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Nick, Your Indie Lover
09-23-2006, 03:10 AM
Bryan Danielson Passes One Year As ROH Champ
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ring Of Honor World Champion Bryan Danielson defeated NOAH superstar KENTA in a dramatic match of the year candidate last Saturday at the sold out Manhattan Center in New York City at "Glory By Honor V: Night 2." The win marks one year with Danielson as ROH World Champion. Danielson won the belt from James Gibson at "Glory By Honor IV" last September in Long Island.

Danielson has successfully defended the belt against an all star list of talent (listed below). He has defeated challengers in as little as six minutes and has fought for as long as one hour. "The American Dragon" has defended the belt everywhere from Florida to Chicago to Manhattan to Philadelphia to Texas to the United Kingdom. Danielson has truly proven to be "The Best In The World" and has to be considered the front runner in any wrestler of the year polls.

Now the ROH World Champion will face his toughest challenge. He is currently wrestling with two tendon tears in his shoulder and a potential tear in his chest. Danielson needs surgery, but will try to work through the injury with physical therapy. ROH officials told Danielson that he would not be stripped of the title if he took time off to get surgery. However, Danielson insists on fighting through the injury. We will have word of Danielson's next World Title defense later this week.

Whether it is the elbow strikes to the head or cattle mutilation or the crossface chicken wing or the small package, Danielson has used a variety of manuevers to defeat the cream of the crop from all over the wrestling world. Here is a look at Danielson's incredible ROH World Title reign as we enter Bryan's second year as ROH World Champion:

Won By- Bryan Danielson
Defeated- James Gibson
Location- Long Island, NY
Date- 9/17/05

--Bryan Danielson defeated Austin Aries in Cleveland, OH on 10/14/05
--Bryan Danielson defeated Steve Corino in Buffalo, NY on 10/15/05
--Bryan Danielson defeated Roderick Strong in Woodbridge, CT on 10/29/05
--Bryan Danielson defeated Chris Sabin in Detroit, MI on 11/4/05
--Bryan Danielson defeated Roderick Strong in Chicago Ridge, IL on 11/5/05
--Bryan Danielson defeated Christopher Daniels in Long Island, NY on 11/19/05
--Bryan Danielson defeated Rocky Romero in New York, NY on 12/3/05
--Bryan Danielson defeated Naomichi Marufuji in Edison, NJ on 12/17/05
--Bryan Danielson defeated Chris Hero in Philadelphia, PA on 1/14/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated AJ Styles in Cleveland, OH on 1/28/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Xavier in Long Island, NY on 2/11/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Jimmy Rave in Edison, NJ on 2/25/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Alex Shelley in Philadelphia, PA on 3/11/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Roderick Strong in Chicago Ridge, IL on 3/31/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Lance Storm in Chicago Ridge, IL on 4/1/06
--Bryan Danielson defeaed Colt Cabana in Philadelphia, PA on 4/22/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Delirious in Philadelphia, PA on 4/22/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Jimmy Yang in Dayton, OH on 4/28/06
--Nigel McGuinness defeated Bryan Danielson by countout in Cleveland, OH on 4/29/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Delirious in Edison, NJ on 5/13/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Homicide in East Windsor, CT on 6/3/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Colt Cabana in Orlando, FL on 6/10/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Christopher Daniels in San Antonio, TX on 6/11/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated BJ Whitmer & Jimmy Jacobs in Detroit, MI on 6/23/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Colt Cabana in Chicago Ridge, IL on 6/24/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Sonjay Dutt in Philadelphia, PA on 7/15/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Nigel McGuinness in Cleveland, OH on 7/29/06
--Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe went to a 60 minute time limit draw on 8/5/06 in Edison, NJ
--Bryan Danielson defeated Nigel McGuinness to unify the ROH World Title & Pure Title in Liverpool, UK on 8/12/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated SUWA in Broxbourne, UK on 8/13/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated Roderick Strong in Broxbourne, UK on 8/13/06
--Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness went to a 60 minute time limit draw in a two out of three falls match in St. Paul, MN on 8/25/06
--Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana went to a 60 minute time limit draw in a two out of three falls match in Chicago Ridge, IL on 8/26/06
--Bryan Danielson defeated KENTA in Manhattan, NY on 9/16/06