View Full Version : Cena Comments on Crowd Participation, Foley Note

03-03-2014, 06:40 PM
- Mick Foley recently spoke with RVAMag.com and says he has no plans to write another book. Foley also talked about what he thinks of WWE and Daniel Bryan after being so out-spoken last month:

"You know what, this is the truth. I'm not pandering to Virginia right now. Not that I'm above it, but I'm not right now. I was helping my son with his Civil War homework. Luckily, unlike almost everything else my kids study in school, I do know a lot about the Civil War. When Robert E. Lee's name came up, I said that one of the things that made him a great general was that when he signed the treaty at Appomattox Court House, he knew that the gig was up. He knew when to surrender. Literally, that night, I thought I should be like Robert E. Lee, because to fight this thing would just drag myself and the people who like me down. I've decided instead to look all of the positives that WWE has to offer instead of being this voice crying out in the darkness about the way I think things should be run. Besides, there's a good chance they'll turn it around. If they do and WrestleMania ends in 75,000 people on their feet chanting "Yes! Yes!", I'll be the first one to admit I was wrong."

- John Cena tweeted the following about tonight's RAW in Chicago:

"Wanna pre thank the Chicago @WWEUniverse tonight for what I think will be a CANT miss #RAW there'll b plenty of audience participation!!"