View Full Version : RAW House Show Results - 20th Jun, 2014 (Providence, RI)

06-21-2014, 05:59 PM
WWE Live show results
June 20, 2014
Providence, R.I.
Report by George, PWTorch reader

(1) Dolph Ziggler beat Alberto Del Rio with Zig-Zag. Long opening match. Ziggler was good.

The Wyatts cut a promo for their match later on.

(2) IC champion Wade Barrett beat Rob Van Dam and Kofi Kingston in a three-way match to retain the Intercontinental Title. Barrett pinned Kofi after RVD hit the Frogsplash on Kofi. Not a bad match.

(3) Divas champion Paige & Santino & Emma beat Fandango & Alicia Fox & Layla in a six-person tag match. Santino won with the Cobra - this was mostly a comedy match except the minutes when Paige was in the ring.

(4) Rusev (w/out Lana) beat Big E. Rusev won via The Accolade Camel Clutch. I was surprised that Big E. did not put up a better fight; he had little offense.


The crowd voted for a dance-off between Adam Rose and The Miz, who came out and did a horrible swan dance routine. Rose was to go next, but Miz jumped him, so they battled for a bit until that ended.

(5) Goldust & "Stardust" Cody Rhodes beat Ryback & Curtis Axel. Stardust won with his new finisher. Not a very good match and the crowd was not into it, either.

(6) WWE tag champs The Usos beat The Wyatts (Luke Harper & Erick Rowan) to retain the WWE Tag Titles. Jey Uso rolled up Harper for the win. Good match.

Time for main event..

(7) John Cena beat Bray Wyatt in a Rhode Island Street Fight. Cena delivered the AA to Bray through a table for the win. A really interesting match - the crowd was so into Bray and they put on a good show. The match started with Cena and Bray, then the whole Wyatt family got involved. The Usos came out to chase the Wyatts backstage, leaving Bray and Cena by themselves. The action then spilled outside, where steel steps were involved. Then, Cena removed part of the barricade, hitting Bray all the way back into the ring. Bray regained control and got on the mic talking crowd, who really got into. Cena then fought back. Cena had set up a table in the corner, but Bray ran Cena into it. Kane suddenly appeared and chockedslammed Cena, but he kicked out again. Kane then turned around and ate an AA. Bray then tried everything, but Cena kept kicking out. I was like "really?" Bray took a long time to go around the ring looking for a new table, finally found one, set it up, and got Cena ready to slam him, but Cena blocked it and hit an AA through the table for the win.

The finish sent the crowd home happy, including my son, but not me. I mean, I knew Cena was going to win and it was a good match, but it dragged even though the crowd was into it from start to finish. My son, who got a Kane mask at his first live event, had a great time.

Source - PWTorch.

Why are WWE pairing Miz and Rose? I was a massive fan of Miz during his "I'm AWESOME" gimmick, and was hoping he may get a tiny little push..

Interesting that Usos defeated Wyatts - Maybe foreshadowing the PPV?