View Full Version : WWE Talking Network to Talents, Roman Reigns Note

02-04-2014, 06:40 PM
- We noted before that WWE officials planned to speak to the locker room about how the WWE Network will affect them a few weeks ago in a meeting before RAW. That meeting wad canceled and still hasn't happened. There's a feeling within WWE that the company hasn't spoken to talents about the Network because they just don't know yet how it will change everything.

- As noted, Roman Reigns ended up getting stitches above his eye after RAW last night. He needed 6 stitches to close the cut. The belief backstage was that while Reigns didn't show signs of a concussion, he will take an ImPACT concussion test at SmackDown today in Des Moines.

02-04-2014, 08:49 PM
He looked fine, hes a pro wrestler not a ballerina. (I sound like one of those stupid PSA's)