View Full Version : 9/23 Memphis Report

Nick, Your Indie Lover
09-25-2006, 01:48 AM
----Cory Maclin opens the “Not Prime Time” show with Derrick King interview.

----King beat Mr. America to win the MW JR Title. Good TV match. It was probably just a sample of what they did at the last Southaven show. Typical TV match, but they went to a few near falls and did a good job. Finish saw King pin America with his feet on the ropes.

----They aired “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” Pat Benatar video of Lawler next. Cool moments on the video were Lawler wrestling Gypsy Joe and I believe “Nightmare” Danny Davis. There will be someone out there that will be able to tell me.

----Reggie B Fine’s music starts to play. Maclin says he is coming out. Then, Maclin says they are going to a break?? Is there no posting editing?? This kind of stuff just surprises me. This show is shipped all over including the Wrestling Channel and they don’t take the time to make the show look good.

----Fine’s music plays again. Fine/Bodyguard come out. They call his Bodyguard “Top Secret” Mr. Winfrey and they still have an envelope that Fine claims will destroy Lawler’s career. He challenges Lawler. This was horrible. Keep Fine off TV!!!

----Clip of Jethro powerslamming his “uncle” Grady Watson from last week. Jethro with Nate The Rat interview. Jethro and Nate both do well here. Maclin says that Justin Timberlake watches Memphis Wrestling. LOL I hope not. Kidd Kastle debuts beating Jethro when Watson interferes in the match. Does anyone know who Kastle is?? After a ref bump, Grady hit Jethro with Nate’s briefcase in the back and Kastle pinned him. Not a good match, but Kastle was doing all kinds of stuff with no reason. In other words, no psychology, but the moves looked good. The finish looked horrible. Keep Grady Watson out of the ring!!!! How did Grady get Nate’s briefcase?? Wouldn’t that have been a good skit with him stealing it?? And if he stole it, wouldn’t he want what is in it??

----“Too Cool 2” [Tim Grind/Flex] interview. They promise to reveal the new improved “pimped” Bill Dundee next week. Flex called him “Godfather” Dundee. Dustin Starr/Tatt2 beat Flex/Grind by DQ when ref Jerry Calhoun catches Flex with a chain. They edited this match. Tatt2 falls out of the ring and then out of nowhere Starr is getting a hot tag?? This show has been real bad with 36 minutes into the show.

----“Opening the Vault” with Lance Russell. Russell does this segment on Ricky Gibson. Well done. Too bad they did not have any footage of him wrestling.

----“Insane Clowns” [Mr.Giggles/Bobo] with Rashad interview. They do the old Million Dollar Man gimmick where they say they will give a kid $100 to dribble a basketball. But, at the eight count Bobo dives on the basketball. Giggles/Bobo vs “Picture Perfect” [Chris O’Neal/John Michael] – double count out. Good match. Cory called John Michael “Christian Jacobs” AGAIN!!! They were going to start the heat on O’Neal, but they cut it and went back at the hot tag. Giggles was going to use the bucket on Michael, but O’Neal stopped him and then they went to the floor.

----Nate The Rat with “The Cowboys” [Ricky Murdoch/Bill Nasty] interview. Rat says the only way they get a title match is put White’s hair on the line. Kevin White/Brickhouse Brown beat Murdoch/Nasty to win the belts back in a 3 minute match. I do not think this match was edited, but it could have been??