View Full Version : This Day In Wrestling History - June 21

06-21-2014, 06:02 PM
This Day In Wrestling History - June 21

Date: June 21, 1999 (15 years ago)

Feature: The Monday Night Wars raged on with a battle of Triple H vs. The Undertaker in the Raw main event and Sting vs. Sid in the WCW Nitro main event. Plus, The Rock faced Edge on Raw and Ric Flair and Roddy Piper teamed up on Nitro.

Torch Back-Issue: PWTorch Newsletter #554.

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WWF Raw is War Results
June 21, 1999
Live from Memphis, Tenn.
TV Rating - 6.0
By Wade Keller, PWTorch editor

(1) Jeff Jarrett pinned Ken Shamrock in a three-way match with Test to retain the IC Title at 2:32.

(2) Rock fought Edge to a no contest at 3:35 when Undertaker interfered... Backstage Vince and Shane had a conference with Hunter and Chyna trying to talk them out of trying to beat Undertaker for the title later.

3) Viscera beat Mark Henry at 2:20 in a Gorilla Slam match. Viscera slammed Henry off the second rope. D-Lo Brown ran in. Midian followed... Shawn Michaels came out to his music to be special ref for the next match. He wore the non-denim version of Barry Windham's too-short-shorts...

(3) Steve Austin pinned Big Bossman to win his stipulations at King of the Ring. The McMahons tried to bring a ladder to Bossman, but Austin grabbed it from them and used it against Bossman. Vince came to ringside and climbed the ladder and yelled at Austin as he brawled with Bossman in the crowd. Austin knocked over the ladder sending Vince flying back-first onto an announcing table at ringside. The table didn't break and the bump looked painful. Vince distracted Michaels as Bossman got out the night stick. Austin stole the stick and used it against Bossman, then hit the Stunner for the pin.

(4) X-Pac & Kane & Road Dogg beat Mr. Ass & The Acolytes when Ass pinned X-Pac at 1:12. Road Dogg asked for the tag belts to be put on the line. Ass accepted for the Acolytes who didn't appear happy. Ass KO'd X-Pac with a Famasser on a tag title belt and pinned him, then left with one of the tag titles. Ross said he didn't understand why Ass left with a belt... They showed Big Show backstage getting ready for his match... GTV showed Al Snow picking his nose backstage and eating a booger. Then Snow told Head he didn't eat the booger like "Head just accused him of doing"...

(5) Big Show pinned Hardcore Holly at 2:13.

(6) Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco beat Shane & Vince McMahon via DQ at 2:30. Before the match Vince stood on the announcing table and flexed. Hey, his physique is better than Hollywood Hogan's at this point. When Pat and Gerald came out to Hogan's old music, Lawler said the music was going to make him hurl. Ross said the music made him hurl ten years ago. A minute into the match Ross said, "So much for me talking about the youth of the WWF." When Pat began punching Vince in the corner, Lawler said, "Pat, get your crotch out of McMahon's face." Shamrock ran into the ring and attacked Vince and Shane. Vince ran away as Shamrock beat up Shane. Rodney and Pete then attacked Pat and Gerald. A third Mean Street Posse guy (but much bigger) attacked Pat and Gerald. He worked over Pat's ankle with a chair for the DQ.

(7) Undertaker beat Triple H via DQ at 6:45. Undertaker walked the ropes, but when he came off with a forearm, he sold a knee injury. Hunter worked over the knee. Chyna then took a few cheapshots at the knee. Bearer stopped Chyna and even managed to throw Hunter into the railing. Hunter applied the figure-four leglock at 5:30. Undertaker reached out and grabbed Hunter's throat and broke the hold. He then hit a chokeslam. Chyna entered with a chair, but Undertaker blocked her. Hunter kicked the chair into Undertaker's face. Rock then ran to the ring and gave Undertaker the Rock Bottom. A big Bull head was lowered from the ceiling, Rock's symbol. Smoke came out of the nose. The C.M. ran out to attack Rock. Bossman made the save. Rock handcuffed Bearer to the bull and raised it to the ceiling...


WCW Nitro Results
June 21, 1999
Live from New Orleans, La.
TV Rating: 3.1
By Jason Powell, now of Prowrestling.net

A black hum-vee arrived at the arena. "Team Madness," Randy Savage, Sid Vicious, Madusa, Gorgeous George, and Miss Madness exited the hummer and walked out of camera sight. Kevin Nash arrived at the Dome via a limo which parked next to the hummer. Nash got out of the limo and ran toward the hummer, but it sped away before Nash could see who the mystery driver was... David Penzer introduced Master P and the crowd was mixed with cheers and boos. P performed his "Hooty-Hoo" song on the stage and mixed in Konnan's "rowdy-rowdy and bout it-bout it."

(1) Billy Kidman beat Psicosis at 8:07.

(2) Meng beat Lenny Lane at 2:55... Highlights aired from last week of Sting exiting a black hummer to attack Rick Steiner during Rick's match against Hak...

(3) Eddie Guererra beat Juventud Guerrera at 11:31. In the end, Eddie hit the Frogsplash for the win.

(4) Ernest Miller (w/Sonny Onno) beat Prince Iaukea at 4:26. Before the match, Miller put on his red shoes and danced but didn't get heat. Miller did some mic work but that didn't get over either. In the end, Miller put on one of the red shoes, kicked Iaukea in the face, and got the win...

(5) Booker T beat Kanyon by DQ when Dallas Page and Bam Bam Bigelow interfered at 17:10.

Gene Okerlund introduced Flair and Piper who were accompanied by Arn Anderson and Asya. All four came to the ring to Piper's bag pipe music. Piper started the segment by giving his obligatory mention of a local sports team (in this case the New Orleans Saints). Now that he is a heel, Piper bashed the Saints and said if he played for them maybe they could go to the Super Bowl. Piper took several shots at Buff Bagwell. He said Buff whines backstage about having the best body and not being in the main event. Flair took his turn at the mic and said Buff's girlfriend called his hotel room last night. Buff came to the ring and attacked Flair but Piper jumped him from behind. Flair and Piper began working over Buff. Flair took the mic and ordered a two-on-one match to immediately start...

(6) Ric Flair & Roddy Piper beat Buff Bagwell & Dean Malenko at 10:15. Piper hit Bagwell with a foreign object and rolled Flair on top of him for the pin.

(7) Dallas Page & Kanyon (w/Bam Bam Bigelow) fought Rey Mysterio Jr. & Konnan (w/members of the No Limit Soldiers) to a no-contest at 12:32.

(8) Sting beat Sid Vicious by DQ at 6:11 when Savage interfered. Before Sting and Sid locked up, Savage and his entourage came to ringside and had a conference with Sid. Just as Sid and Sting were about to lock up again (at 2:30), Savage grabbed Sting's boot. Finally, Sid punched Sting and the crowd began chanting "Goldberg." Sid punched, kicked, and choked Sting for the first five minutes of the match. Sting came back with (what else?) several punches and kicks of his own. Finally, Sid hit Sting with a clothesline for the first identifiable wrestling move. Sting came back and hit the Stinger Splash but Savage ran in for the DQ.

Sid set up Sting for a powerbomb but Lex Luger ran in with a chair and cleared the ring of the heels. After standing around for a couple of minutes, Savage grabbed the mic and told Luger and Sting to enjoy their small moral victory. Sid took the mic and said they will feel the madness. Sting took the mic and actually said, "We've got two words for ya." The crowd yelled, "Suck it" to end the show.