View Full Version : Somebody Hacked Into Silk Road 2 and Stole All the Bitcoins

02-14-2014, 02:33 AM
Bad news, you lovers of liberty and cryptocurrency. Somebody just hacked into the resurrected version of the Silk Road (a.k.a. Silk Road 2) and stole everybody's money. And since that money was all in the form of Bitcoin, there's no way to get it back.

The anonymous administrator who goes by Defcon of the black market site confirmed reports of the hack in an emotional announcement. Defcon blamed the breach on the "transaction malleability" bug in Bitcoin that actually caused some exchanges to halt the trade of the cryptocurrency earlier this week. It was an expensive breach, too. According to security researcher Nicholas Weaver, the hacker stole 4474.266 BTC which is worth roughly $2.7 million.

Some revealing—and actually pretty sad—quotes from Defcon's announcement:

I am sweating as I write this.

This attack hit us at the worst possible time.

I have failed you as a leader, and am completely devastated by today's discoveries.

I will fight here by your side, even the greedy bastards amongst us.

The details we have on the hacker are below. Stop at nothing to bring this person to your own definition of justice.

In case, you didn't gather from Defcon's words, the hacker stole not only all of the customers' Bitcoin but also all of the marketplace's Bitcoin. As such, Silk Road 2 will be offline for a couple days and will make some changes to how it handles transactions thereafter. Now we can all sit back and watch the Bitcoin price drop, as it does when things like this happen

02-14-2014, 02:34 AM
Dammit, just when I thought it was safe to buy crystal meth on the interwebz.

Role Model
02-14-2014, 03:50 AM
Sounds like its believed that this hack job of silk road 2.0 is more likely a inside job. For transaction malleability to be able to wipe out all funds in existence it would have to had a TON of incompetence in their coding.

I don’t really feel sorry for anyone who lost money on that site as I have no idea why you would want to store your Bitcoins on the SR2 website. Seems like you were just planning on donating them to the FBI anyways. (Where all the SR1 Bitcoins are now)