View Full Version : Kevin Nash Talks WWE Network, Ultimate Warrior, Royal Rumble Memories

01-17-2014, 08:01 PM
Kevin Nash Talks WWE Network, Ultimate Warrior, Royal Rumble Memories

By Jon Alba

Updated: January 17, 2014

Kevin Nash appeared on TribLive to chat with Justin LaBar, also of WrestleZone on Thursday. Nash was there to promote his Royal Rumble party at Latitude 40 in Pittsburgh, Pa. the night before the Rumble.

Nash dished out his thoughts on the WWE Network:

“To me, it’s an interesting concept. My only thing is they’re such a media savvy (corporation), and I just don’t know how many people have smart TVs. I just don’t want to watch “WrestleMania” on a laptop. I’m just hoping they’re able to keep their contacts with Direct (DirecTV) and with the other people — the people who don’t want to watch, the old-school people who don’t watch Hulu or anything else. Your old-standard NBC people still have a chance to see Mania. There’s definitely not a lack of genius in the business model they put together. I think they’re ahead of the curve. People are going to second guess this, and then, they will go “Wow.” Think they wanted to originally try and do what Oprah did. When they saw she wasn’t having success, they said let’s try to change the business model. My son doesn’t want TV. He’s 17. He’s all online. I think when you look at their target demographic is, nobody in America can get the 14-22 demographic to watch television. That’s a demographic people are trying to grab. If you can grab them online with this network, that’s a home run. Nobody can touch this “Call of Duty” crew.”

On The Ultimate Warrior’s upcoming WWE Hall of Fame induction:

“He’s articulate. I don’t think he’ll have a meltdown. He’s definitely deserving. I think Jim, well I guess I can’t call him Jim because he goes by Warrior, but yeah, Warrior will be fine.”

Nash also told LaBar about his favorite Royal Rumble memory:

“I think it was 1994 in Providence, you go in, and there is black board and chalk. It’s written down who comes in, who eliminates who, and the whole thing is standing there. So I walk in, put my bag down and up to this point I had just been Shawn’s bodyguard. I’m looking at the blackboard, and I think I came in seventh. It says Diesel comes in, and Diesel eliminates. I’m looking at it, and it says Diesel eliminates, Diesel eliminates, Diesel eliminates. I went whew, push. First time in my life, if this is a work they got me, but it looks like I’m getting a push tonight!”

The entire interview can be found here. Also included are details on how one can purchase tickets to Nash’s event