View Full Version : SmackDown Spoilers - May 9, 2014

05-07-2014, 03:35 AM
Thanks to our correspondent DJ Josh Erie for passing along the following WWE SmackDown spoilers:

* Dark match: Xavier Woods defeated Damien Sandow with a running knee to the face. Sandow worked the crowd very well. Lots of boos.

* Michael Cole, JBL, and Lillian Garcia make their way out.

* SmackDown kicks off with a recap of The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family from Monday's RAW.

* Sheamus defeated Dean Ambrose with the Brogue Kick to retain the WWE United States Championship.

* The following matches are announced for tonight: Roman Reigns vs. Mark Henry, Seth Rollins vs. Batista and John Cena & Usos vs. Wyatt Family.

* RVD and Big E vs Cesaro and Bad News Barrett is up next. Paul Heyman is on commentary and Barrett cuts a promo before the match. RVD's shiner is very noticeable. Cesaro ends up pinning Big E.

* Daniel Bryan vs. Kane recap from Sunday's Extreme Rules is shown.

* John Cena & Usos vs. The Wyatts is advertised again.

* Rusev vs. Kofi Kingston is up next. USA chant breaks out when Lana is talking. Resev wins via submission. Match was only about 3-4 minutes long.

* Bray Wyatt appears on the big screen and cuts a promo about John Cena.

* Promo is shown for Bo Dallas.

* Fandango & Layla defeated Santino & Emma. After the match Fandagno makes out with Layla.

* Roman Reigns defeated Mark Henry with The Spear.

* 3MB & Hornswaggle vs. Los Mataddres & El Torito in a six-man tag is up next. Jinder is at ringside. El Torito pins Slater for the win.

* Batista vs. Seth Rollins is up next. "Bootista", "You Can't Wrestle", "You Suck" and "CM Punk" chants break out during the match. Batista ends up winning by countout after Seth Rollins hits the table on the outside of the ring. Medics attend to Rollins, but Batista delivers a Batista Bomb to Rollins. This upsets the crowd.

* Total Divas commercial is shown.

* New Bo Dallas promo is shown.

* The Wyatts defeated John Cena and Usos. Bray Wyatt poses as SmackDown goes off he air.