View Full Version : Hitting Women - Right or Wrong?

Role Model
02-17-2014, 05:53 AM
What are your opinions on this. Some people think that it is never acceptable to hit a woman under any circumstances and some let their fist fly without thinking of the aftermath.

What about a guy who is smaller and weaker than a woman, which makes the man incapable of restraining her? I believe that it's a case of either you fight back, or you just accept getting beaten up - the right thing to do would not to hit her.

02-17-2014, 05:59 AM
My opinion?

Put your hands on me and I will make sure you will not see the light of the next day.

02-17-2014, 05:59 AM
Depends on the situation. If it's out of anger, then no, men shouldn't hit women. If a guy hits a lady for no reason other than anger he's a tool. But if the woman is threatening his life, or someone elses life then go for it. If I saw a chick pointing a gun in my face you better believe I'm going to knock her tf out.

the madscotsman
02-17-2014, 11:16 AM
Unless your life is threatened then no, never.

02-23-2014, 11:48 AM
I agree with the general theme of this thread. Hitting women is never cool, unless you are forced (your life or someone else's is at risk, not you're angry).

It's an interesting question though, most would say it isn't okay to hit a woman, but at the same time, women should be treated equal, right? They are just as strong and can do what men can do, right? So why isn't it okay to hit a woman in general?
To be honest, I'm just playing devil's advocate there, as in general, I don't think it's alright to hit anyone, man or woman.

05-12-2014, 09:13 PM
Unless your life is threatened then no, never.

I agree with this.
Guys are naturally superior in strength, fighting, size, etc.. its wrong.
Nothing wrong with catching her and holding her though so she cant hit you lol

05-13-2014, 12:18 AM
Say you open your front door and walk into your home to find your wife has just murdered two of your three children and is about to kill the third. Do you hit her then to stop her? Or no, because it would be wrong to hit a lady?

the madscotsman
05-13-2014, 03:50 PM
Say you open your front door and walk into your home to find your wife has just murdered two of your three children and is about to kill the third. Do you hit her then to stop her? Or no, because it would be wrong to hit a lady?

Are you trying to be a dick or is it happening naturally?

05-13-2014, 04:38 PM
Are you trying to be a dick or is it happening naturally?

I'm making the point that this whole 'don't hit ladies' thing is completely situational and everyone saying that they would never do such a thing no matter what is a liar. But thanks for your comment, it was a good contribution to the topic! Keep it up!

the madscotsman
05-13-2014, 10:23 PM
Anytime. Have a nice day.

05-14-2014, 01:25 AM
Say you open your front door and walk into your home to find your wife has just murdered two of your three children and is about to kill the third. Do you hit her then to stop her? Or no, because it would be wrong to hit a lady?
That good Sir wouldn't be much of a lady. In which case UFC her ass.

05-14-2014, 04:17 AM
Unless its some bizzare circumstance or you are James Bond , never hit a woman . If she lays a finger on you call the cops . Whats good for the goose is good for the gander . And times have changed even Bond is taking it easier on the ladies these days !

05-14-2014, 04:21 AM
Unless its some bizzare circumstance or you are James Bond , never hit a woman . If she lays a finger on you call the cops . Whats good for the goose is good for the gander . And times have changed even Bond is taking it easier on the ladies these days !

The problem with this is that it seems that the police always sides with the woman

Straight Edge CM Punk
05-19-2014, 11:52 PM
Rihanna if you ever read this, I promise I will never hit you like Chris, I swear I will hit it from the front, back, sideways, upsidedown, on a train, in a plane, 8 ways past Sunday...

08-22-2014, 07:37 PM
Defo not right. Unless self defence.

Big Evil
08-22-2014, 10:04 PM
In a 'perfect' world you would be able to strike a woman just as if you would strike a man. The reality is that society is twisted such that men aren't supposed to hit women at all yet a guy is supposed to take all forms of abuse from women or he 'isn't a man'. It is a ignorant plight in our society that a man cannot hit a woman and it shows in the police force in a very bad way. You can be arrested despite not doing any harm to her even if you only tried to restrain her so she would stop abusing you. Women don't help the matter when they constantly play the victim in these situations in order to 'punish' her man. Fact is, if anyone is assaulting your person you have the right to defend yourself. You will probably end up in jail either way, so teach that person a lesson. But before I get ahead of myself, generally it is not okay for a man to hit a woman because it is widely (And usually correctly) assumed that the man is stronger and more capable of inflicting damage to a typically smaller, not-as-strong woman. That's not to say that a woman can't inflict the same amount of damage to a person, but it may take more effort to do so. But to sum up, I don't think it is okay to hit a woman but in a self-defense capacity. Even then, it should only be enough effort to neutralize the threat.