View Full Version : More News on The Undertaker Losing at WrestleMania

Role Model
04-07-2014, 08:44 PM
There was a huge "bullshit" chant that started up after Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX last night after everyone realized what happened. It wasn't until the 21-1 graphic came up that everyone realized The Streak was over. The chant quieted down and most of the crowd just sat there stunned. Taker did get the standing ovation and a "thank you Taker" chant from most but some did boo while this was going on. Multiple sources report that fans were seen leaving and several were seen crying. Taker's loss really brought the live crowd down a notch and they didn't seem to get back into things until well into the main event.

We noted earlier today that Taker was taken to a local hospital last night for fear of a concussion and a neck injury. We also noted that Taker losing was the original plan. This was kept from just about everyone but betting odds started to change shortly before the show began.

It's said that this was indeed The Undertaker's decision. We noted before that back in 2010, Taker wanted Lesnar to be the one to end The Streak. This is not confirmed yet but the impression was given backstage that Taker is done. No word yet on how this changes a potential match with Sting at WrestleMania 31.

Big Evil
04-07-2014, 09:13 PM
I was totally shocked, for sure. I wanted to believe, due to the Ref's reaction as well, that it was a botch and that he was trying to do something to cover that, but the loss is a loss. Such a shame.
Understanding that the Undertaker wanted Lesnar to win is one thing, but to do it now doesn't seem to have the same effect as it would have several years ago.
I can respect the Undertaker's decision, and to be honest no one else really can make the choice to end the streak. Vinnie Mac has some say, sure, but the Undertaker is the man to say that it's done.
As a fan, I'm glad he realizes that it's time to retire, much as I don't want to see him go.
Honestly, though, I feel he should have beaten Lesnar, since Brock isn't in the WWE full-time. Put him in a match at 'Mania 31 against some younger upstart that truly needs a push that will send him into the stratosphere of the WWE. Have that guy beat Taker, ending the streak, ending the career of one of the best.
Then, you have a major player for the rest of that guys' career.
That being said, I really hope Undertaker is okay, we all know the abuse he has taken over the years.

04-07-2014, 09:19 PM
Lesnar Vs Taker II at WM 31

It's not about the streak anymore, but to beat Lesnar at WM

04-08-2014, 01:29 AM
Why have Taker lose to Lesnar? I understand the whole 'put someone over before you go' deal, but you'd think they'd give the streak to someone who is around more than 3 months out of the year and committed to the company?

04-09-2014, 02:30 AM
Why have Taker lose to Lesnar? I understand the whole 'put someone over before you go' deal, but you'd think they'd give the streak to someone who is around more than 3 months out of the year and committed to the company?

While I have no doubt in Takers commitment to WWE, its obvious that Taker has basically been retired for 4 years now. He fights once a year...Mania...then disappears. Since his last match with CM Punk he just returned a few weeks ago for MANIA. He did the same the previous two times, both after matches with HHH. I'm a huge Taker fan, but like everyone else age catches up. Tragic the streak ended, but surprising? Not in the least.

IMO, Lesnar is the best bad guy the WWE has had in ages. I see him as head and shoulders above every hell on the roster now, very legit heat. I thought it was the perfect way for the streak to end.

Role Model
04-09-2014, 02:36 AM
^Agreed. I love Taker as I'm sure everyone does, and I will always be a mark for what he had done in the ring, and how he has been outside of the ring. If this is truley the end of the Deadman, which I believe it is I'm sure it was Takers decision and I respect that.