View Full Version : SoCal Val Says She Wants a Job with WWE

05-22-2014, 01:33 PM
Former TNA Knockout SoCal Val was recently interviewed by Scott Fishman of The Miami Herald. Here are a couple of highlights:

On her backstage producing duties for TNA: “I will never forget writing some liners for Hulk Hogan on a commercial or two. I just thought the fact I get to ring announce for Hulk Hogan and to write lines he is actually saying in commercials is just the ultimate fan dream, and I got to do it thanks to TNA.”

On wanting to join the WWE: “I make no secret about that. I don’t see TNA and WWE as this huge war. I think we all support each other. That’s been evident whether it has been Dixie [Carter] or Stephanie McMahon or whoever, I think it’s cool when people from both companies talk to each other. We’re all friends anyway. People jump back and forth all the time. WWE is something I watched and fell in love with since I was a kid. So of course that’s somewhere I want to be and learn from the best and spread my wings. As long as I’ve been in the business, I’m only 28. I feel like there is definitely a future in WWE.”

05-22-2014, 04:42 PM
I don't think Wwe hires Butterfaces.