View Full Version : Chris Jericho to return soon?

Danny Diamond
09-24-2006, 03:52 PM
This comes from "Bangin with Ashley" on wwe.com

In the last edition of “Bangin’ with Ashley,” I promised you guys an interview with Chris Jericho. Well, I always keep a promise, so this week I tracked him down and here’s what he had to say:
ASHLEY: First off, we miss you! When can we expect to see you, if ever again?

CHRIS: Well, I never planned to be away that long, and absolutely I plan on coming back. I’ve just had a lot of projects I’ve been working on, and each time one finishes up, another one starts, but I do hope the time will come soon that I come back and I’ll be better than ever. The Jerichoholics and myself would expect nothing less!

ASHLEY: Fozzy seems to be doing very well right now, I’ve heard some buzz about it and have a copy of the album, so I know how good it is.
(“Wanderlust” is by far my fave tune on the album, so definitely check it out.) Tell me about the tour, how’s it been going? Last time we spoke, you were in Aussie? Tell us the haps on the Foz! Are you writing and or recording a new album anytime soon?

CHRIS: Fozzy is doing great! Thanks for asking! I actually just wrote a ton of lyrics and sent them over to our guitar player who puts together all the music. We’re working on writing some new tunes and hopefully we’ll start recording sometime in late fall. We’re totally focusing on new material and new stuff. I’ll tell you one thing, there will definitely not be any country ballad duets with Leanne Womack on the new Fozzy record!

ASHLEY: Ha! Let’s hope not. I want to go to the Delicious ox festival so bad to check you guys out along with Fear Factory and Drowning Pool, but alas, I have a wedding to attend and will not be able to make it. I’m gutted I have yet to see your band live and need to work on that!

CHRIS: No! Damn that sucks. DROX festival’s going to be great! Definitely looking like it’s going to be an amazing show.

ASHLEY: Whats next for Chris Jericho and what can the Jerichoholics look forward to in the near future?

CHRIS: All the Jerichoholics ask me on a daily basis when am I coming back to wrestling? They’ve been great, supporting me in all my other projects. You can always still catch me on my XM satellite radio show, “The Rock of Jericho,” every Sunday at 8 p.m. EST on The Boneyard, Channel 41. I play host.

ASHLEY: One last thing, do you care to comment on the Celebrity Duets show?

CHRIS: I just want to say that Celebrity Duets was one of the best experiences I’ve had and I’m sooo happy I did it. I’m also very happy with both of my performances. For those of you who didn’t dig “Mendocino County Line,” just remember that it’s a Willie Nelson song and he has a very unique vocal style. I think if you listen to the original, you’ll hear that my version was very faithful to his vibe and style. And Peter Frampton was awesome! Now was I the best singer in the contest? Hell no! Was I the worst singer in the contest? Hell no! Was I one of the most entertaining? Of course! Many people are saying I was robbed, and in some ways maybe I was. But I’d rather leave the party early than overstay my welcome and be the guy that HAS TO GO! But I stand behind my performances and my robot joke RULED! For everyone that thinks that I didn’t have the best time, and whoever didn’t think that being in People magazine, Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide and being on Extra, Access Hollywood and Entertainment Tonight, as well as being on a network show in front of 10 million people didn’t help the Jerichoholic cause, then go back to the night shift at Taco Bell and analyze my life some more... Duets rules!!

His stock couldn't be any higher right now. They need him right now and his
career outside of wrestling doesnt appear to be skyrocketing. So it looks like a nice match.

09-24-2006, 04:14 PM
Jericho likes to play with his wrestling fans heads. He isnt coming back anytime soon.

the phenomenal sid
09-24-2006, 05:26 PM
oh great the ayotallah of rockah and rollah has some time on his ass to return to the ring and do some stuff like an electricouted polecta:no: but i believe that he aint gonna NEVERRRRRRRRRR AYEEEEEEEEEVEAR COME BACK.

09-25-2006, 03:37 AM
WEll a wrestler of Jericho's calibre would be a great addition to any Wrestling company and WWE could certainly do with his charisma and superstar status on any of their shows. id love to see him on SD to add to a show with little charismatic wrestlers

The Dane
09-26-2006, 12:11 AM
I don't think Jericho will ever retrun, but he might if he gets tired of acting or whatever he does besides his music

09-26-2006, 04:36 PM
I would love for Y2J to come back to the WWE. He's one of the most missed wrestlers right now. The fans have been calling for him for some time now and he could make a very good impact if he came back. He is one of my favs of all time so I do want him to return to the ring.

09-30-2006, 09:52 AM
I did hear rumors of Y2J heading for TNA is there any truth in this??

09-30-2006, 05:26 PM
^ highly unlikely.. jericho said it himself that when he wants to return, he wants to return to wwe. and that has been proved many months ago (in fact, over a year ago).

10-03-2006, 12:53 AM
Jericho likes to play with his wrestling fans heads. He isnt coming back anytime soon.

exactly .. like the whole tna banner thing on his offical site