love Bryan but there is a lot more to pro wrestling than being a spot monkey . Cena's work ethic should be admired and copied by the younger talent or they can join John Morrison where ever the hell he is at . Bryans stock in the company has skyrocketed because he does work hard in and out of the ring .

It's a difference between what the management and real wrestling fans like and concider good wrestling.

the madscotsman
01-11-2014, 06:53 PM
What "real" wrestling fans need to realise is that if guys that are so far ahead of Cena, in the in-ring ability department, worked as hard as he does for the company, then the WWE wouldn't need Cena.

01-11-2014, 07:15 PM
^^ WWE need Cena because in WWE wrestling means something completely different from other wrestling promotions. As long as WWE doesn't even talk about the fact that there are other wrestling promotions in the world, Cena will be portrayed as the greatest wrestler in the world by WWE. Just like they did with Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold.

the madscotsman
01-11-2014, 09:04 PM
That's how you promote someone. That's how the UFC promoted Anderson Silva, Jose Aldo and GSP. That's how Floyd Mayweather Jr and the Klitchkos are promoted.
As far as not mentioning other promotions: why would they, the last thing they want is people seeing is that their are alternatives to them. It's like that with all successfully products: The manufacturers want you to believe that there is nothing better than what they are selling you. It doesn't matter if it's a TV, a car, a movie, a fighter or a wrestling promotion.
That's what "being pushed" and "being the face of the company" mean: selling you as the best.

That Rob
01-11-2014, 11:13 PM
Cena is awesome.The works harder than anybody else in the promotion and is positioned exactly where he needs to be. If I was starting my own promotion above all others Cena would be my top pick, because I can rely on him to promote my shows at the drop of a hat. I can rely on him to travel around the world and back without a complaint and I know he can put asses in seats.

The hardest worker in wrestling today.

Oh and by the way, wrestling isn't the end all be all of wrestling, its a business which means the best raise to the top one way or another. If they're not at the top of the WWE then they're not the best, no matter what some smark fans think.

01-12-2014, 12:17 AM
I hate John Cena.

01-13-2014, 01:25 AM
Isn't the point to be entertaining though? Cena is far from entertaining, regardless of all the work he does for the company.

01-13-2014, 06:39 AM
Isn't the point to be entertaining though? Cena is far from entertaining, regardless of all the work he does for the company.

I don't find him entertaining but the sales figures say he is . Dolf Ziggler is my favorite wwe star and Im sure he would be in the title picture if he sold as many tshirts as Cena . But who wants a pink tshirt ?

the madscotsman
01-13-2014, 04:05 PM
Isn't the point to be entertaining though? Cena is far from entertaining, regardless of all the work he does for the company.

I find Cena very entertaining: I love watching him get the shite kicked out of him.

01-14-2014, 04:54 AM
I find Cena very entertaining: I love watching him get the shite kicked out of him.

Well played :hmm:

Big Evil
01-16-2014, 10:29 AM
I recently watched the WWE 13 video game hype video between Stone Cold and CM Punk. A line stuck out to me that Stone Cold said. Steve Austin said that what he sees now compared to the attitude era was that there were many guys in the locker room busting their tails to get to the top. They fought, scratched, and clawed to get to the top. He said that in today's locker room, there are just a few guys who do that. John Cena is one of those guys. CM Punk is one of those guys. The rest of the roster? They seem like they are just happy to be on the roster, just happy to be on television.

People can say that they hate Cena, but the fact is this guy stood up, took the ball, and ran with it. He pursued his dream and made it big in the WWE. He does whatever is asked of him, whenever they ask. This guy has had numerous injuries and just won't slow down because the company depends on him and he knows it. I mean, c'mon, this guy lost his wife in divorce and NEVER SLOWED DOWN!
So yeah, I believe that he flies cross-country to make his commitments and puts forth 100% in everything he does. He is driven, the WWE is his life-force and he carries it on his back. If there were more in the locker room willing to do whatever it took to fight to the top, we would see a much different landscape in the WWE than we do.